My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 222 : Supernova (2) [Chapter 5]

On the opposite side of Kira, when Ximen Qin said those words, he had already felt something wrong instinctively, but his body reaction speed was no longer enough for him to make any evasive movements.

A strong tingling sensation continued to irritate his nerves, and the power of thunder and lightning raged in his body and destroyed his internal organs.

Coke, the organs in the body turn into coke under the power of thunder and lightning, and the bones are deeply visible from the shoulders to the abdomen.


Suddenly, the few knife marks in front of him splashed with blood, blasting a large amount of blood flying wine on the ground.

"Kila's pupils shrank rapidly, and there was only a weak moan/moan in his mouth." His body fell to the ground with a sound, his breath became weaker and weaker, and his eyes never closed.

I can't believe it, he can't believe that he will lose so fast, and he will be killed by the opponent in just five minutes before and after, how is this possible?

His consciousness became more and more blurred, and the darkness became clearer and clearer. In the end, the darkness swallowed his consciousness, but his eyes were still open in anger.

Supernova Kira was defeated, so simply, it made people feel that the world was changing too fast. A moment ago, it was a surging supernova, but now it is just an icy corpse. Who can imagine this change?

"Ding! Congratulations to the candidate for hunting down a supernova. The system judges that he has earned 16,200 points. The progress of the main task is increased by one, and there are still ten spots short of time. Candidates come on."

The system popped up again to remind the task progress, more than 10,000 points are properly started, points are the kingly way, with points, many things can be exchanged, then it was the most brutal.

"Captain, these supernovae are too weak, right? I can kill him easily." Breton was puzzled, didn't he say that the supernovae were so awesome? How could they be killed by the captain so easily?

The black line of Ximen Qin's head hung down, "Can you die if you don't blow? Anyway, they are big pirates with more than 100 million bounties. Although there are many pirates with more than 100 million rewards in New World, they are already in the first half of the Grand Line. It's hard to come by."

Breton nodded, always looking at things in the first half with the eyes of New World, which is indeed a bit too high-end. However, he can really kill this guy.

Breton, a genius scientist, is a standard tough guy. With so many weapons on his body, he really has a strong combat effectiveness. This was confirmed when he got on the ship, and it is really not difficult to kill a supernova.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that it is not the time to be happy yet." Columbia's voice came, faintly worried and cautious.

Ximen Qin noticed his changes and quickly turned to look where he was looking.

The three people, headed by a red-haired hedgehog, have a few scars on the left forehead on their faces that extend to the place close to the heart. They have weak and cruel eyes. They wear a head and a pistol on their chests. Dark red coat.

Behind him are two strangely dressed people, one is a zombie who looks like Moria, the mouth is sewn with thread, and the neck has a blue and purple thorn tattoo. The other is a man in a demon costume with a Pirate Group logo on his belly and a trident gun.

The characteristics are already obvious, the memory of Kid Pirates and his two powerful men. Ximen Qin shrugged his shoulders. This is really the eternal theme of the same old age.

I remember coming to Kira aggressively and looking down at Kira who had lost her life. The cruelty in her eyes seemed substantive. He raised his head and grinned. The smile is a symbol of bloodthirsty.

"Marine, it surprised me to kill my good brother." Kid's voice was full of cruel killing, like a fierce beast bursting out at any time.

"Supernova Kid, the captain of the Pirate Group, Kid, has a bounty of 315 million, which is the highest bounty among supernovae."

Ximen Qin's voice is very calm, what can I do now? Hit, hit hard.

"Attention, this guy is a magnet fruit capable person, any metal will be attracted to him. Soldiers pay attention to the periphery, Kid will give me, and the rest will be given to you."

The sequence of the battle was quickly arranged. The opposite Kid smiled coldly.A Marine dare to be so arrogant.Does he think he is Admiral?


Ximen Qin screamed and rushed out first, without using the Thunder Knife to break the dragon. Faced with his ability, the Thunder Knife to break the dragon has lost its meaning, and he may be dragged by the opponent's ability to hurt his own person at any time.

Columbia and others quickly surrounded the other two people and launched attacks in turns.

"Humph!" Kid snorted coldly, and his right hand suddenly opened. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers on the periphery suddenly flew towards him, gathered in front of him and bounced back instantly. The target was Ximen Qin.

Among the densely packed weapons are samurai swords and rifles. Ximen Qin's speed is very fast, and now it uses the power of thunder and lightning.

"Thirty Million Volts-Thousand Birds Sharp Gun!"

The purple electric light condensed between the fingers, and the purple beam of light flew out from the fingertips, directly penetrating the weapon in the front and impacting the Kid behind.

Kid grinned and quickly drew out the dagger he was wearing, and he turned sideways to avoid the attack of the chidori lance.


The chidori sharp spear fell on the ground not far from 3.7 and blasted loudly. A bottomless, fist-sized hole appeared on the ground, and the surrounding ground had been cracked.

"call out!"

Kid evaded the attack and quickly rushed, slashing both legs at the oncoming Ximen Qin.

ヒ With a bright white light passing by, Ximen Qin's advancing body suddenly lifted up, and the elementary barrier reached the air.

"Ten Million Volts-Tian Luo Di Wang!

The purple light spot flew out from the palm of the palm towards the bottom, and instantly turned into a five-meter-diameter lightning net, directly blocking Kid's retreat from different directions.

"One hundred million volts-double dragons strangling!

PS: The five chapters are sent, and the remaining chapters are still in time. The book review area of ​​the brothers is awesome~ all kinds of collections are also awesome~.

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