My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 264 : Powerful exchange function [Chapter 10]

One day and one night had passed when he came out of the female emperor's dormitory. The things that happened that day and night made him still a little starry. It was so magical that he couldn't believe it.

The empress, once she opened her heart, she would be so hot, which is really amazing.

There is still one day before Ace's execution. The whole world is surging. The four seas, the first half of the Grand Line, and New World are all boiling for one thing.

Countless pirates flooded into the waters near Naval Headquarters, causing Naval Headquarters to suffer unprecedented pressure. This is not a simple matter, and it is crucial to eliminate these pirates.

At the same time, the 100,000 elite Marines of Naval Headquarters have also been assembled, and they are now ready at all times, just waiting for the day of execution.

Six Shichibukai gathered at Naval Headquarters. These news have spread throughout the world. Shichibukai’s power is an insurmountable height for some ordinary pirates and even civilians. For a time, it was even thought that Shichibukai’s joining might not be possible for the Whitebeard Pirates. Benefits, it may be killed at any time.

The pre-war emergency mobilization in the 857 Naval Headquarters has begun. Sengoku patrols every corner of the Naval Headquarters every day, constantly improving the plan. As long as the Whitebeard Pirate Group appears, it will inevitably suffer a great blow.

Ximen Qin returned to his villa. It is not too early to reveal the matter with the Empress. Moreover, the system prompts him to find a secret place now and start redeeming the items needed for this battle.

"Candidate, according to the system, there are many items you need to redeem in this battle. These items will ensure that you will achieve brilliance in this battle while fulfilling one of your wishes. The first one, one time Sexual transparent fruit ability gem, after activation, you can go invisible directly and kill Akainu!

The system said there was a wave of anger behind it, and it seemed that the system had always been very emotional.

His words made Ximen Qin's eyes light up, it's good, it's just such a thing. The stealth ability of the transparent fruit will be very tasteless when used on some people, but he is different. He only needs one, one blow. Must kill!

"The second piece, the swordsman's secret skill'Blade Burial Soul', the group attack skill, the power increases with the strength of the consumables, consumes items, knives! The power of the good knives is more than five times the power of the lightning maiming moon, and the items can be in the system exchange."

Cruel, this is too cruel. The group attack skill used at the expense of the knife is the rhythm of heaven-defying? The previous anger of the lightning strike and the moon cut Akainu can not get up for a while, so what about the skills of the lightning strike and the moon cut more than five times? This is heaven-defying. Knife burial, really worthy of the name.

A knife of the Liangkuai knife level needs a thousand points to redeem, which means that if the knife goes down, it will be 10 million Baileys. This is full of tears.

Although the consumption of skills is huge, it is still within the scope of bearability.

"The third piece, the swordsman's secret skill'Sword Dang Bahuang', the group attack skill, the mighty lightning strikes the waning moon more than three times, consumes physical strength, as long as the candidate has physical strength, he can do it at any time."

"The fourth piece is the lightning skill'Thunder of Heaven's Punishment', the advanced skill of the Judgment Blade, 250 million volts power, and a limit of five times a day. If more than five times, the candidate will lose most of his physical strength. Please use it carefully.

"The fifth piece," Thor's armor, defensive equipment, can absorb damage and restore self-strength, Thor's armor hides the skill "Thor Space", freely manipulate any thunder and lightning, the world composed of thunder and lightning. "

Five things, the system said at once, and these (cbdh) things made Ximen Qin take a breath of cold air, these are all sturdy things, one disposable item, three skills, one piece of equipment, this It's going to be cruel.

Five items can be used, and each one can play a huge role. Especially the first and last ones, if they were used in his hands, they would have a super god rhythm.

"Candidate, five items require a total of two hundred thousand points. Do you want to redeem it?"

Two hundred thousand points? Well, the system is very kind. With so many high-end items, 200,000 points, it's really good.


"Ding, congratulations to the candidate for obtaining the one-time invisibility item, the soul of the sword, the swordsman, the thunder of the punishment, the armor of the thunder god, a total of 200,000 points are consumed, and the remaining points are 491,000-100 points. ,please check."

With the words of the system, several skills were instantly blessed on his body, and the use methods and abilities of several skills appeared in his mind. A white gem appeared in his hand, and a set of black armor appeared in front of him.

The powerful ability of the system's exchange function is shown at this time, and every exchange item is very powerful.

Ximen Qin put the armor and gems into the system storage space without saying anything, and then began to study those three skills.

At the same time, Luffy, a straw hat boy who lost contact with his partner on the other side, is on a boat at the moment, and next to him is a whale shark man, three meters tall and blue skin looks very deterrent .

Luffy pressed the straw hat on top of his head tightly, his eyes were firm, and his face was slightly anxious.

The news of Ace's imminent execution made him restless, and after leaving Rayleigh, he met the whale shark man, the seaman Jinbei, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

"Luffy, don't be too nervous. There is still one day left. As long as you can arrive within this day, it will be fine."

Ace has been taken out of the Great Undersea Prison, and the Straw Hat Boy's plan to rescue the Great Undersea Prison has also failed. Therefore, he is now following Jinbei. Behind their ship, there are many pirates who go together. Some of the thieves were wearing prison uniforms, but they were just released from the prison.

"Can you speed it up?" Luffy asked seriously, but Jinbei shook his head directly.

"This is the fastest speed. It can't be faster."

Luffy was very disappointed.

PS: Brothers, the ten chapters of the eighth day are over, and the explosion will continue tomorrow~.

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