My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 265 :Battle on the Top (1)【Chapter One】

This day is destined to attract the attention of the world, and this day is destined to change the pattern of the world.

Portcas-D-Ace, the son of One Piece Roger, will be publicly executed today. Naval Headquarters has broadcast video phone worms to the world, and broadcasts all the soldiers here in real time.

On the Naval Headquarters, one hundred thousand elite Marines and generals and Shichibukai are standing in front of each other. Today's war involves a lot of things, and one who doesn't pay attention may be left here. This war is bound to be very tragic.

The video phone worm broadcasted the scene of the gathering of 100,000 Marines in real time, which gave the world a lot of shock, as well as the countless generals, the high-end combat power of the giant Vice Admiral and the three Admiral, the power of Naval Headquarters, the first complete exhibition~ Now in the eyes of the world.

Shichibukai’s participation made the Naval Headquarters’ power once again risen to another stage. This is not only their own power, but also the forces they belong to, such as Moria’s Zombie Corps.

On the execution stage, Sengoku, Garp, Crane,-Ximen Qin, Ace!

Ace, with his hands handcuffed in the seastone handcuffs behind his back, stood on his knees. Even if he was about to be executed, he had no regrets, but he hated not being able to kill Blackbeard Teach. This is his most regrettable point.

Why is Ximen Qin able to stand on this execution platform? This point was raised by Vice Admiral and Sengoku. The reason is very simple, to build momentum for Ximen Qin and for future big plans.

Akainu Admiral was seriously injured after a battle with Ximen Qin, and his right arm was destroyed. The combat effectiveness of Akainu Admiral was greatly reduced. They knew very well that if Ximen Qin took the initiative to challenge, Akainu might be pulled from Admiral's position.

The strength of Ximen Qin has been demonstrated in a battle, and the strength is sufficient, and the next step is the military merit of prestige!

How to get military merit? Fight! This is the most direct and effective way to obtain military merit in battle, and it is also the most memorable point for the world. In a war with a powerful pirate group like Whitebeard, if he can show good strength, then perhaps his achievements will be high in the future.

Looking at Ace in front of him, Ximen Qin secretly felt a pity, Ace is a very good talent, because his identity is destined for his sadness. And Garp, don't look at his righteous face now, who can observe the faint sadness in his eyes, in the final analysis, he is still Ace's grandfather, even though Ace is the son of One Piece Roger.

Under the execution stage are three Admiral, three Admiral sitting neatly and uniformly, just from the momentum, they have been able to suppress countless people. Admiral, that is not only Logia's ability, but also the least armed Haki, which is a very powerful force.

Next is Shichibukai. The six Shichibukai have different heights, and each has a different aura, but they have one thing in common, that is, the breath of the strong, the breath of the complete strong.

Shichibukai has supreme majesty and power in the first half of the Grand Line, and even Doflamingo's power in New World is not small. Such a team gathered together, this is a powerful deterrent.

Next is Vice Admiral, countless Vice Admiral lined up, among them is Vice Admiral of giant race, huge body shape makes people feel a lot of pressure.

Then came the Rear Admiral and other officers. The entire harbor is circular with only one opening. There is basically only one way to enter here, that is to enter from the main entrance, and once you enter from the main entrance, you will be instantly surrounded by Marine on the harbor. At that time, various cannons and other attacks will cause fatal damage to the pirates.

This is an enveloping attack, open the door and wait for the enemy to enter before encircling it.

Ordinary pirates would not choose such an attack method, but in the minds of Sengoku and others, Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, will definitely enter from here, because only from here is the most direct, simplest, and capable Save Ace in the shortest time to complete their goal.

Ximen Qin's subordinates also participated in the battle. Colombia and others were hidden among Rear Admiral and the officers. In fact, it is relatively safe here. Their strength is not weak, and it is easy to deal with some pirate soldiers or even stronger pirates. If they are united, they can also strangle some pirate captains.

...For flowers............

The strong are mostly arrogant. The target of those captains and captains is the strong above the Vice Admiral level. Only those who defeat these can completely save Ace.

As time passed bit by bit, the video phone worm kept rebroadcasting the situation here. The watcher kept holding a telescope to conduct reconnaissance in the gray waters in an attempt to discover the existence of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

"Ace, the blood of One Piece King Gore-D-Roger, carries the blood of the devil, the sinner of the world! Ace, can you confess?"

Sengoku saw that the time was about to start announcing Ace's affairs. When these words came out, it was suddenly shocking, what? Ace turned out to be Roger's blood? How could this be? Didn't Roger's blood have been cleansed at the time? How could it be possible? Still alive?

For a time, the whole world fell into turmoil. If the world knew that the captain of the Whitebeard pirate group was arrested, it would start a war and surprise them. So now Ace's identity makes them shocked, the blood of One Piece? God, that kind of demon blood is still alive.

With his head down, Ace directly denied his words, "No, my father is Whitebeard, and only Whitebeard is my father.

"You are Roger's son, and your mother is One Piece's chess piece, Portgas-D-Rouge. You can never deny this. So, you are the son of One Piece Roger!"

Sengoku looked serious and denied his words loudly.

Ace trembled and continued: "That man, he is not qualified to be my father. There is only one father, Whitebeard Edward Newgate!'


His words also indirectly acknowledged what Sengoku said, which shocked the world even more.

At the same time, dozens of various pirate regiments slowly approached on the sea outside the harbor, and a breath of killing followed.

PS: On the ninth day of the outbreak, I got upset~ the students who entered the school jail, it's hard work. superior,

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