My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 300: Really want to read

  Chapter 300 Really Want to Read

  Giving birth to a child.

  This incident made Xu Qing, who has never been anxious, a little anxious. She always felt that she had just graduated only a few years, and as a result, she should have a baby.

  How long is a person's lifetime?

  If he is about seventy years old, then he has passed more than one-third, and his life progress bar has gone almost halfway. .

  The memories of being a small second match are still vivid, as if it were yesterday. If you think about it, the days of red hair and long bangs are already ten years ago.

   But in any case, it is now the best life he had imagined before, and everything has not been relegated to second place, even a little more perfect than he had imagined.

   "What kind of wife did you think about before?" Jiang He was curious about his fantasy.

   "A good-looking person, not smart, as long as he can read and speak, watch TV, hide in the rain, and take off his pants when peeing is enough."

   "I suggest you tell the truth."

   "This is the truth."

   "Really?" Jiang He was suspicious. There were so many requests, but none of them sounded normal.

  In other words, as long as you are a normal person, you can be satisfied.

  "You can't understand, as long as these are different from these."

   "I feel like you are scolding me." Jiang He felt that something was not right, there must be a demon if something went wrong.

   "You are the most perfect fantasy in most men's hearts, how could you be scolding you."

   "I don't want to be fantasised by others." Jiang He muttered, took out a small shovel, and went to the terrace to tinker with his blue rose.

   hasn't bloomed yet, she thought about waiting for the flowers to bloom, she pinched one and put it in a glass vase, as in the novel, treating it as a quantum rose, closing her eyes and smelling it.

  The terrace was made by Xu Qing as an awning, which can be retracted and covered during the day, and it depends on the situation at night to take it back.

   "No one fantasizes about you, just that you are likable in many ways."

  "For example, come from ancient times?" Jiang He curled her lips. She felt that this should be called Lieutenant, not like it.

  Xu Qing shook his head and squatted aside and said, “It’s only the reason that you came from ancient times. The character developed in ancient life is the key point. Even if you are a modern native, you are still liked by others.”

"We haven't quarreled yet, because you have come from ancient times and have a good ability to control emotions. After all, no one was used to you in ancient times. If you say you are not angry, you will let people go when you get close, and people will be wailing when they really go.

   "I am angry and hit you directly."

   "This is great." Xu Qing sighed, lying on the wicker chair next to him, preparing to take a nap.

  It seems that he is too comfortable now, and he does not want to have a child to break the peace of the years.

If Jiang He is the kind of little temper that has nothing to do, he will have a face when eating a meal that is sweet and spicy. If it is unpalatable, he will ask his old mother what is the use of finding a boyfriend. Maybe he can't wait to have a baby. Trying to make her mature with a child.

  I haven’t planed anyone’s ancestral grave. Being a boyfriend is the same as being a grandson. You shouldn’t.

   Jiang He took a small shovel and looked at him obliquely. What is awesome?

  I really have the legendary physique that makes me happy to be beaten.

The sun was scorching the earth in the afternoon. Today, it was windy on the top floor, not too hot. Xu Qing fell asleep slowly under the awning. Jiang He prepared all the flower pots, plucked a few green onions, and went to the kitchen to get a cake. On top, sprinkle some salt, put sesame oil on it, eat sweet bit by bite, sit in front of the computer and watch a movie.

  Recently, my appetite seems to have increased again. I always want to find something to eat in my free time, so I can exercise more to avoid getting fat.

  As she pondered, she pinched her fingers to count the days.

  When Xu Qing woke up, he opened his eyes and saw Jiang He strolling on the terrace on a skateboard, holding a big sword in his hand, as if he was studying whether it would be more efficient to drive Wushuang on a skateboard.

   "Are you trying to fight with someone on a skateboard?" Xu Qing surprised Jiang He by aloud, dodging his eyes twice, did not speak, put down his sword and returned to the house.

  Xu Qing found it very strange. The little old lady seemed to have some conspiracy recently. He often saw her sneaking at himself. He was secretly wary. This guy's whimsical ideas were beyond defense.

   "I don't want to go to school anymore."

After holding back for a long time, Jiang He walked out of the house again and confronted Xu Qingdao who was lying on the wicker chair and wondering what she was thinking.

   "Huh?" Xu Qing was stunned, "Your secondary school certificate will be issued soon."

   "I just don't want to study." Jiang He is a little frustrated, and the secondary school certificate was spent for nothing, so he would not let him do it if he knew it.

  Xu Qing looked at her, thought for a while and said: "Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to learn how to grow flowers." Jiang He pointed to a large flower pot on the terrace, "I have seen it before, and there is that flower art training, which is equivalent to reading. When I learn it, I will learn to raise it here first, and save it later. Money can open a flower shop to sell flowers."

  "Flower shop?"

  This is a path Xu Qing had never imagined. He watched Jiang He fiddling with flowers every day for two years, but he never thought Jiang He would consider this aspect.

  Thinking about it, he actually thought it was pretty good.

  "When did you start thinking about it?" Xu Qing first made sure that she was not thinking about it, otherwise, just like playing games, she could only do half-and-half work and no other ability, so she could only be a full-time housewife.

   "That time we went shopping, didn’t we buy two roses, two roses for twenty yuan, actually only a few bucks, if you make it yourself, it will be cheaper..."

   Jiang He started talking about this, holding his red rose Balabala. Xu Qing was startled, thinking carefully for a long time before remembering which time she said she bought roses.

Two people rarely buy flowers, and they often forget about Valentine's Day... When I remember it, it was already a big evening, and then the two of them had a big meal for the holiday, or bought some cakes... For Jiang He In other words, the flowers that cannot be planted are not as real as the cake.

Whenever that kind of time, he has a sense of sight that two people have evolved into an old wife and old wife—Xu Wenbin and the old couple are also like this. It’s never been a Valentine’s Day. Only when Zhou Suzhi’s hands are itchy, will he use the holiday as a starting point. Blame Xu Wenbin for a while to achieve his goal.

  The problem is that it was more than two years ago that Xu Qing bought flowers with her.

   "You started researching this thing two years ago?" Xu Qing couldn't help but interrupt her, feeling very incredible.

   "Huh? Just... At that time there was only a vague idea, and then I bought seeds and planted a radish by myself..."

Jiang He scratched her head. At that time, she felt that what Xu Qing said was reasonable. It is not easy to do anything. No matter how simple it seems, there are many difficulties in actual operation, otherwise the world will be big. Rich man.

So I kept thinking about it secretly-this would avoid Xu Qing's crow's mouth. After all, this person's crow's mouth is very powerful. He said what sweet potatoes did, and then he really turned into inventory and solved it by himself. .

"Now I can grow roses. If I go to learn more about it, it shouldn't be a big problem. This flower is actually easy to grow. Now it has heating and can imitate the light so that it blooms when it shouldn't bloom— "Jiang He is full of confidence, "You can also learn flower arranging. By the way, you can also make dried flowers..."

  The more Xu Qing listened, the more he felt that this little old lady was hiding deeply, and now he even knew about imitating the light, so he mentioned it to him.

  Usually, I did see her searching videos and document tutorials about planting flowers, but he thought that Jiang He just didn't want to plant another big white radish.

  "But reading does not conflict with this, right? College I remember there are also floral courses." Xu Qing found a blind spot.



   Jiang He raised his head for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "But I am pregnant with a baby and can't read."


  Xu Qing's eyes were weird, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Even if you don't want to read, you don't have to find such a reason."

   "Actually, I really want to read it, really." Jiang He expressed a serious expression.

  Xu Qing lost his temper.

   Scratching his head and wanting to cut off Li Bai and Du Fu and the others, thinking of a ghost.



  I wanted to squint yesterday afternoon, but I closed my eyes and opened it again at 5 o’clock this morning. Oh, I feel like I’m going to die.

  (End of this chapter)

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