My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 399: Weird Cause and Effect (2 in 1)

in the room.

Ah Qing, who was eating tea, heard something. She held the cup in her left hand and opened the window.

I saw that there were spiritual powers that were invisible to ordinary people in the sky, and they gathered together, covering the sky and the sun.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"I said why."

She said why she was uneasy, it turned out that there was a problem with one of the eyes of the Chaoyunzong Mountain Protection Array.

What kind of expansion of spiritual power has become, does anyone care?

Is Chao Yunzong going to blow up the entire Beisang City?

I wish Tongjun people.

Isn't Zhu Tongjun responsible for maintaining Chaoyunzong's array eyes... Why is the array's spiritual power running rampant in such a grand manner now?

Does Zhu Tongjun eat dry rice?


The figure of Zhu Pingniang flashed in his mind, and Ah Qing felt at this moment that the woman really had a hard time eating.

Ah Qing probably never thought that she, who was extremely disgusted with the mountain protection formation, was thinking of stabilizing the formation's eyes for the first time.

After all, she hadn't analyzed the secrets of Young Master Xu, and now stability is better than anything else.

He closed the window, unintentionally shook the teacup in his hand, and watched the green tea leaves float.

A look of fear flashed in Ah Qing's eyes.

The most important function of the Mountain Protection Array is not to protect Chaoyun Sect, but to help Shi Qingjun to collect Dao rhyme.

Now that her eyes are going to explode, will the woman who regards Dao Yun as her life make a special trip down?

Ah Qing is confident that she will not be discovered by Shi Qingjun's consciousness, but if she is really looking at her with her eyes, don't try to hide it... This young body has to be blown up by her.

But soon, Ah Qing shook his head gently.

Shouldn't go down the mountain.

A joke is a joke, Zhu Tongjun is not a waste.

The most important thing is that Shi Qingjun is a house girl. As long as the sky doesn't fall, she will never take a step towards the cloud.

'Spiritual power disorder, it is not that there is no benefit at all. ’

Ah Qing can now quietly use some spells without worrying about leaving traces.

Thinking of this, Ah Qing's eyes flashed, and she glanced in the direction of Xu Changan.



A crisp sound came.

"Sister Qing?!"

The girl in yellow who was busy turned her head and found that A Qing accidentally dropped the teacup, and she suddenly looked surprised.

"My sister is so careless, the banquet is going to be held in a while, what should I do if I hurt my hand at this time?" The girl in yellow walked over to clean up the white porcelain residue, then looked at A Qing with a strange face, and blinked.

My sister is nervous.

Forget it, don't comfort my sister at this time, the more you comfort, the worse it will be.

Ah Qing: "..."

Can anyone tell her what happened.

Why was Zhu Pingniang beaten like that by Xu Changan?


At this time, Ah Qing, who was calculating and calculating, didn't even notice that the first thought that came to her was not something else, but... how could she make such a good move.

That boy looks warm, how...

After all, it has nothing to do with myself.

Zhu Tongjun is an absurd woman, and it is reasonable to ask Xu Changan to beat her.


at the same time.

some other space.

In a blue-like environment, the space distorted and reflected colorful rays of light, as if there was another "sun" hanging in the sky.

Where is this sun, it is clearly a formation, and a huge formation is generated at the eye of the formation, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and the endless energy is like a flood, as if to drown the sky.

The spiritual power of the four directions is rushing like the sea, rushing into the sea.

Under the light, there is a world made up of spirit stones, reflecting the colorful beams of light, which is extremely beautiful.

In the center of the spirit stone, there was a woman who was seated on the ground, and her face was 90% similar to that of Zhu Pingniang.

But even if the two were standing together, no one would think that they were the same person. In terms of temperament, it was probably the difference between the seabed silt and the goddess of the Nine Heavens.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, her bright eyes overflowing with light, accompanied by a helpless whisper.

"Stinky's really ruthless."

Zhu Pingniang... Or Zhu Tongjun's voice is cold, but if you listen carefully, you can feel a little helpless in the words.

Raising his hand, looking at the weak wound on his fingertips, Zhu Tongjun's cold, bone-piercing eyes flashed a little.

One after another, the majestic True Essence is being pulled out from the wound on her fingertips, and then it is drawn into the eyes of the formation in the sky, turning it into the nourishment of the mountain protection formation.

After a while, Zhu Tongjun felt that at least 20% of the real essence in his body had been lost.

As the wound healed slowly, Zhu Tongjun's face became a little paler.

Standing up, she sorted out the ice-blue gilt dress that was completely unnecessary, and rubbed her eyebrows with her fingers.

Although it was said that the lack of these True Essences was not a problem, as long as the foundation was not damaged, the cultivation would make up for it after a while, but the problem was not here.


Her glass body was broken.


The Hehuan Sect has an immortal method called "Refining the Spirit and Harmony of Color". It is said that if you cultivate to the extreme, you can incarnate into a human being. From then on, all evils will not invade, the light will be self-illuminating, and the day and night will always be bright...not much weaker than the existence of the immortal who is about to ascend, but Throughout the history of the Hehuan Sect, no one has been able to get started except for the creator of the practice method after he ascended to immortals.

However, Zhu Tongjun cultivated it to the great success, and used the method of refining spirit and color to cast an indestructible and leak-free glazed body.

It is precisely because of the existence of Liuli Dharma Body that even in the Holy Land of Demon Sect, she dares to venture into it alone... This method has saved her many times.


Broken like that?

Zhu Tongjun: "..."

She knew how to break it, but just thinking about the possibility, even if she had a clear mind, she couldn't help being shaken.

"But now is not the time to think about it."

Zhu Tongjun raised his head and looked at one of the eyes of the Chaoyunzong Mountain Protection Array.

Because her colored glass body was broken, a lot of her true essence was sucked by the array eyes, but how could her spiritual power be so easy to swallow?

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual energy in this burst of eyes turned into a river, and the sound of the waves was deafening.

It's a bit of a hassle to deal with, but it's still under control.

But just as Zhu Tongjun was about to start, she suddenly stopped because a woman appeared in front of her.

Seeing the woman's blue silk dancing with the wind brought by the restlessness of spiritual power, Zhu Tongjun's eyes trembled violently, obviously in shock.

Master! ! !

Down the mountain! ! !

Qingzhou's sky is falling?

Is the magic door calling? ?

Or did the demon clan come in with an army? ? ?

At this time, Zhu Tongjun was stunned. Even though she learned from the letter that the head's temperament seemed to have changed a little, she knew that whether it was a problem with her eyes or her broken glass body, it was not worth the head to go down the mountain.

For a while, Zhu Tongjun stood there quietly, feeling a little overwhelmed.


Shi Qingjun's clear and bright eyes flashed a moist color, she just raised her head slightly, her eyes passed through the huge spiritual force in the sky, and landed on the array eyes... The wind between heaven and earth stopped.

Countless spiritual energy began to riot and flee, as if that line of sight was something extremely terrifying.

But in an instant, the torrent of spiritual power was compressed and locked into the eye of the formation.

When Shi Qingjun took back his sight, there was only a clean array left in the sky.

The breeze is clear, the blue sky is like washing.


I wish Tong Jun could see all this and sigh softly.

This is the universe, and it is no wonder that Bai has such a longing for the head.

She walked over, bowed respectfully, and said seriously:

"Mu Yufeng is in charge, Hehuan Zong is in charge... I wish Tongjun had seen the head."

Zhu Tongjun doesn't worry about being accused because of a mistake in the formation, because in the eyes of the head, all problems need to be solved, and the rest has nothing to do with her.

She doesn't care who's at fault, as long as it's fixed.

This is the supreme existence of Chaoyun Sect and even Qingzhou.

But as the head's gaze fell on her, Zhu Tongjun heard something that surprised her.

"Why is your colored glass body broken?" Shi Qingjun asked.

Zhu Tongjun was stunned for a while.

Is this something the boss will care about?

Facing the calm gaze of the headmaster, I wished Tongjun to come back to his senses.

"Is such that……"

I wish Tongjun truthfully began to explain.

She knew that the head didn't like to listen to nonsense, and time was the most precious, so from Xu Changan's entry into the city, to her taking a test, and Xu Changan's hands-on, she was inadvertently injured her body.

There is nothing that can't be said, after all, Xu Changan's special head is clear, you must know that Xu Changan still has the jade given by the head hanging around his waist.


After the explanation, Zhu Tongjun looked at the leader's calm face, thinking that these things can't shake the leader's mind.

Apparently it was incredible.

You know, Xu Changan hurt her avatar with a sword, and then the sword energy followed her avatar to find her body when she didn't feel it at all, and broke her glass body when she didn't feel the body. .

What does this prove?

Prove that the **** is capable of killing her with a sword!

Such a strange thing, Zhu Tongjun was afraid for a while when he thought of it, but the head did not fluctuate, as if this matter was not surprising at all.

But it was obvious that the head was thinking about something, so Zhu Tongjun didn't make a sound and looked down at his toes.

For the head, she only has respect, and respect from the bottom of her heart.

The only person who can make Fairy Lawless Zhu behave like this is the head, not even Li Zhibai.

In fact, there are not only people in the world who can break her colored glass body so easily.

Qiankun Realm can easily do it.

The glazed body is indeed psychic, but the Qiankun realm is the ability to just touch her avatar, and then follow the cause and effect to directly kill her body.

This is the universe.

The question is, is Xu Changan in the universe?

Zhu Tongjun and self-consciously know that she is no different from the big ants in front of the real world, not to mention that the world is also high and low, the devil's opponent is completely impossible to be the opponent of the head, and has always been suppressed. .

"..." Zhu Tongjun shook his head gently.

If she had doubts that Xu Changan was the reincarnation of a fairy before, she no longer had any doubts.

Even if Xu Changan is not a reincarnation of an immortal, it is guaranteed that he was rebuilt in the universe, otherwise...the strange ability cannot be explained.

Raising his head a little, Zhu Tongjun glanced at the calm face of the head.

Shi Qingjun: "..."

Shi Qingjun was not surprised that Zhu Tongjun would be injured in Xu Changan's hands, and even thought it should be so.

She made a move without permission, and it was strange that she was not injured, and even Shi Qingjun felt that Zhu Tongjun was not hurt enough.

A glazed dharma body shattered in a mere area, but it didn't hurt the root cause. Even something that took a year and a half to cultivate back is considered an injury?

Shi Qingjun originally wanted to tell Zhu Tongjun not to test that son in the future. This time it was a warning, but think about it carefully... Compared with the heart calamity she suffered, Zhu Tongjun's injury may not even be a warning.

She was just unlucky.


"Master." Zhu Tongjun raised his head in surprise.

When did the head call her name so close?

"Don't try to test him any more, it's really backfired... I can't help you." Shi Qingjun shook his head calmly: "Remember, everything goes with the flow."

"Tong-kun keep in mind."

At this moment, Zhu Tongjun finally understood what Bai said in the letter that the head's temperament had changed.

Even Zhu Tongjun couldn't help his heart beat faster at this time.

If the former head was like a rhyme, now she is a living person.

Which one is more excited?

Originally, she was extremely worried that she would become too obsessed after entering the universe. Now that she sees the change in the head, where is she still afraid?

At this time, an invisible shackle in Zhu Tongjun's heart was gently shattered, and the implicit resistance in his heart to breaking through the universe quietly dissipated.

She wanted to say something to the headmaster.

I want to ask something about Xu Changan.

There are many doubts.

But the words came to the lips, and all dissipated cleanly after meeting the head's gaze.

That's it.

There's not much to say either.

Shi Qingjun actually wanted to say something, but she used to have such a temper, and she really couldn't communicate with others.

How strange.

When she talked to Xu Changan, it was quite normal.

Come to think of it, it should be Tong Jun's problem.

Shi Qingjun asked Zhu Tongjun what he thought of Xu Changan. After all, she had danced the sword dance and accidentally hurt herself... She wanted to remind Zhu Tongjun, after all, it may be the reincarnation of an immortal, and his wife, don't get caught in it, dyed too much cause and effect.

But after realizing one thing and her own saying "go with the flow", there is nothing to say.

Zhu Tongjun: "..."

Who can tell her why she felt the slightest embarrassment?

After thinking about it carefully, I found the source. I was embarrassed because I looked at each other with the headmaster, and no one had spoken yet.

On weekdays, when we meet, she comes to the door and quits after a few words. Can you not be embarrassed?

The head is the Heaven of Qingzhou, she can't be wrong.

So it's your own fault.

Zhu Tongjun took a deep breath and said seriously: "Master, I have now destroyed the only clone of the Hehuan Sect. If I want to repair it... I'm afraid it will take some time, so..."


Shi Qingjun looked at her.

"So next, I will go to Huayuelou by myself." Zhu Tongjun said softly.

She means that she will not live in the brothel as a clone, but the body.

This is Zhu Tongjun's own business, there is no need for her to keep staring at the array here.

It was she who didn't want to really get a brothel atmosphere at so she used a clone.

"Well." Shi Qingjun responded, saying that he knew.

Not good at talking to juniors, it is better not to talk.

So Shi Qingjun was about to leave.

It was just her words before she left, but Zhu Tongjun was stunned and froze in place.

"The cause and effect of being broken by him... that's all, you can handle it yourself." Shi Qingjun said, his figure turned into a streamer and disappeared under the array.

Zhu Tongjun: "?!"

Broken? ?

Even if he is the head, he can't talk nonsense!

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