My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 400: Zhu Tongjun's guess (2 in 1)

It was not until the head left for a long time that Zhu Tongjun came back to his senses, and a blush appeared on his cold face.

Why did she think...the look in the head's eyes when he was leaving was so strange?

What exactly does she think of herself and Xu Xiaozi?


Zhu Tongjun spat.

She knows the meaning of the head, and after reaching the Qiankun Realm, everything is about cause and effect.

Now that she has been broken by Chang'an because of a competition, it is actually a favorable cause and effect for her.

However, with her relationship with Xu Changan, why do you need such a cause and effect? So... as smart as Zhu Tongjun, how can he not know what the head wants to say.

This is where he is mentioning some favorable cause and effect, it is clearly to remind her... She is too close to Xu Changan.

Now even if there is a karmic line, it is still entangled and can't figure out the clues.

"Sect Master... really changed."

How could the past head tell her such trivial things?

From her point of view, the Sect Leader seems to be calm and taciturn, but in fact, he should have thought about a lot of things.

It is somewhat similar to the once arrogant A Bai.


It seems to be somewhat similar to that Yun girl.

Couldn't help laughing, Zhu Tongjun raised his head and looked at the roll of the formation map that day, feeling the continuous flow of spiritual power into the mountain protection formation.

The formation was continuously strengthened.

Looking up at the sky, Zhu Tongjun was silent for a long time.

Others do not know, she is still very clear.

The so-called Mountain Protection Formation sounds like it is to protect Chaoyun Sect from being invaded by foreign enemies, but in fact... each formation of the Mountain Protection Formation is built on the ground, where the spiritual power is most abundant. The root of it is to collect Dao rhyme.

The mountain protection formation is essentially centered on the Chaoyun Sect, with several formation diagrams to refine the broken Dao rhyme between heaven and earth for the sect master to practice.

Although Zhu Tongjun didn't say it before, she knew very well that for the head, even the existence of Chao Yunzong... is only to better collect Dao Yun.

Whether the tranquility of Qingzhou or the formation of Chaoyun Sect, it is just a byproduct of this first purpose.

What is the battle between Demon Sect and Chaoyun Sect, in essence... it's just that the two in the Qiankun Realm are fighting for Dao Yun.

Otherwise, why does the Demon Sect's attack on the righteous path of Qingzhou always move with the eyes of the formation?

Why, those righteous sects outside the Hushan Great Array are not considered righteous?

Do you have to gnaw hard bones?

She doesn't believe in the morality of the people of the Demon Sect... Zhu Tongjun knows that it is not only her, but even the inside of the Demon Sect is quite puzzled about every action against the mountain protection formation.

It is nothing more than one more for me, and one less for you.

But in fact, only Zhu Tongjun can't get in touch with these core things - Li Zhibai mentioned it to her in a subtle way.

Otherwise, why would she have the guts to really take advantage of the Qiankun Realm on the Momen Sacred Mountain and go to the Sacred Mountain single-handedly.

I really thought she wasn't afraid of death, even if she wasn't, could Li Zhibai be afraid?

If she really dared to do something terrifying, the first person to take her would not be someone else, only Li Zhibai.

Zhu Tongjun just knew about his troubles, and he didn't care at all.

Over the years, Chao Yunzong and Momen have reached their respective balances.

You take yours, I take mine.

Qingzhou's core contradiction is righteousness and evil?

Do not.

It's just a battle of Taoism between the two universes.


"Dao Yun..." Zhu Tongjun shook his head gently.

In fact, people with a heart should already be able to feel the "sense of disobedience" under the guise of the so-called battle between good and evil.

Momen and Chaoyunzong fought to death, but the two Qiankun realms held each other's side. Smart people would definitely be able to perceive the severe tearing.

For example... Zhu Tongjun thinks that Xu Changan is a smart person. He has read so many files of Chao Yunzong, he should have felt the weirdness of the world of immortality today.

But just noticing it is useless.

Daoyun is such a thing, it is impossible to understand its existence and its meaning unless it is in a certain state.

Don't look at her half foot into the universe, but even with her inspiration, she can only capture the clues of Dao Yun with all her strength.

If the sea of ​​​​consciousness is not calm enough, it is extremely difficult to even recognize the existence of such things as "Dao Yun".

If it wasn't for the help of Li Zhibai's medicine pill, she would not have the slightest understanding of such a mysterious thing.

And how many people in the world have cultivation like her?

So people can't perceive the truth.

How about even knowing the truth?

Can the grievances between Demon Sect and Chaoyun Sect be stopped?

And the two heavens and the earth staring at the top of the head... hit their ideas... don't die.

So Zhu Tongjun once thought that if he broke through to the universe, would he also need those so-called Dao Yun?


Looking at it this way, don't break through.

After arguing with the headmaster, Bai was the first to clean up her.


In fact, she didn't want to fight with the headmaster.

"It's strange."

Logically speaking, after knowing that the so-called Qingzhou is just the "chessboard" of two universes, as slightly useful pieces, she and Abai should be unwilling to be the pieces, and they will be angry that they treat the world as fools...

But in fact not.

Whether it's because of the head's personal charm or fear of being strong, she and Li Zhibai have the greatest longing and respect for the head.

After all, no matter what they want, the one who saved the Qingzhou people from the disaster of war was the head.

Without her ruthless means, today's Qingzhou would be no different from purgatory.

Zhu Tongjun looked at the clean eyes, puzzled, doubtful, suspicious, and surprised expressions flickered in his eyes.

Therefore, rhyme is extremely important.

Even more important than Chaoyun Sect, so...why?


Why...the sect master relieved the responsibility of protecting the mountain and collecting Dao rhyme?

That's right, just now, after the sect master took action to integrate the spiritual power, he pulled out the most core technique of the formation for Dao rhyme.

Today's Mountain Protection Array is no longer just a figure, but a real one, 100% playing a role in protecting the Chaoyun Sect's land boundary.

Zhu Tongjun seems to be calm, but in fact, only she knows the shock in her heart at this time.

The sect master doesn't need to collect Dao Yun anymore?

The sky is falling?

I'm afraid it's like the sky is falling.

After all, if the original intention established by Chao Yunzong is no longer needed... What should Qingzhou do?

What about Demon Gate and Chaoyun Sect?

The two universes are again...


Zhu Tongjun let out a sigh of relief and threw the miscellaneous thoughts out.

This kind of big thing is not something she should think about. As Bai said, she only needs to believe in the head.

Besides, such a change in the head should be a good thing for Chaoyun Sect?

Under the sun, who would be willing to be a chess piece, even a chess piece of a longing person.

"So, the concern about me before the head..."

it is true?

Zhu Tongjun lowered his eyes and couldn't help frowning.

Collecting Dao rhyme to improve, will gradually lose feelings.

Now the emotional return of the headmaster, but what rhyme has been given up.

Does it mean that this path is wrong?

She didn't understand, so she didn't even think about it.

After passing the core message that the head no longer needs Daoyun to Li Zhibai, Zhu Tongjun swept the haze in his eyes, brought on the smile that belonged to Zhu Pingniang on weekdays, and looked around at the various superb products he once collected Daoyun. Spirit Stone.

With so many spirit stones, the boy from Chang'an had to be greedy to death when he saw it.

Well, next time I have the opportunity to take him to see it, and then I will tell him that the spiritual stone here can only be seen and not touched.

It must be interesting to see his gluttonous appearance.

"Ha ha."

Zhu Tongjun's figure flashed, and the ice blue gilt fairy dress disappeared, replaced by the dark and gorgeous dress that Zhu Pingniang often wore in Huayuelou.

It's time to settle accounts with that stinky boy.

Damn it, take such a heavy hand on my sister, take care of his skin.


"Sister Qing, why are you restless?"

The young girl in yellow stood behind Ah Qing, rubbing her slender shoulders with a pair of skillful hands, and said softly, "Sister, don't be nervous, it's nothing more than a sword dance... I believe my sister, and besides, there is also Pingniang. Yes, there is Xu Gongzi here."

"Young Master Xu is here?" Ah Qing sighed softly: "Yes, it turns out that he was there... Then what's the point of what I've done all these years?"

The girl in yellow looked at the inexplicable emotions in Ah Qing's eyes, which she couldn't understand, but she obediently didn't ask questions, and just quietly did what she should do.

Ah Qing looked out the window.

The changes in the formation, others can't see, can she still see?

That woman, actually really did not care about Dao Yun anymore?

What is your attitude towards Dao Yun?

Since Xu Changan was able to easily disperse Daoyun's cage and "save beauty as a hero" for her, Daoyun, which was once the most important thing to Ah Qing, fell to the altar.

Find a way up from Taoism?

Yes, it can be found.

It is true that she has improved a lot over the years because of her collection of Dao rhythms from the deep sea, but it is also a fact that her emotions as a half-demon are gradually disappearing.

But in order to find her way up, she had to do it.

But the appearance of Xu Changan made her realize that the so-called breath of the heavens and the charm of the heavens were the same thing, and they couldn't compare to the faint rouge on the son's body.

Heavenly Dao Cage is awesome.


But when Tiandao Qiyun met Xu Changan's aura, it was like a mouse seeing a wild beast, and it was scattered like a bird and a beast.

Therefore, since then, after the consciousness of Dao Yun was no longer supreme, Ah Qing lost his awe for this kind of thing.

Seeking the way up from above the rhyme?


Why not find it directly from Xu Changan.

Daoyun can't see or touch, but that little boy is different.

Ah Qing retracted her gaze, thinking that since what she could find out, Shi Qingjun Xiuwei stabilized her, and knew more about Dao Yun, how could he not find it.

So today's Shi Qingjun gave up Daoyun, only because of that Xu Gongzi.


Could it be that Shi Qingjun was also saved by a hero?

At this moment, Ah Qing couldn't help being a little annoyed. Dao rhyme is not rhyme, but it's not so important.

Shake your head.

But I don't know what to do next.

Shi Qingjun gave up this road, whether he should continue to integrate with Daoyun and pursue the road of being too unforgettable.

Glancing at the well-behaved girl beside her, Ah Qing thought that since she was staying here now, she would shamelessly perform a sword dance for Xu Changan in a while... that should be the answer she gave.

"...Finally, it's fair." Ah Qing whispered.

Judging from Shi Qingjun giving up Daoyun at this moment, it didn't take long for her to realize Xu Changan's specialness.

Then...the two of them are finally standing on the same starting line, in pursuit of a new path.

She will not lose.

Smiling and stretching, she glanced at Xianmen above the sky.

Did Shi Qingjun go down the mountain?

It's hard to say, but she just took back the spell of the formation and the rhyme... It's not like she went to Beisang City in person.

But not in the way.

After losing the core contradiction, she wanted to talk to the woman calmly.

Not that I want to be friends with her.

After fighting for so many years, the grievances and karma have also been forged, but it is not so easy to shake hands and make peace.

Finding a man for Shi Qingjun is still her wish.


Ah Qing didn't know it was, but Ah Qing, who had put on the veil again, was sitting in the pavilion in Beisang City, quietly looking at the direction of the Holy Mountain of Demon Gate.

Shi Qingjun: "..."

Eyes down.

At this time, she was thinking about whether to have a good talk with that girl.

Once, she regarded that girl as an enemy. After all, the way is the way, you stop me, I stop you, it will be endless.

In time, Shi Qingjun, as long as she finds an opportunity, she will definitely be pressed to death, and she will not be given any chance to turn over.

Therefore, after finding that her cultivation base has lost 20%, she will worry about that side.

But now that she has gotten rid of the influence of Dao Yun, she is no longer devoted to Dao when she finds her feelings, but her mind has become peaceful.

Turns out, it wasn't a big deal.

And it is obviously not a good way to fit in with Dao Yun... Now that the demon clan is around, there will be a catastrophe in the future, and it is inevitable that she will need her help.

Therefore, Shi Qingjun thought of reconciling with her.

But that girl, who had been fighting with herself for so many years, suddenly went to tell her that rhyme was not important, how could she believe it?

Shi Qingjun knew very well how much that girl hated herself.

So, Shi Qingjun was thinking about one thing.

Do you want to take Xu Gongzi to the Demon Gate to meet her?

As long as she dares to take action against Young Master Xu, after suffering a big loss, she will naturally believe it.



Maybe it would be fun to let the girl suffer?

"It should be more interesting than... eating petals." Shi Qingjun muttered.



When Zhu Pingniang's eyes fell far into the kitchen of Huafang, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

Is this a hassle?

Why did the dead girl come at a critical time?

In the messy kitchen, Miss Lu was holding her "corpse" and crying.

After a while, my eyes were swollen from crying.

And Xu Changan also stood there at a loss.

Zhu Pingniang: "..."

Her own girl cried so She suddenly felt a little guilty, should she go over...

I have been using a fake body to treat the girl or something, how to explain it to her, I always feel very shameless.


not going?

But seeing that her girl was about to faint from crying, Zhu Pingniang sighed softly.

She stepped out step by step, appeared behind Miss Lu out of thin air, and kicked her lightly.



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