My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 415: Yun Qian's logic is always so impeccable. (2 in 1)

What does Ah Qing think of Yun Qian?

She doesn't know it herself.

But when Yun Qian was helped by Young Master Xu to get off the carriage, the first reaction in her mind was that this girl was a weak young lady.

I also thought she was very beautiful.

Especially when he was being supported by the young master, the wrist that was immediately exposed from the cuffs was like the warm afternoon sun reflecting a snow-white luster, and under the luster, there were a pair of extremely beautiful hands, slender and white, making people unable to ignore.

And after the shock brought by this beauty, I felt that it would be noble to get Yun Qian unconsciously.

That kind of feeling is very strange, it doesn't need any logical support, it's like somewhere... just looking at Yun Qian, you will tremble from the heart.

Ah Qing couldn't realize that as a person close to the Tao of Heaven, her feeling for Miss Yun's appearance was influenced by the Tao of Heaven.

Because of ignorance, Ah Qing couldn't take the feeling of looking at Yun Qian as fear - she had no reason to be afraid.

So after thinking about it, she still felt that her understanding of Yun Qian was influenced and enhanced by Xu Gongzi.

After all, when she was inexplicably obliterated by Daoyun's cage, it was Mr. Xu who slowly walked over with an umbrella and dragged her out of the quagmire.

At that time, the fragrance of rouge that came from Xu Changan and that Ah Qing still remembered in his heart... came from this girl Yun.

That's why she had a favorable impression of Yun Qian—A Qing thought so.

But what made Ah Qing care so much about Yun Qian was because Yun Qian was using the ribbon she used.

Before Yun Qian was wearing a mat hat, she didn't see her ribbon, and she was a little disappointed and fortunate.

Disappointment is that I didn't see the young man's wife wearing a blue ribbon.

Fortunately, I didn't see it, and I didn't need to compare myself and Yun Qian with the huge gap between rich and poor as a woman.

But after seeing Yun Qian at this time, Ah Qing didn't care what Yun Qian's face and clothes looked like under her cover.

Because this cloud girl is very tired at this time.


What's wrong with this girl? Why didn't she look like she didn't wake up, and she swayed past the door with a swaying look.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, Yun Qian's delicate face that flashed by seemed to have the same sleepiness and... anticipation as her Nizi before going to bed?

Just like when the girl in yellow went to bed and asked her to post, there was a little bit of resemblance.

Ah Qing frowned slightly in confusion.

Maybe she shouldn't care about these little things, because it's meaningless, maybe the Wen Li outside is more worth her to take a second look.


That is Xu Gongzi's married wife.

Ah Qing is not an naive person. She doesn't think that if Xu Changan is some kind of "immortal reincarnation" and has a great background, Yun Qian, who is Xu Changan's wife, will be an ordinary person.

Besides, even if she is really an ordinary person, she is no longer an ordinary person after becoming the son's wife.

But Ah Qing felt that she still had no reason to approach Miss Yun.

After all, she knew that when the young man walked to her with an umbrella to shield her from the rain and disperse the cage... she was indeed moved.

As a rational woman, Ah Qing would not evade this point, so even if her own girl repeatedly made fun of Xu Changan, she would not refute anything.

And in this case, he ran over to get close to Yun Qian without any reason... How could there be a feeling of a weasel greeting the chicken for the New Year.

It was as if the concubine was going to have a good relationship with the wife before entering the door.

Everyone knew that Xu Changan was the most doted on this girl Yun, so when Ah Qing walked up to talk to Yun Qian, she felt weirdly tight, making her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

It's no wonder Ah Qing, in order to make Yun Qian's sense of nobility reasonable, she defaulted that Yun Qian was Xu Chang'an's half body, and had the same mystery as Xu Chang'an, so she unconsciously shortened her head.

Ah Qing glanced at the back room where the girl in yellow slept.

If that girl were there... she would definitely push herself up to talk to Miss Yun.

After all, it's rare for Yun Qian to be alone. After the banquet kicks off, she probably won't have a chance to talk to Yun Qian.


At this time, Yun Qian just missed one side, and it seemed like a century had passed in Ah Qing's mind. She thought a lot in an instant, and then slapped her thigh.

Just go talk.

Go if you want.

And she quickly found a reason for herself.

Yu Qing, she is now a girl from Huayuelou. Seeing the guests at the banquet in such a bad state, she went to help Yun Qian... Even Zhu Pingniang couldn't find anything wrong.

Yu Li, Xu Gongzi is now the first seat in her church. As the leader, she cares about the first lady in the church... It's not too much.

It's not that the concubine is rushing to curry favor with the older woman.

Thinking of this, Ah Qing raised her forehead and couldn't help sighing.

have to.

She has become so cheap, and she was indeed influenced by Zhu Tongjun.

Well... to be honest, she was really worried about that Yun girl.

There is no complicated reason.

Mainly because she watched Yun Qian drag her heavy steps towards the depths of the corridor in front of the window. Ah Qing felt that Yun Qian was so weak that she couldn't say she would fall to the ground in the next moment.

If you bump into each other, the son will not be distressed to death.

Although it may be a little hypocritical to say this, Ah Qing was really worried for a moment that this sleepy-looking girl could trip herself up.

A Qingliu frowned slightly.

Under this girl's astonishing face, why... she looks like she's not very smart.

What about Zhu Tongjun?

Aren't you preparing a feast for Yun Qian?

How did this girl run out without anyone serving her?

Looking at Yun Qian's swaying, if one accidentally fell off the boat and choked on a few saliva...

Ah Qing didn't even dare to think about what would happen.

So she put on a coat to cover her short skirt, walked out the door and looked at the cyan ribbon on Yun Qian's back that was exactly the same as hers.

Just the back, the curves belonging to women are blowing towards the face.

Involuntarily, she looked down at herself and could see the figure of embroidered shoes.



As a woman, she can be said to be a complete loser.

In Huayuelou, a good-looking girl is powerful and has a high status.

fight? That's the rude choice, the bottom line.

According to the rules of Huayuelou, it is only right and natural for her to be a maid for Yun Qian.

The footsteps paused, and his expression became very natural.

"Miss Yun, the boat is swinging in Yehu, you should be more careful, but don't fall."

As A Qing said that, she walked over naturally and gently held Yun Qian's arm like a maid.


At this time, Yun Qian was drowsy, and she looked at this girl with green eyes, who was suddenly posted.

It's her.


Realizing how strange her sudden appearance was, Ah Qing tried her best to appear normal.

She shook her head.

"You are a guest, how can you do without anyone around you." A Qing whispered, "Where the girl is going, the concubine goes with you..."

At the end, she worriedly said: "If the girl falls on the boat, we girls will lose their faces."

During the conversation, Ah Qing didn't even notice it, and it was clear that Yun Qian hadn't spoken yet, but a blush appeared on her ear.

There is no way, only by supporting her at close range can you feel how soft Yun Qian's body is.

Most importantly, she could smell the faint scent of rouge on Yun Qian's body, which was exactly the same as that on Xu Changan before...

Maybe it was between life and death, so she was very impressed with these aromas and liked them very much.

At this time, Ah Qing was captured easily without Yun Qian saying a word.

She now feels that the girls in Huayuelou are all fools, and they all ran to see Wen Li, but instead left Yun Qian alone.

The opportunity to serve Yun Qian to go out fell to him in vain.


At this time, the smoke and water were blue, and the mist on the lake gradually spread, and the water continued to rise, shaking the painting boats above.

Ah Qing lowered her head, but she could see Yun Qian's blue ribbon swaying gently, brushing her clothes from time to time.

In front of Yun Qian, Ah Qing, who had collected Dao Yun and was influenced by the Dao of Heaven... seemed to have changed her temperament, as if she had really returned to her cowardly girlhood.

Heaven is afraid, not to mention her.

Ah Qing lowered her head a little embarrassedly, feeling that her behavior of hugging someone's hand when she came up without a reminder... is a bit arrogant.

Unlike Ah Qing, who is full of miscellaneous thoughts and calculations, Miss Yun didn't think too much at all.

'Tired, I want to see my husband. ’

'This girl... oh, it's her. ’

Yun Qian still likes Ah Qing very much.

So after Ah Qing posted it, she nodded without any thought at all, and told her where she was going.

" find the son, right, the concubine knows."

A-Qing was surprised that Yun Qian was so easy to talk, and then helped Yun Qian to go towards the kitchen.

She was not surprised that Yun Qian came to find Xu Changan.

Surprisingly, this girl looked indifferent, but she was actually so... gentle?

Ah Qing had never been a maid, so she knew that her posture to hold Yun Qian was not standard, but Yun Qian didn't resist anything, and tried her best to follow her.


After Ah Qing approached Yun Qian, the charms in her heart dissipated cleanly.

She now knew why Yun Qian was so vain.

Isn't this girl's body a little too bad!

Is this how the young master takes care of Miss Yun...


Ah Qing thought again.

Today's Xu Changan obviously doesn't know his specialness. Ah Qing feels that she can't say that she knows the weird things about him better than Xu Changan.

Speaking of which, the boy likes girls very much.


If she could be nicer to Miss Yun, would she be able to get some of the young master's favor?

Well, it's hard to say that when Xu Changan really awakens his memory, who knows what kind of temper he is?

But as far as Ah Qing's personal wishes are concerned, she hopes that the young master will be the same as he looks on the outside, after all...

She was really moved once.


It was quiet in the corridor, only the footsteps of two girls echoed around.

Ah Qing is really good and has done the work of a maid.

Yun Qian felt the increasingly serious face of the woman beside her, and at this time she also recovered a little.

She yawned lightly and suddenly stopped.

"Miss Yun?"

Yun Qian suddenly stopped, which made A Qing stunned for a moment, then stopped and took out the handkerchief and handed it to Yun Qian.

As a maid, no matter what the eldest lady wants to do, it is always right to hand over the handkerchief at this time.

Yun Qian blinked and glanced suspiciously at the handkerchief that Ah Qing handed over.

She doesn't want this.

It was only after Yun Qian came back to her senses that she wanted to take a closer look at this girl named "A Qing" who would make Xu Changan like it.

After all, the women around Xu Changan, from Liu Qingluo, Wen Li to Li Zhibai and Zhu Pingniang, have all seen them up close, but only Ah Qing... She has not looked at them carefully.

And Ah Qing is different from those women like Wen Li.

The karma that belongs to Ah Qing is linked to Xu Changan because of her existence... Therefore, you need to take a closer look.

Yun Qian was thinking about it when she saw Ah Qing sighing softly.

I saw Ah Qing holding a handkerchief and sticking it up, carefully wiping off the moisture from the corners of Yun Qian's eyes due to yawning.

After wiping, Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian's stunning face and nodded with satisfaction.

A good-looking girl just wants to be perfect all the time.

Yun Qian: "..."

She blinked and felt that this girl was really different.

She still likes Ah Qing very much.

There are many reasons.

For example, Liu Qingluo, Zhu Pingniang, Li Zhibai, Wen Li, including Shi Qingjun, all these girls have been in contact with Xu Changan for a while before they fell in love with him.

But Ah Qing is different. She fell in love at first sight, so she has more vision than others.

Whether you have vision or not has always been an important indicator to determine how much Yun Qian's initial goodwill can be obtained.

Also... Originally, all of Xu Changan's karma came from himself and had nothing to do with other people.

But Ah Qing is different.

Yun Qian could see clearly that the relationship between Ah Qing and Xu Changan came from something that she erased at will, and the first seat vacated fell to her husband.

Therefore, this karma is real and related to her.

It was her eventful nature that created a karmic relationship between two people who should have had little to do with each other.

In this way, A Qing is indeed a somewhat special girl in Yun Qian's eyes, so... Yun Qian suddenly stopped at this moment, thinking of something.

According to the book, all the wives and concubines in a family have factions?

She has read many similar books.

If all the girls lived together.

Then, Li Zhibai, Zhu Pingniang, Liu Qingluo, and Miss Lu are undoubtedly in the same circle, and the stubborn girl outside is also a person from Huayuelou, so she should not dare not listen to Miss Lu.

Wen Li and Shi Qingjun have no inclinations, but they have similar temperaments, so they should be together...?

No, Wen Li and Xiao Hua are together, and Shi Qingjun is also close to Li Zhibai.

In short, how to divide the cloud is all by yourself, without any circles.

However, she looked at the girl A Qing who looked like a maid beside her, and felt that she should be on the same front as herself.

Well, if you need something like a battle line.

Yun Qian smiled, thinking that this was for her husband, and he would be unhappy again.



Yun Qian smiled But when she smiled, Ah Qing felt uncomfortable and looked down at her dress to see if there was anything rude.

The short skirt was a little embarrassing, but she deliberately wore a coat to cover it.

"Girl, you're looking at your concubine like this... yes..." Ah Qing asked hesitantly, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at your eyes." Yun Qian put away her smile and said.

When Ah Qing heard this, she sighed in her heart.


The half-demon's eyes are so curious.

"It's beautiful." Yun Qian said calmly.


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