My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 416: Yun Qian is always developing "Crystal Palace" (2 in 1)

Half-demon, in the world and disaster are equated.

Fear and rumors naturally bring curiosity.

So Ah Qing will sigh in her heart when she hears this.


Miss Yun is also not exempt.


In the lacquered wood corridor, there was a glow of fire, and the two girls in green clothes below were decorated, and their clothes seemed to have changed color.

Blue and red.

"very nice."

A Qing's light-colored eyes were reflected in Yun Qian's eyes, and her tone was very calm, as if she was saying something natural.

Ah Qing was stunned when she heard Yun Qian's words.


What she said about being good-looking was what she knew in a conventional she good-looking?

Yun Qian thinks the half-demon's eyes are beautiful?

Is she alright.

Even Ah Qing was a little stunned for a while.

Even if she has gone to the point where she is now, even if there are many people who can deliberately raise the status of the half-demon because of her status... but she does not like that kind of behavior.

Because A Qing knows better than anyone that he is a race that is considered half-demon in the human race and half-human in the demon race... how disgusting it is.

They seem to be born with original sin. This identity has a filth that cannot be washed away no matter what. It is something that is harder and indestructible than the shackles on the human heart.

Even the girl in yellow, who likes her the most, is not afraid of her just because of her own reasons, but the girl is still extremely afraid of the half-demon who will get out of control at any time. The girl is not afraid of her, but she will never think of this pair. The eyes are... nice.

After all, what these eyes represent is not pure beauty, as long as people who know a little bit can see the danger behind them through these eyes.

This is taboo.

Complimenting a half-demon's eyes is like praising... her half-demon bloodline?

This kind of behavior, not only outsiders, even the half-demon who is praised will definitely not have any joy, and should even be extremely angry, because it sounds like deliberately mocking... There is no difference.

But will Yun Qian mock her?

A Qing looked at Yun Qian's watery eyes that seemed to be rippling at any time, and sighed softly.

How could this girl mock her...

So, something happened that A Qing couldn't understand.

Yun Qian actually really thinks that the half-demon's eyes... are beautiful?

Her head is fine.


Ah Qing thought about it, but she didn't notice that she clenched the corner of her clothes slightly.

In the final analysis, she is different from Zhu Pingniang's avatar. Although Ah Qing is also the supreme **** of the demon sect at this time, when her consciousness is not completely taken over, her thinking mode still comes from her girl period, so...will be affected by these things.

As far as Ah Qing is concerned, Xu Gongzi treats half-demon and human beings equally, which is rare in the world... But I never thought that there would be such a silly girl as Yun Qian.

Can't she see the danger behind it? You can only see the appearance and so on. In this world, even the family of a three-year-old daughter should know how terrible a half-demon is.

Sure enough, this cloud girl is not very smart.


Ah Qing thought about it for a while, but still felt that Xu Changan's calm eyes were even more rare and moved her heart.

After all, Xu Changan was someone who had seen the half-demon disaster, so he didn't know anything about it.

Compared with the young master, this kind of love for Miss Yun can't make her heart... Some are just dumbfounded and helpless towards the girl's naivety.

After being silent for a while, Ah Qing couldn't help sighing, while holding Yun Qian's hand and exhorting.

"Miss Yun, in the future... If you can't say something like this, don't say it."

Ah Qing said seriously: "The concubine is very happy to hear it, but if others listen to it, they will laugh at the girl."

"Joke... me?" Yun Qian blinked.

"Yeah." Ah Qing nodded.

More than a joke.

In this world, if someone can say that they think the half-demon looks good, then the situation... It's really hard to say.

Not even about the world.

Isn't that the case in the Immortal Cultivation World?

Which sect didn't get tagged after adopting a half-demon?

Even some who sincerely adopted the half-demon deliberately released news that they were using and enslaving the half-demon, so would not be labeled as "right and wrong".

Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian with some pity.

I really like this cloud girl.

Although it's not very smart, but... I really like it more and more.

If she was really such a young girl's age, at that time, someone could be like Yun Qian and sincerely say that her eyes are beautiful...

Even if I knew that this sentence was ridiculous, even if I knew that Yun Qian was just unintentional—

She will definitely fall in love with her without hesitation, even if they are both women.

Some people say it will be sarcasm, some people mean it.

It's not a half-demon, it's just that I can't understand how heartfelt words can make people feel.


A Qing shook his head.

She is no longer a naive woman, so she will not be moved, let alone fall in love with Yun Qian because of such sweet words.

Ah Qing put away the handkerchief and said:

"Don't say this kind of thing again, girl. These eyes are not a pretty thing."

"I don't understand." Yun Qian had no physical strength at this time, and was unwilling to think too much, so she said softly, "It's clearly beautiful."

It is almost impossible for someone other than Xu Changan to reverse Yun Qian's perception... unless he is used as an example.

And Yun Qian also really thinks that these eyes are beautiful.

She wants a pair too.

The reason - because Xu Changan would like it?

Just like Yun Qian wanted a pair of raccoon ears for Xu Changan to touch, but she knew how bright Xu Changan's eyes were when he saw the cat ear hair accessories.

Yun Qian had already thought about it, and when she felt a little better, she put on raccoon ears to "seduce" Xu Changan.

Come to think of it, the effect must be very good.

But hair accessories are fake after all, not as good as real half-demon ears, so she sometimes wants ears like that.

And Ah Qing is also a half-demon, similar to Li Hua.

Hmm... Almost, her husband would like this anyway, Yun Qian didn't have any doubts.

Ah Qing: "...?"

She listened to Yun Qian's words, and the lights on the wall reflected her puzzled face.

Is there something wrong with this girl Yun?

Yun Qian is someone who wants to go to the Yunzong.

And the attitude of Chaoyunzong's gang towards the half-demon... It's good to say that it is good to kill all the half-demon, otherwise most of the half-demon will not be forced to the side of the holy religion, even if they are used to the scum, they are unwilling to return. Chaoyun land.

Wen Li concealed her identity, and few people knew that she was actually a half-demon, and Xiaohua claimed to the outside world that she was just a monster who was picked up.

In fact, it's fine even if he knows, Wen Li is now a down-to-earth person, not a half-demon.

So Yun Qian's attitude is not worth it...

and many more.

Ah Qing blinked.

Maybe you don't need to correct Yun Qian's thoughts?

Isn't it good that Yun Qian likes herself, why should she be afraid of herself?

And if it was revealed that Yun Qian liked the half-demon, wouldn't it be better if he was gossiped or even disliked by the people of Chao Yunzong?

With the son's protection of Young Lady Yun, as long as Chao Yunzong has any objection against Yun Qian, no matter how much favor he has before, his attitude towards Chao Yunzong will drop to freezing point.

At that time, I couldn't say that I really had the opportunity to get the son to be the first seat for me...

Ah Qing lowered her eyes and looked at her toes.

So she should... guide Yun Qian to like her, and even let her be excluded by Chao Yun Sect?

Ah Qing raised her head and looked at Yun Qian's beautiful face, she saw this woman who was too beautiful, but she was deceiving all over her face.

A Qing was moved.


She couldn't help but laugh.

This kind of unreliable, funny calculation she ate after Master successfully entered the Void Realm... she never used it again.

Before confronting Shi Qingjun, no matter what she did, she was holding the momentum to oppress people.

Now that she has such a cute little thought, she herself finds it very interesting.

It's like... the competition between wives and concubines in a garden drama, very novel.

But she is Ah Qing of Huayuelou now, so she will only say what Ah Qing should say.

Calculating Yunqian is a joke.

"All right."

Ah Qing put away her smile and said solemnly, "Miss Yun, I can't explain much to you about the half-demon... You have seen the son, go ask him."

"Ask him..." Yun Qian was thoughtful.

Xu Changan was kind to Ah Qing, gave her an umbrella, and cared very much—although it was for Zhu Pingniang's face.

So Yun Qian said calmly:

"Ask him, he will also say that your eyes are beautiful."

Ah Qing: "...?"

Listening to Yun Qian's words, Ah Qing felt a little dizzy and her heart was pounding.

Gong, son... do you also think your eyes look good?

She thought of the moment when she was heartbroken.

At that time, the pear blossom umbrella that suddenly appeared above her made her feel the heartbeat speeding up after her despair, and the repair after the heart robbery was dispelled made her feel extremely comfortable.

And this time...

Yun Qian's fluttering words actually made her feel a little bit at that time.

What are you kidding?

At that time, A Qinghui was touched by Xu Changan, and she could understand it herself.

After all, at that time, her sea of ​​consciousness had been extremely compressed under the calamity, and thousands of cracks appeared above the sea of ​​​​spirit, as if it would be completely broken at any time because of her single thought, almost suffocating, and under the pressure of being completely unable to think normally, it was Xu Changan. appeared to rescue her.

"Sword Comes"

For Qiankun Realm, the cause and effect between life and death, the fear of the unknown, and the desire for a new path are mixed together.

Even if Shi Qingjun fell in love with Xu Changan, it wouldn't be surprising and abrupt, and Ah Qing was no exception.

But in front of me...what is it that is heartbreaking?

She just thought that Xu Changan might say that her eyes are good-looking, but she was moved.

The same heartbeat as when he was rescued.

So useless? Is such a useless woman really you?

Ah Qing didn't even have to think about it, she must have had her ears red in front of Yun Qian at this time, and everything was because of Yun Qian's words that aroused her delusions.

Ah Qing felt her ears getting hot.

Complete shit.

When I was in my twenties, it turned out to be such a useless thing.

She herself didn't know that she actually had this girlish heart hidden in her heart back then.

Fortunately, fortunately, this body was pulled back by her from the long river of time. As long as her consciousness returns to her original body, she will not be affected by her own incompetence when she was a girl.


She was speechless.

If this makes Shi Qingjun know that he is only because he may be praised by Xu Changan for his good-looking eyes, his mood seems to float to the clouds for a moment...

Shi Qingjun would not be cheap and unpromising like her.

Rather, Ah Qing felt that even if no one knew about it, after she knew that she was such a useless thing when she was young... it had already affected her heart a bit.

The next time I see Shi Qingjun, I'm afraid that even the confidence will be cut out of thin air.

And if it is known, she really has no way to be a human being, let alone fight with Shi Qingjun.

Oh, she wasn't human at all.

Not a human being.


Yun Qian: "...?"

At this time, Yun Qian tilted his head slightly.

She suddenly felt that Ah Qing's knuckles were turning white, and the appearance of Tong Kong's earthquake... Is this scene familiar?

She rarely used her brain to think about it, and later realized that this scene was very similar to when Zhu Pingniang heard that Li Zhibai was wearing a small skirt.

Can it be similar.

Both of them were shattered by Yun Qian's words.

And Ah Qing's degree of defense comes from his self-awareness, so the shaking in his heart is even greater than that of Zhu Pingniang.

That is to say, knowing that it was the influence of the thoughts of the girlhood... Otherwise, this sentence can't make Ah Qing's heart calamity.

As for whether Ah Qing's heartbeat toward Xu Changan was really influenced by her thoughts when she was a girl, as she thought, it's none of Miss Yun's business.

Miss Yun looked at Ah Qing and Zhu Pingniang's identical defensive was also thinking about one thing.

Ah Qing and Zhu Pingniang are so similar, so, isn't she from his own faction... or is she on the side of Zhu Pingniang?

Hmm... Yun Qian's logic is always so impeccable, she has her reasons.

Ah Qing: "..."

After a long while, she finally regained her senses, met Yun Qian's stunning face, and took a deep breath.

"Miss Yun, do you really think my eyes... are beautiful?"

Following her words, there seemed to be wind in the corridor, and even the fire in the lampshade on the wall shook inexplicably.

Yun Qian thought to herself that she suddenly stopped calling herself "concubine", what does this mean.

Does she want to be a wife too?

However, Yun Qian nodded without thinking carefully.

"It's beautiful."

"..." Ah Qing heard the words, closed her eyes slowly after sighing, and muttered to herself, "I am the blood of the Green Scale Snake."

"Yeah." Yun Qian replied.

"Then..." As Ah Qing's closed eyes slowly opened, the birds hiding from the rain outside the window closed their chirping mouths, and the cat by the wall bowed and made a threatening "ha" sound.

Her child hole has completely changed.

One eye is round, and the other is slit-like vertical, partly emerald green, and in the middle there is a dark crack like an abyss, the firelight falls into it as if it was swallowed up, and there is no way to escape.

The slit-shaped vertical snake is generally a nocturnal snake, while the round child snake is generally a day snake, which is yin and yang.

Where are the eyes that a person should have?

Under the flickering lights, Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian in the shadow.

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