My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 417: Cloud Girl's Joy Plus 1 (2 in 1)

How long has it been since Ah Qing used this pair of yin-yang colored pupils?

It's been so long that she has forgotten her age.

Day and night are yin and yang.

The most recent one was the battle with Shi Qingjun a long time ago.

At that time, she probably wouldn't have thought of it anyway... She used these eyes again to scare a little girl?

Well, in her eyes, Yun Qian is no different from the little girl, after all, she thought the age gap was there.

It's also that Yun Qian is a very strange person, she just made A Qing realize with a simple sentence...she is actually a woman who likes men, so she breaks her defenses a bit.

You know, even a girl like Zhu Pingniang would want to stand on her own, let alone Ah Qing who has been alone until now.

She opened her eyes.

"Miss Yun, does this look good?"

Ah Qing's words traveled a long way in the slightly dim lacquered wood corridor. As soon as these words came out, her shadow under the lights seemed to be instantly shredded into monsters.

The shadow also seemed to have a pair of light green eyes. He opened his **** mouth and showed his fangs like a cyan python, ready to swallow the girl beside him.

at this time.

Hearing Ah Qing's sad tone, Yun Qian seemed to feel that the temperature had dropped a little, and shivered, as if she was afraid.

Ah Qing did not close her eyes like an abyss. She probably wanted to completely change Yun Qian's distorted mind.

There may be many reasons, and being shaken by Yun Qian is one of them.

She also really didn't want this clean girl...because there was a flaw in the question of the half-demon.

Not for Yun Qian.

'In order not to be hated by the son. ’

Ah Qing told herself this in her heart.

She felt that if Yun Qian's ambiguity towards Banyao caused a problem because of her existence, then Mr. Xu wouldn't have any good feelings towards her...

But what puzzled Ah Qing was that Yun Qian didn't respond, she kept silent.

So Yun Qian was silent, and A Qing was also silent, not knowing what to say.

Yun Qian lived in Beisang City for some time, and Ah Qing also learned a little about her temperament.

The eldest lady who doesn't like to go out and has a weak constitution, even though she is married now, she has grown a bit older... But in the end, Ah Qing thought that Yun Qian's temperament was no different from that of an innocent little girl.

Therefore, Yun Qian, who has never seen a demon and doesn't know what kind of **** scourge the half-demon represents, thinks her eyes are beautiful, and she is not incomprehensible.

But to deal with such a girl, maybe it doesn't need any big reason.

Just frighten her.

The demon disaster that is far away, it is better to use a pair of terrible eyes to let Yun Qian intuitively understand how disgusting the half-demon is.

That's enough.

Ah Qing sighed softly in his heart.


Because Yun Qian pointed out that she was actually a cheap woman, after breaking the defense, she couldn't say whether this behavior was deliberately intimidating and bullying Yun Qian in revenge.

Maybe a little bit of revenge on the girl's mind.

Are you jealous of Yun Qian and that son?

do not know.

But Ah Qing really doesn't want to be hated by Yun Qian... So now, she actually regrets scaring Yun Qian.

It's just that A Qing suddenly had some doubts.

Why didn't Yun Qian speak?

I'm not really scared of myself...

Should not be ah.

She grasped it precisely.

If she doesn't control it, at the moment when she activates the pupil technique, in a large area centered on Beisang City, except for Chaoyunzong's mountain protection formation, all the rest will be wiped from the world and turned into a sky. The purest yin and yang qi underneath was completely destroyed.

But now such a dangerous pupil technique, the power is controlled by her at the level of barely frightening the birds by the window and the raccoon flowers by the roadside.

Probably the kind that can startle a woman and lose her soul for a moment.

Feeling Yun Qian's silent appearance, Ah Qing was a little worried.

Could it be…

Is this cloud girl actually a very timid girl?

So Ah Qingli raised her head, but the scene in front of her made her stunned.

The shadow of the lights fell on Yun Qian's dark eyes, and the girl was serious at this moment... She glanced at her body, as if she was checking a jar of blue and white porcelain that she was about to buy home to avoid any cracks on it.

Ah Qing: "...?"

While Ah Qing was waiting for the "trial", she thought that Yun Qian's gaze would be fearful or disgusting.

The best is the best... and it should be disgusting, but she just didn't expect it to be like this.

She felt that Yun Qian's gaze was like a silky handkerchief, from her shoe repair, to her ankle, all the way up.

He tightened his clothes a little, trying to cover his humiliating short skirt with his coat as much as possible.

But how to cover it up? It's just self-deception.

Therefore, A Qing's body was "wiped" several times by Yun Qian's gaze up and down, that feeling... very strange.

what is she looking at?

Ah Qing doesn't know, but according to reason... She should really hate Yun Qian's gaze that treats her as something in her pocket.

But in fact, she didn't hate it at all.

How strange.

Is Yun Qian afraid?

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Yun Qian's steady heartbeat and slow breathing all proved that Yun Qian was not frightened by her at all, but instead... looked at herself like this.


Ah Qing's heart froze.

Yun Qian didn't look into her eyes, but avoided looking at her body, so she couldn't say she wasn't afraid...

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly met Yun Qian's gaze.

What kind of eyes are those?

A Qing girl's consciousness was covered with a layer of dust.

Only then did she realize that she had never taken a good look at the eyes of this girl in front of her.

There is no secluded attraction like the abyss, and there is no terrible power.



very nice.

Is that so...?

A Qing stared blankly at Yun Qian, her eyes stopped on her eyes, and then she stopped moving.

Yun Qian was looking at her.

[She is looking into my eyes. 】

Seriously... as if scrutinizing some treasure... look into your own eyes.

Although the range is very small, Ah Qing can really clearly feel that Yun Qian is looking at the corner of her eyes, looking at her light green pupils, and carefully looking at her gaping pupils, which should be extremely terrifying.

Ah Qing's heart accelerated slightly.

How long has it been...

Do not.

never had.

Since birth, no one has ever looked into her eyes so carefully.

In this case, Yun Qian was so careful that she seemed to want to memorize every detail, every look, and even every eyelash near her eyes... which made Ah Qing panic.

She suddenly had a feeling that she was actually not wearing clothes at all, and she even completely opened the sea of ​​​​knowledge to Yun Qian.


Why is this girl Yun's ordinary, black eyes so terrifying?

So, something happened that A Qing didn't even think of.

She was going to frighten Yun Qian, but she was so frightened by Yun Qian's serious eyes... that she closed her eyes.

Yun Qian: "...?"

A few question marks slowly floated over Yun Qian's head, who was carefully observing Ah Qing.

She said that she hadn't seen Ah Qing up close, so she made up for it this time, but... Didn't she let herself see it? Why did she close her eyes.

Yun Qian remembered her own use of ribbons to cover her eyes, but at that time she didn't want to see her husband hurt.

What is Aqing for?

Could it be that she didn't want to see her husband cut his hand with a knife in the kitchen?

Yun Qian blinked and asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"


Listening to Yun Qian's words, Ah Qing tried her best to calm herself down: "Yun, Miss Yun, what are you... looking at."

"?" Yun Qian was even more strange.

what to see?

"Look in your eyes."

She explained to Ah Qing, "You asked me... Are eyes like this still good-looking."

So, she had to wait for a while before she could give an answer.

Regarding her husband's karma, Miss Yun's attitude was always so serious.

"So, open your eyes and let me see."

Ah Qing: "…"

Not right.

There's something wrong with this girl.

Is your pair of demon pupils something that requires such careful distinction to draw conclusions?

how is this possible.

Isn't it scary and ugly just by looking at it?

Could it be that there is something wrong with this girl's aesthetic...?


Yun Qian likes Xu Changan, and this aesthetic is normal.

"Open your eyes." Yun Qian repeated and added, "Let me watch it for a while."

Ah Qing slowly opened his eyes, narrowed into a gap.

"..." Yun Qian gently shook her head: "Open your eyes."

A Qing was struggling a little when she heard the words, but she still slowly opened her eyes, without hiding her pupils again, exposing the most real her to Yun Qian again.

At this time, she really felt a bit like a death row prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

"Just now squinting and not waking up." Yun Qian looked at A Qing and said seriously, "How beautiful this is."

After observing, she confirmed the answer to this question.

Ah Qing asked her if she still looks good now, she thinks she looks good.


'How beautiful this is... how beautiful this is...'

Yun Qian's voice echoed in his ears.

After getting this answer, Ah Qing stayed in place for a while.

At this time, the lacquered wood corridor was very quiet, there were screens on both sides, and the lights were dim.

Ah Qing suddenly didn't like such a quiet environment, because it would make her realize... how fast her heartbeat is now.

She didn't know how the Yun girl in front of her came to the answer that her eyes were still beautiful.

At this time, she added a strange label to her on top of the conclusion that Yun Qian was ignorant.

After being silent for a long time, Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian with her demon eyes and asked seriously:

"Miss Yun, are you not afraid?"

"Should I be afraid?"

Yun Qian's calm, natural and superficial doubts left Ah Qing speechless.

She stared blankly at Yun Qian for a while.

Does anyone really care about the half-demon's eyes?

No way.

Therefore, she felt that perhaps Yun Qian just didn't know what the half-demon represented, and she happened to be bold.

"Girl, concubine is a half-demon."

"Well, I know." Yun Qian nodded, thinking that she should have calmed down and started calling herself a concubine again.

"Does the girl know what a half-demon is?" A Qing asked.

"I know." Yun Qian nodded, thinking that Xu Changan had told her, and that she knew something about it herself.

"The concubine doesn't think the girl knows."

"You think I'm ignorant?"

"how come."

Ah Qing couldn't help sighing: "I just think... the girl is a kind person."

Yun Qian heard the words and looked at A Qing even more strangely.


Who is she talking about.

But Ah Qing didn't give Yun Qian much time to think, she just started to give Yun Qian popular science.

under the lights.

Ah Qing explained the origin of the half-demon and the dangers of the half-demon slowly and word by word to Yun Qian.

Including the fact that the towns around Beisang City were completely destroyed by an out-of-control half-demon whose bloodline deteriorated, I also told Yun Qian.

After explaining, Ah Qing said again: "Miss Yun, the concubine is a half-demon, maybe you understand?"

After Ah Qing finished speaking, she looked at Yun Qian and saw that Yun Qian was looking at her with some doubtful eyes.

"I understand." Yun Qian nodded and looked at her calmly: "You are a half-demon, I know it."

"Girl, I'm a half-demon." Ah Qing smiled wryly.

"What do you say so many times in one sentence?"

Miss Yun felt that this girl was not very smart.

Ah Qing: "…"

She suddenly understood.

It turned out that this girl knew everything.

It turned out that she really didn't care.

It turned out that she felt that her eyes were... beautiful on the premise of knowing everything.

She originally thought Yun Qian was naive, but the truth told her that this girl Yun was the same person as Mr. Xu. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The clergymen in Huayuelou did not like to be discriminated against, but they hated false sympathy even more.

Ah Qing felt the same for herself, after all, she was the girl from Huayuelou.

At this time, Yun Qian's calmness was like a sharp sword, piercing straight into her heart, leaving a deep trace on the traces left by Xu Changan.

"Miss Yun." Ah Qing calmed down and looked at Yun Qian.

As her and Yun Qian's eyes met again.

Just as Fang Cai Yunqian was watching her eyes carefully, she also looked at Yun Qian, as if she wanted to know what was going on in this girl's head.

This time, she suddenly felt that Yun Qian's ordinary eyes suddenly became extremely attractive.


No, it is clearly so delicate.


No, it is as stunning as black pearls.

This girl's are they so beautiful.

At this moment, Ah Qing felt that Yun Qian's eyes seemed to be like the round of rising tomorrow that she had seen in the sky of the South China Sea, dispelling the layer of dust in her heart.

She used to think how ordinary Yun Qian's eyes were, but now she thinks how charming her eyes are.

Those black pupils seemed to hide all the treasures in the world, whether it was the place of the abyss and the eternal night, or the celestial disk, whether it was the Qingzhou Temple or the Chaoyun Divine Peak, they were all hidden in the girl's eyes.

A person's considered treasure depends on her vision.

At this moment, Ah Qing felt that all the precious things in her heart could be found in this girl's eyes.


She likes this girl so much now. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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