My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 429: Life Talk (2 in 1)

Zhu Pingniang felt the heaviness of the words on the letter in her arms, and seemed to ask a question casually.

"Chang'an, have you told Wen Li that her posture in practicing swords... is not very good-looking?"

She looked sullen, as if she really just thought of this and mentioned it.

Then Xu Changan was stunned.


Xu Changan suddenly had the illusion that it was not Zhu Pingniang but Yun Qian who was standing in front of him.

This kind of topic jumps for no reason and makes people completely confused... It's too similar to Miss Yun.

Xu Changan couldn't understand her words at all.

Said that Senior Sister Wen's swordsmanship is not good-looking?

How can a human being be ignorant?

Let's not talk about whether Senior Sister's elegant and elegant swordsmanship that is elegant enough to fascinate thousands of girls will be ugly, you must know that he cherishes being taught by Senior Sister.

For him, being able to learn the 1% of Wen Li's sword intent to show him is a great luck.

Didn't see Sikongjing meet him three times or two, the ultimate goal is to get senior sister to give advice?

Xu Changan felt that the sword in Wen Li's hand was a thousand times more attractive than any scenery or beauty.

How could this not look good? !

Clearly the best looking.

In Xu Changan's heart, Wen Li's sword was second only to Miss Yun for the time being - after all, as long as he could learn a little bit of skill, it would be enough for him to protect himself.

As for whether Senior Sister Wen is good-looking, Xu Changan didn't care much.

It's nice, maybe it's nice.

However, Xu Changan thought that Wen Li was not a good-looking woman, but he subconsciously felt that Wen Li was handsome and handsome.

Compared to describing the beauty and beauty of a woman, the neutral word handsome and cold is more in line with Xu Changan's definition of Wenli.

So for a while, Xu Changan was painted by Zhu Pingniang.

"Sister Zhu, how could I say such ignorant words." Xu Changan looked at Zhu Pingniang in disbelief: "Did you hear any rumors?"

Xu Changan felt a little amused.

There wouldn't be someone who really rumoured him to speak ill of Wen Li, let alone Wen Li wouldn't believe it, even those senior sisters from Mu Yufeng couldn't believe it.

Is it...

I wish the seniors believed?

Xu Changan looked at Zhu Pingniang and rubbed his hands.

Zhu Pingniang met Xu Changan's suspicious gaze, her eyes erratic:

"Rumours... Well, you know that Wen Li has changed a lot recently, and then someone said that she would suddenly change her outfit. Is it because of you... No, because of the influence of Sister Yun... Well, Wen Li is now Yun. It is normal for a shallow guide to have such rumors."

"Senior sister... the change is a little big?" Xu Changan looked at Zhu Pingniang with some puzzlement.

Has your sister changed recently?

I really didn't pay much attention.

In recent days, he went to Wenli's place to play with florets.

"You didn't notice..." Zhu Pingniang was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her eyes twitched: "Okay."

"Changan...I don't quite understand." Xu Changan shook his head and said seriously: "However, senior sister is not someone who will be shaken by foreign objects. What has changed in her can only be a change in her heart, and it has nothing to do with others. "

Therefore, he didn't think that if Wen Li changed anything, it would be influenced by Yun Qian.

"You trust that girl." Listening to Xu Changan's decisive tone, Zhu Pingniang held back for a while, and was speechless.

Will Wen Li not be shaken by foreign objects?

She was like scolding Xu Changan, 'You know what a fart. ’

Wen Li is about to give up walking the road of swords, this is not called shaking his heart, what is it? ? ? ?

Zhu Pingniang took a deep breath.

If you want a lady...if you want a lady, you can't lose the temperament of a woman...


As soon as she let out a sigh of relief, she saw Xu Changan with a wry smile.

"I don't believe in senior sister, either." Xu Changan helplessly spread his hands: "Even if senior sister really changes, then I can't say that senior sister was influenced by my family."

Senior Sister Wen's fan girl is very scary. If Wen Li was influenced by Yun Qian to change her temperament, she would get into big trouble.

Therefore, Wen Li must be firm in his heart. He has to believe even if he doesn't believe in Wen Li.

Otherwise, if Wen Li had a single hair change, Yun Qian would be in trouble.

"You..." Zhu Pingniang's eyes couldn't help twitching, she looked at Xu Changan strangely.

this kid...

It's too realistic.


Think about it, if the news spreads that Wen Li is about to give up learning swordsmanship, then anyone who might affect her during this period of time will get into big trouble.

"I wish you sister, Chang'an has no choice, don't laugh at me." Xu Changan sighed.

"What am I laughing at you for?" Zhu Pingniang spat:

"You're right."

After replying to Xu Changan, Zhu Pingniang lowered her eyes.

not him?

To be honest, the reason why she asked Xu Changan like this was because her first reaction after knowing that Wen Li was going to give up being a swordsman was - Xu Changan said that Wen Li's sword practice was not good-looking?

Is it because Xu Changan thought that Wen Li's sword training was not good-looking, so Wen Li gave up?

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but this is indeed the first idea that Zhu Pingniang came up with.

But after calming down, he felt that Wen Li shouldn't be able to do such a childish thing, and Xu Changan... is not a character who can say such things.

Therefore, Wen Li's decision to give up being a swordsman might have nothing to do with Xu Changan.

After all, Xu Changan has barely stepped into the threshold of sword repair.

"It's your sister who has wronged you."

"... wronged?"

Xu Changan didn't understand.

Zhu Pingniang shook her head gently without explaining.

She thought that if it had nothing to do with Xu Changan, then the matter would be really difficult to resolve.

That's all, she went to have a good talk with Wen Li first, and if she really couldn't persuade her, she would think of a way... Close the door and put Chang'an.

What Xu Changan said should still have an effect on Wen Li?

But what really makes Zhu Pingniang feel difficult is that it may be useless for Xu Changan to go out.

Wen Li's attitude towards Xu Changan is obviously still that of Mohu. The girl herself can't figure out her feelings for Xu Changan. At this time, it is possible for Xu Changan to may be counterproductive.

'Really...well, how can I get confused. ’

Zhu Pingniang frowned.

Could it be that Wenli is also similar to Qingluo?

Could it be that Xu Changan was too diverted and completely unconcerned, so Wen Li could not see hope and gave up on himself?

"Cough." Zhu Pingniang cleared her throat, then leaned against the window in the corridor and stretched: "Chang'an, sister has something I want to hear from you."

"You said." Xu Changan nodded.

"After I had a gentleman with my hands down to redeem my body, I got on with a man of the right age by chance. I can see that these two have feelings, but... that man already has a wife, Nizi. If you marry, you can only be a concubine." Zhu Pingniang said slowly.

Xu Changan nodded when he heard the words.

This is a common occurrence and nothing to be surprised about.

Zhu Pingniang said with some emotion: "Nizi herself and a man are in love with each other, and she doesn't mind marrying her as a concubine, but... Nizi is a little hesitant these two days, because if the man really takes her as a concubine, he will send his wife to him. The infidelity and even insults, his wife is a eldest lady from a famous family, her family is innocent, and she is a virtuous person, even if she takes a concubine...

If you really get in, a man will lose a romantic reputation at most, and the other's wife will lose a lot of face.

Xu Changan listened quietly, expressed understanding, and asked doubtfully, "So...he doesn't want to take a concubine?"

"I'm still willing." Zhu Pingniang shook her head: "After all, our beloved ones really like each other, and he is determined to make Nanny a concubine."

"What's the problem then?" Xu Changan didn't understand.

"Kenzi doesn't want to get married. What she's struggling with now is... If this man doesn't care about his wife's face for her sake, does it mean that... he is unkind and unworthy of trust." Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "It's ridiculous, obviously People like her, but she is timid."

"I don't think it's funny." Xu Changan said with a serious face: "It's like this with wives, not to mention a concubine."

"Oh?" Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan unexpectedly: "Do you think it's better not to marry?"

"Yeah." Xu Changan nodded.

"It's also surprising." Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan in surprise: "I thought, with your temperament, you would be noncommittal, saying that you don't understand it, so it's hard to make suggestions..."

But he didn't want Xu Changan to be so decisive.

"I wish my sister." Xu Changan was a little helpless: "I am a little indecisive on weekdays, but I am not so pedantic."

"That's hard to say." Zhu Pingniang snorted coldly: "So, why did you say that you are not allowed to marry? I see that man is very precious to her."

"It is said that marrying a wife goes to a virtuous person, and a concubine is a good person." Xu Changan shook his head and said softly: "A wife and a good person are worth it, not to mention a concubine, not a good person."

Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan dissatisfiedly: "You have never seen that man, so you know that he is not a sweetheart?"

Xu Changan smiled: "I wish sister, since the girl has hesitated."

Said to be hesitant, but in fact... there is already an answer.

Xu Changan didn't make decisions for the girl without authorization, it was purely that he saw that the matter had actually been settled.

When the lady of the Qing Dynasty hesitated in her heart, it was absolutely impossible for her to marry and become a concubine, and it was absolutely impossible for Zhu Pingniang to agree.

For these girls in Huayuelou, if they really want to marry, they will never hesitate.

"You're smart." Zhu Pingniang sighed: "But I still think it's ridiculous, clearly... Is there a man who doesn't dislike him and really likes him, but can't because he wants to marry her, how can such a thing happen in the world... In this case, won't all the girls in my hands be married?"

"It's not a humiliation to accept a girl here as a concubine," Xu Changan said.

"Okay." Zhu Pingniang gave Xu Changan a deep look.

She felt it.

Xu Changan himself may not have noticed that he was very resistant to the fact that a man had a wife and took a concubine. Even after hearing that the other party had a virtuous wife from a famous family, there was a faint contempt in his eyes.

She once asked Xu Changan if she was willing to take a concubine. Xu Changan said no at that time, and Zhu Pingniang didn't forget her heart.

Now I really know his attitude.

His disdain, contempt and even disgust for men taking concubines are beyond words.

Especially when Xu Changan said the words "Marry a wife, marry a virtuous person, take a concubine and be a seductress", it can be seen that he is dismissive of this sentence.

He didn't think it was funny that the clergyman repented, but he thought it was ridiculous.

You must know that Xu Changan's temperament is gentle and quiet on weekdays, and he rarely has such a contemptuous attitude, but at this time...

It was enough to see that Xu Changan himself was extremely disgusted with men taking concubines.

How can there be such a man in the world?

Zhu Pingniang couldn't understand something.

Throughout ancient history, it was extremely normal for a capable man to have three wives and four concubines. In contrast, it was abnormal to keep his wife alone.

But this is the attitude of the concubine who loves both the husband and the man. If there is no more affection, Zhu Pingniang thinks that Xu Changan can sneer.

"You... very strange." Zhu Pingniang stared at Xu Changan.

"...?" Xu Changan didn't quite understand what happened to Zhu Pingniang.

He himself doesn't really know his tone of voice, but he really doesn't have any good feelings for a man taking a concubine. There are only so many places in the human heart, it is very difficult to let go of a person, how can he be distracted?

Don't say anything you like, Xu Changan will really laugh when he hears such words.

"Chang'an, do you think... it's ridiculous to take a concubine?" Zhu Pingniang suddenly said.

She has a vague feeling of not being good now.

If Xu Changan has such an attitude, then... what about her Qingluo...

"It's ridiculous." Xu Changan didn't keep the mean this time, but UU Reading expressed his attitude very seriously: "It's ridiculous, I... can't understand it."

If there is really a problem with your relationship, just be reasonable and find reasons for your own selfish desires? He doesn't like such a thing.

He didn't know why Zhu Pingniang asked this question, but it was related to his attitude towards Miss Yun, and Xu Changan was unwilling to compromise with this era.

"I don't think it's funny to take a concubine." Zhu Pingniang shook her head: "Since the old saying says that marrying a wife and a virtuous person, and taking a concubine, it is acceptable in itself, so it's not them, but you that are strange. ."

"I wish my sister." Xu Changan shook his head, his voice raised a little: "I think the real connotation of the old saying "Marry a wife and a virtuous, concubines and serenity" is to persuade people that it is best not to take concubines."

"Huh?" Zhu Pingniang was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about, why do you say that the concubine is not allowed to accept the concubine? Isn't this just to distinguish the wives and concubines and maintain the stability of the family."

Wife Xian, the family is stable, concubine... as long as she looks good.

What Zhu Pingniang thinks or thinks this sentence is not to tell men not to take concubines, but to remind them... When taking concubines, they should have a good wife, remind them that the concubine room is only sexual, it is a plaything, don't take it seriously.

Listening to Zhu Pingniang's words, Xu Changan sighed with a calm tone. He remembered Yun Qian who had just come over to hug him, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Sit more to calm the mind, avoid alcohol and **** to purify the mind, get rid of cravings to nourish the mind, observe ancient teachings to alert the mind, understand the truth to clarify the mind, and nourish the mind is not good at reducing desires, so it is best to be good to your wife wholeheartedly. The connotation of an old saying."

"I wish sister, since taking a wife and taking a virtuous person, then this is the best sex, Chang'an thinks so."

"...Well, um...I see." Zhu Pingniang stared at Xu Changan for a while, then lowered her head.

For some reason, her heart beat faster.

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