My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 430: As long as you like Yun Qian, you won't be unrequited love (2 in 1)

Zhu Pingniang attaches great importance to the girls in Huayuelou. Although she seems to let the girls continue to be servants and stay in the brothel, this is not essentially Zhu Pingniang's request, but the choice of the girls themselves.

Don't look at the girls who accompany the wine and the guests, but these are all within the rules. If someone really dares to bully her girl, then Zhu Tongjun will really be angry.

In fact, it is precisely because those girls are still willing to pick up guests that they are more and more important in Zhu Pingniang's heart.

This is contradictory, but understandable.

It's just like the contradiction that a man of the Qing Dynasty gave up marrying him just because he was willing to humiliate his wife's face for marrying a concubine.

Zhu Pingniang once asked the girls in Huayuelou why they liked Xu Changan, why they thought he was the special one, and...why was he so likable.

There are many answers, but at this moment, Zhu Pingniang understood the thoughts of most girls.

The young man in front of him is really a gentle and firm person - although this kind of gentleness will only be given to Yun Qian, but women are the most empathetic, what girl family doesn't want such a husband?

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

At this moment, Zhu Pingniang realized that she was really a contradictory person. She thought about Xu Changan's decisive tone and his views on taking concubines, her heartbeat quietly accelerated to a point where her auricle was enough to blush.

She likes Abai.

I also like Cloud Girl.

A second ago, she was still worried about Wen Li and Liu Qingluo, but this second... she was really moved.

Zhu Pingniang had found her attitude towards Xu Changan was strange many times in the past. Even though she always felt that Wen Li couldn't understand her attitude towards Xu Changan, she actually couldn't understand her own attitude towards Xu Changan.

Zhu Pingniang's emotional rank is not much higher than Wen Li's - just as Miss Lu said, her sister Zhu is actually pitiful because of her innocence.

Zhu Pingniang used to look at Xu Changan differently, and was moved by many details, but at that time she thought her heart was moved because of the reincarnation of immortals and because of the amazing talent of the young man.


Zhu Pingniang... No, Zhu Tongjun has never been like this for a moment. He can clearly feel his heartbeat and the breath of the young man in front of him.

Zhu Pingniang lowered her head, thinking that it must be because she is not a avatar, but her body, so she feels that Xu Changan's breath is so warm...

Do not.

She raised her head with a wry smile.

Don't deceive yourself.

Heartbroken, heartbroken.

Xu Changan looked at Zhu Pingniang in silence, and was also a little silent.

He expressed his disdain for men in this world to take concubines. In fact, he felt that... an excellent woman like Zhu Pingniang would definitely understand his thoughts. After all, a daughter should be self-improvement.

Mu Yufeng was a woman, and Xu Changan thought that Zhu Pingniang could understand his idea of ​​monogamy.

But I didn't expect Zhu Pingniang to be so silent.

Xu Changan smiled wryly.

Sure enough, this kind of thinking is still a bit deviant?

"Sister Zhu, did I say something wrong?" Xu Changan asked.

"Wrong? When did my sister say you were wrong?" Zhu Pingniang heard Xu Changan's words, and she said something.

But what surprised Xu Changan was that Zhu Pingniang didn't look him in the eyes when she said this, but... avoided his sight, as if she didn't dare to look at him.


how so.

"I know what you think, it's right to be more dedicated." Zhu Pingniang smiled: "If you don't delay your dinner, my sister will leave first, and Wen Li is still waiting for me."

"Okay." Although Xu Changan felt that Zhu Pingniang was a little strange, but Zhu Pingniang rarely had normal times, he didn't take it to heart, turned back to the kitchen, and continued to work.

After Xu Changan went back, Zhu Pingniang walked away quickly, and she didn't stop until she walked to the window, where the lights were dim above, and sighed faintly.

Her face became more bitter, mixed with a bit of helplessness belonging to a mature woman.

What a contradiction - yourself.

It was precisely because he knew that the young man in front of him was terrifyingly single-minded and devoted, so he was moved.

Could it be that he is actually the woman written in the books, who likes old cows to eat young grass?

Not right.

In her eyes, if the person who can arouse her desire must be Li Zhibai.

She hoped that she could hold A Bai's hand, she hoped that she could hug A Bai, and even in a dream, she hoped to be more intimate and closer to A Bai.

Not so with Xu Changan.

Although she looked at Xu Changan, although she was heartbroken, she just liked it spiritually. If she said that she was close to Xu really had no idea at all.

Can this kind of heartbeat that does not contain the slightest desire be called heartbeat, can it be called liking?

"Shouldn't it be..."

Just thinking about it, Zhu Pingniang suddenly froze, she turned around and looked in the direction of the kitchen.

"Marrying wives and talents, concubines and serenity..."

The debate between just now and Xu Changan became clearer and clearer in his mind at this moment.

She has an idea for Ah Bai, this is [color].

I like Xu Changan because of [Xian].

So in her heart, Chang'an is his wife and Abai is his concubine?

No, how could my Bai become a concubine?

Zhu Pingniang covered her face, this kind of thought must not be known to others, it is too embarrassing to be tempted by a junior.

However, the young man really has a vigor that is different from her peers.

Coupled with the mystery of Xu Changan, Zhu Pingniang thought it was normal for a woman to be tempted, and she was also a normal woman.

Fortunately, Zhu Pingniang knew very well that her liking could be maintained to the point where she had a good impression at most, which could not be compared with Liu Qingluo, Wen Li, or even Miss Lu's hazy goodwill.

Unless Xu Changan can really do something that makes her really tempted in the future, otherwise... the good feeling in my heart is impossible to grow into a liking.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

She is a calm woman after all.


Facing her inner favor, Zhu Pingniang relaxed and sighed softly.

It was this singleness that made the woman's heart move by Xu Changan, but it was because of this singleness that the girl he liked would only get further and further away from him.

Getting him to take a concubine is almost impossible.

But if he doesn't accept a concubine, Qingluo's mind...


Zhu Pingniang remembered the example she gave Xu Changan.

Obviously, if Xu Changan was really moved to take a concubine and was really moved by Liu Qingluo and wanted to take her as a concubine, would Qingluo still like him so much?

Obviously not.

Today, a part of Yun Qian's whole heart can be cut out for a woman, and another part can be cut out tomorrow. In the end, the so-called love is just a joke that can't stand the test.

Therefore, if Xu Changan really had a fancy idea, although Liu Qingluo would still love him, he would never be satisfied just by looking at it from a distance.

Zhu Pingniang gently rubbed her eyebrows.

She is a little numb now.

Qingluo herself has been crawling in the brothel all the way to the position of the oiran in Wanzhilou, and she did not leave Wanzhilou and enter Huayuelou until she was valued by her.

Therefore, most of the girls in Huayuelou are women from other places who have experienced hardships.

And Zhu Pingniang likes the girls under her who have experienced hardships very much, because such girls, no matter whether the three views are distorted in the fireworks, but even if they are distorted, they still have things they insist on.

The girl who really fell into it was not qualified to enter her Huayuelou.

And the girls who were fortunate enough to come in, even if the favored ones knew that Zhu Pingniang had the ability to let them eat and drink, but no one was willing to be a rice bug that was eaten and waited to die.

There is a saying among men that men die for their confidants. Women think they are inferior to men, but for their own sister Zhu, they don’t mind picking up the women’s six arts that they hate and make a living from it and run Huayue. floor this place.

- Zhu Pingniang doesn't need silver taels, so she doesn't need to let these girls who have experienced hardships go back to their old jobs again.

But she still works very hard, like an ordinary girl doing it.

In the final analysis, it's because... Zhu Pingniang likes it very much.

She likes to see the girls working hard to make money in return for her.

Zhu Pingniang is not a woman who brings her kindness back, but... Who doesn't want their emotional efforts to be rewarded?

Emotional feedback is really important!

And these women who worked hard in Huayuelou gave her a satisfactory answer and gave her feedback.

But some feelings can't get feedback.

Such as Liu Qingluo's.

Just because he knew that Xu Changan would never take a concubine, because he knew it was absolutely impossible to have an affair with him, and because he knew it was absolutely impossible to get a response to what he liked... That's why he fell in love even more?

Does Qingluo like to abuse herself? Is there something wrong with her brain?

But Liu Qingluo has already fallen into it, unless there is someone who will make her more heart-warming in the future, unless Liu Qingluo can empathize and leave love, otherwise this relationship will only bring her joy mixed with pain.

But will Liu Qingluo fall in love with other people?

The timing of Xu Changan's appearance and the timing of unlocking her were just too perfect. Even if a man who was more handsome than Xu Changan, more powerful than him, and equally dedicated appeared in the future, Liu Qingluo would not take a second look.

Because, at this time, she is no longer the ordinary wine girl she used to be.

Today's Liu Qingluo is a woman with immortal talent and potential comparable to a "god".

Her heart will only stay on the teenager who came to buy wine in the liquor store.

This is a dead end.

In contrast, Wen Li's incomprehensible feelings are not worth caring about at all. If Wen Li fell ill and wanted to give up kendo, Zhu Pingniang wouldn't want to care about the relationship between Wen Li and Xu Changan.

Zhu Pingniang rubbed her hands and walked to the small room where Wen Li was.

She was a little emotional.

Sure enough, it was Yun Qian's time to catch up. In the past, she thought that Yun Qian started early, but now she thinks that she has an excellent vision.


Cloud shallow?

Zhu Pingniang suddenly remembered Yun Qian and clapped her hands.


And Yun Qian.

Zhu Pingniang found that Yun Qian was a good potential stock, and she had a beauty that she couldn't put down—

In layman's terms, Yun Qian... Men and women take it all.

And Yun Qian's own conditions and personality are more likable than Xu Changan.

It is indeed impossible for Qingluo to have a man that he likes more than Xu Changan, but he didn't say that he couldn't like a woman.

Yun Qian has the ability to make people empathize.

If Qingluo can be friends with Yun Qian, it must be a very happy thing for Qingluo.

Even if there is no response to Xu Changan's feelings, he can still get feedback from Yun Qian.


Zhu Pingniang thought blankly, as if she had found a perfect solution to the problem.

"Why are this young couple so likable... sinful."

But I have to say that the girl who likes Xu Changan is reluctant to get too close to him because she avoids suspicion, but she can get close to Yun Qian... It's really foul.

She is also a woman, even if she adds this favor to Xu Changan to Yun Qian, it will not be a problem at all.

After all, getting close to Yun Qian doesn't need to avoid suspicion.

Because everyone knows that the girl's love for Yun Qian will not be mixed with any desire, it is a purer favor, and it is different from liking Xu Changan.

For example, if Liu Qingluo falls in love with Yun Qian in the end, then part of her love and admiration is still in Xu Changan, and what she gives Yun Qian is the pure emotion and friendship of her daughter's family.

The key is this kind of feedback based on friendship, which Yun Qian can give, which is different from Xu Changan's ruthless machine.

And because Yun Qian is Xu Changan's wife, this emotional feedback from this special status Yun Qian to Qingluo is enough to comfort Qingluo. UU Reading

Absolutely, problem solved perfectly.

Wish Ping girl Kong earthquake.

Xu Changan?

He knew that Qingluo liked his girl Yun, not only would she not resist, but she would be very happy because Yun Qian had made friends.

It's something he can do.

Zhu Pingniang gently covered her face.

She felt... as if she saw the future—

[The women who like Xu Changan finally gathered around Yun Qian and held a women's tea party around Yun Qian. 】

As for Xu Changan?

A touch of moonlight in my heart, it is enough to see it occasionally.

[Emotions need feedback, and Xu Changan can't give it, so Yun Qian will come. 】

This is what Zhu Pingniang sees, a good future for everyone.


Zhu Pingniang shook her head, she felt that her brain hole was a little big, but she could indeed let Qingluo get close to Yun Qian.

If they can make friends, Qingluo will feel better, and Xu Changan can also satisfy Yun Qian's desire to make friends, which is a win-win situation.

To use some means.


It doesn't seem to have to.

Zhu Pingniang blinked.

Only Wen Li is qualified to be a guide for Qingluo, and Wen Li is Yun Qian's guide, so no matter how much Liu Qingluo resists contact with Yun Qian, they will always meet, and then... just rely on Yun Qian's charm , don't worry about not being able to seduce Qingluo.

Zhu Pingniang smiled.

Don't have to intervene by yourself, isn't this the free will of God in the dark?

The greater providence is that there are still warm pears here.

In other words, Wen Li is already Yun Qian's guide and has been in contact with her many times. Could it be that... Wen Li was really influenced by Yun Qian so she gave up kendo?

Wen Li probably fell in love with Yunqian, so she couldn't see her feelings for Xu Changan clearly.

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