My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 431: Miss Yun thought Wen Li was a very powerful person (2 in 1)

Wife is one week boss0431 Miss Yun thinks Wen Li is a very powerful person (two in one)

'Wen Li doesn't like Yun Qian, so he can't see his feelings for Xu Changan clearly. ’

Zhu Pingniang thought so.

Yun Qian didn't think so.

Although she spent some time alone with the girl Wen, in addition to teaching her the basics of cultivation, Wen Li was more concerned with Xu Changan.

For example, she invited Wen Li to the room to see Xu Changan's calligraphy and paintings together, and Wen Li was very interested.

For example, there is a pot of camellia tea made by Xu Changan at home, and Wen Li occasionally drinks a cup when teaching her.

It's hard for Yun Qian to say what kind of character Wen Li has, but Yun Qian always has a good impression of the girl who is generous and likes to show her face.

Speaking of...

There are indeed many girls who will set their eyes on themselves, and it is clear that these eyes should be on their husbands.

Is it the girl who robbed her husband?

Holding the hot tea in her hand, Yun Qian took a sip, and then looked at the girl in front of her who had been peeking at her from time to time.

Feeling Yun Qian's gaze, Miss Lu turned her face and pretended to pour tea, the crystal pendant on her ear swayed.

Cloud girl is really good looking.

She is not a pure and affectionate woman like Zhu Pingniang, she just looked at Yun Qian... She was a little brainless about the couple's night talk between Yun Qian and Xu Changan, and then she felt very exciting.

"You like looking at me?" Yun Qian suddenly asked.


Miss Lu gushed out with a sip of water, dyeing her skirt wet.

She coughed a few times, stood up and wiped the water stains on her skirt, her pretty face flushed red.

"Yun, Miss Yun, what are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong?"

Yun Qian looked at her: "Then... you don't like looking at me?"

Miss Lu: "..."

This, how does this make her respond?

She looked at the bunting outside the window that was blowing over the boat rail, and whispered, "I like it, I like it."

Compared with the shyness of admitting, it is impossible for her to say something she doesn't like against her heart.

To Miss Lu's helplessness, Yun Qian really just asked a question, and hummed to indicate that after she knew it, there would be no more.

Why are not you talking?

Keep asking me.

Miss Lu blushed even more.

She suddenly said that she liked it, but Yun Qian didn't give her a chance to explain it. Why did it sound like a confession to the girl.

I don't mean it myself.

Miss Lu felt that even though she liked Zhu Pingniang, before she liked Zhu Pingniang, she had to find a man first, otherwise she would not waste her daughter's body.

Yun Qian really had nothing to ask.

She has also discovered now that her husband likes to see her because of these karma.

From Li Zhibai called her "sister".

Until Zhu Pingniang rubbed the back of her hand.

When Liu Qingluo blushed and spoke to her.

When Ah Qing peeked at her back from time to time.

And... just now this girl Lu gave her a quick look at her neck and then looked away...

Like a thief.

No, maybe it shouldn't be said that it started with Li Zhibai.

It started with Gu Qiancheng, after all, she was earlier.

No matter whether Gu Qiancheng was her husband's marriage or God's daughter, her eyes should fall on her husband, not herself.

It turned out that from then on, all of this now has signs.

Yun Qian blinked, and she lowered her head.

How could this be?

Originally, Yun Qian shouldn't like this kind of thing, but she asked Xu Changan and knew that he wasn't annoyed because he was liked by others, and even...he wanted to see such a situation.

According to what Xu Changan said, this will allow her to make friends.

So, as something that would make Xu Changan happy, Yun Qian didn't know how to deal with it.

Even in the books written by the husband, there is no mention of what the wife should do if the concubine abandons the husband and surrounds the wife.

There doesn't seem to be any way.

So, Yun Qian didn't know what to do.

Now it seems that the only thing around her is that girl Wen who cares more about her husband than herself.

Yun Qian felt that Wen Li did a good job, and now Wen Li is better than all the girls.

Liu Qingluo is actually not bad, but she doesn't dare to approach Xu Changan, she can't compare to the generous Wen Li.

Oh, and the little flowers.

Xiaohua also likes her husband very much, but is very afraid of herself.

But the relationship between Wenli and so close again, in essence, only Wenli is correct.

At this time, Yun Qian was holding the tea cup, and her eyes revealed a bit of confusion that she didn't know what to do.

If all girls could be like Wen Li, with only her husband in her eyes, then Yun Qian felt that she would be easier and happier.

Yun Qian thought for a while.

If I really had a tea party with the girl's house, then Xu Changan smiled and watched alone...

He can laugh.

Thinking of this, Yun Qian's spirit was a little dazed.

She can't find out about her husband's future, so it's hard to say whether such a thing will happen.

But now, it is possible.

So at this moment, in the eyes of Yun Qian, who felt that he was in trouble, Wen Li, who didn't care about his existence, became invaluable.

This girl Wen is really a great person.

If you treat Wen Li a little better and make Wen Li the most powerful person, then... can the other girls who have gone astray be brought on the right track by Wen Li?

Yun Qian was thinking about this when she felt that the corner of her clothes was being pulled, she turned her head and saw Miss Lu's red cheeks.

"Miss Yun, you gave your concubine a chance to explain." There was a bit of shame and resentment in Miss Lu's voice.

"...?" Yun Qian blinked, not knowing what she was talking about.


Miss Lu cleared her throat and pointed to her face: "The concubine has been looking at the girl just now because...because the concubine remembered the girl Wen who came to look for Sister Zhu."

Because Wen Li is also a very good-looking person, she was shocked when she saw Wen Li, so now she sees Yun Qian and starts to compare Yun Qian and Wen Li unconsciously.

It's definitely not because she's been single for a long time, she's going crazy, and she's staring at the girl shamelessly.

"Miss Wen... um." Yun Qian said, "She is a very powerful person."

"Huh?" Miss Lu was stunned for a moment: "Miss Yun, do you recognize her?"


"Yes, the girl is also a fairy, and it is normal to recognize her."

Miss Lu moved her stool to Yun Qian's side, and said curiously, "Miss Yun, it's convenient to talk to your concubine... What kind of person is Miss Wen from Xianmen?"

She was so curious about Wen Li.

At the same time, I was also a little worried, worried that Wen Li would be Zhu Pingniang's old lover.

If it's not an old lover, what are you going to do this evening?

In addition, Wen Li's appearance was there, and Miss Lu couldn't hold her back, let alone the pure Zhu Pingniang.

It is a woman who will not feel at ease knowing that her sweetheart is alone with her.

"She's amazing." Yun Qian repeated her words.

"Very powerful? You mean... very good at fighting?" Miss Lu nodded.

Although she didn't say a few words to Wen Li, but Wen Li's long hair and temperament stack up, she really knew at a glance that she was a very powerful person.

"Can you fight? It should be able to fight."

Yun Qian was thinking about things in her mind, and said calmly in her mouth:

"She likes Chang'an, so she's amazing."

Wen Li likes Xu Changan, only Xu Changan, so Yun Qian thinks she is amazing.


Listening to Yun Qian's words, Miss Lu's eyes widened.


Who do you like?

Like the boy?

I like the son... so he's awesome?

Does Miss Yun really know what she is talking about?

"Yun, Miss Yun, mean, the girl from Xianmen likes and likes Mr. Xu?" Miss Lu asked stammeringly.

"I like it." Yun Qian nodded: "She said that she practiced to pursue Chang'an."

Wen Li personally said this to her.

As for Wen Li's pursuit of "long-term stability and long-term peace", there is no difference between Yun Qian and Xu Chang'an, they are all the same thing.

But Miss Lu doesn't know.

She is stupid.

Although... Although she guessed that a good person like the son would be very popular in Xianmen, she did not expect that a girl from Xianmen who she saw at random would be the suitor of the son.

That girl Wen is so pretty, are all the women in the fairy door like this?

There is also Yun Qian's attitude.


Miss Lu's head was dizzy.

"Miss Yun, won't you feel uncomfortable? There is such a good-looking girl who likes the son or something."

"No." Yun Qian shook her head.

Of course it wouldn't be uncomfortable, but if even Wen Li started to care about herself instead of Xu Changan, then she wouldn't know what to do. Now... at least there is still Wen Li.

This girl Wen, unconsciously, has almost reached the bottom line.

Miss Lu: "..."

She didn't know what to say for a while, and after holding it for a while, she twitched the corners of her eyes.

"Miss Yun, are so generous."

"Have it?"


Miss Lu nodded vigorously.

Then got more curious.

"If you can make a girl say such things, that girl Wen must be a very good person."


Xu Changan said more than once that he was grateful to Wen Li and said that Wen Li was a good person, so Wen Li was a good person.

If you want to ask Yun Qian what she thinks, she doesn't know.

Wen Li has been on the battlefield and held a spear. So far, she has resorted to force in everything she encounters. The goal of Wen Li's practice from beginning to end is Chang'an.

Yun Qian tilted her head, her eyes warm.

"She told me that she felt that there is nothing more desirable in this world than Chang'an... I like this sentence very much, and I like her too."

When Miss Lu heard the words, the hand holding the teacup trembled.

Are Immortals and Immortals in such a mess?

That girl Wen looked handsome and cold, yet... how could she say such shameful words in front of Miss Yun?

Does she have no shame?

Miss Lu thought that even a girl who grew up with a brothel would never have the face to say that she liked Xu Gongzi in front of Yun Qian, let alone say anything... yearning, yearning.

It's amazing.

"Sure enough, people can't look at their appearance." Miss Lu said in a low voice.

She felt a lot more at ease.

Wen Li likes Xu Changan, at least to rule out Zhu Pingniang's old lover.

At the same time, Miss Lu suddenly felt injustice for Yun Qian: "Miss Yun, you are also kind. That woman from Xianmen... no matter what, you can't say such things in front of you."

Saying you like each other's husband in front of your wife?

Isn't it obvious that bullying people and bullying Yun Qian won't get angry.

So bullying!

Not to mention, Yun Qian actually thought she was a good person...

Miss Lu had a feeling that Wen Li took advantage of Yun Qian's kindness.

At this moment, her impression of Wen Li fell off a cliff.

Wen Li was originally handsome, but in Miss Lu's eyes, she also turned into a cold and arrogant person who looked down on others, bullying Yun Qian, who was good-natured, because of her beauty and intelligence.

"?" Yun Qian didn't understand, she asked suspiciously, "What did you say."

She said that she liked Wen Li, not that she didn't like it. Why did Miss Lu's attitude differ from what she thought.

"Miss Yun, no matter what...she can't say that kind of thing in front of you, it's inappropriate." Miss Lu pouted.

She didn't care if she might have misunderstood.

Of course the girls here don't help.

"I don't quite understand." Yun Qian shook her head.

"Miss Yun, you... that's all, if you don't understand, you won't understand." Miss Lu remembered something and smiled: "Young master is enough to understand."


There is absolutely no need for me to worry about Yun Qian, but there is still Xu Gongzi.

Even if this 'green tea fairy' has gained Yun Qian's trust, making Yun Qian feel that she is a good person... Miss Lu is not worried at all.

Because of the trust in Xu Changan.

It is also not a big thing that the girl from Xianmen likes Xu Changan.

She even thought that if Xu Changan knew that someone was bullying Yun Qian like this, then ... then Miss Wen would be out of the game.

"Xianmen... Hmph, that's it."

Miss Lu gently held Yun Qian's hand and said helplessly, "Miss Yun, you are too soft and thin, how can you not be jealous."

"Me?" Yun Qian blinked.

"Is there something wrong with the girl's idea?" Miss Lu hesitated for a while.

Yun Qian's thoughts on Xu Changan's suitors were strange.

I like my husband and you also like my husband, so I think you are a good person?

That's it.

Miss Lu couldn't understand. Although she occasionally thinks that people who agree with her hobbies are very good, how can this logic apply emotionally.

The more deceitful and kind Yun Qian is, the more unscrupulous those bad women who are interested in Xu Changan will be.

"Am I wrong?" Yun Qian asked.

"Concubine... Concubine shouldn't have said such things." Miss Lu shook her head. She took a deep breath and looked serious:

"But the concubine thinks that the girl can't say a word of liking to those women who are close to the son and have bad intentions so easily."

"Easy?" Yun Qian lowered her head to see Miss Lu holding her hand, raised her head and said calmly:

"I like you too."


"You just said... I don't need to understand, it's good that he is a sensible person." Yun Qian's tone was calm: "I like this sentence, and I like you too."

She paused lightly and asked, "Is it easy to say that I like you?"

Look at Miss Lu...

Her pretty face was so hot that she was about to faint. +Bookmark+

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