My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 438: Uninvited Guest (2 in 1)

Outside the window, there were dark clouds, the wind was blowing, and the wind and rain were about to come.

A group of girls from Huayuelou were sheltering from the rain on the wooden pavilion of the huge painting boat, and at the same time their eyes fell on a guest room on the boat.

"I wish my sister... eat alone again."

"I've never seen such a beautiful girl before."

"That's Xianmen, you think."

"Okay, it's hard to say that Ping Niang is eating alone this time. After all, she is a fairy from Xianmen... It should be something serious. They came here on purpose, not for you to watch it."

"That's right, I angered the Xianmen girl, let's see how to clean up you."

The girls laughed, and then the sharp-eyed girls suddenly froze and pointed to the lake in the wind and rain.

"What is that! Look over there!"

"Look what."

A group of girls followed and looked over, but they were all stunned.

I saw a small boat on the lake coming towards their painting boat in the wind and rain, like a green leaf in a storm, swaying as if it might roll over at any time.

In such a heavy rain, even if you travel, you should drive a large and heavier canopy boat. How can you drive a **** wooden boat?

The majestic rain can fill the boat in less than a quarter of an hour.

For a time, the girls were dumbfounded.

Although the sky was dark, it was impossible to see the specific appearance of the person who came, but it was barely visible from the figure that it was a woman.

"Which floor is this stupid girl? Why did you come out like this?"

"God... She's really brave. If she accidentally flips it over and falls into the water... Who can see it?"

The sound of the rain was like thunder, and if it were planted in the water, no one would be able to hear it if there was an accident. The next time someone finds her, I am afraid that she is already floating on the lake.

"What are you still doing! Go pick up someone!"

A girl spoke in a hurry.

The girls immediately woke up, and they all held umbrellas, put down the board, and went to pick up the new woman on board.

But when the little wooden boat approached, all the girls were stunned.

Because the person on the boat was not an ordinary Huayuelou girl, but a Taoist nun who was soaked in heavy rain all over her body?

Yes, it's Daoist.

Unlike most of the gorgeously dressed women in Huayuelou, this Taoist nun was not wearing a long dress, but a very neat and simple Taoist robe.

While picking up the nun to board the boat, the girls watched her arrival strangely.

The Taoist nun had a very ordinary face, and could not give people the slightest surprise. It was out of tune with the group of Yingyingyanyan in Huayuelou. She looked about thirty years old, with no makeup on her face, and her expression was thin.

The key is that the Taoist nun at this time was very embarrassed. Because she didn't bring an umbrella, she was soaked all over, and her Taoist robe was clinging to her body.

The crown is also messed up, the blue silk is stuck to the face, and it is extremely embarrassing.

Such a Taoist nun made the Huayuelou girls who had only met Wen Li not react for a while, but there were already girls looking at Taoist nun's chest, showing a somewhat envious figure.

Although he is a monk, he is in great shape.


"Who... who hired my sister-in-law?" Someone asked immediately.

"Bah, pah, they are Taoist priests. Who do you call auntie? Do you know how to be polite?"

"The way of doing things... it's the same anyway."

"What do you know, Taoist priests are different from monks. They do things like praying for blessings, saving deaths, and catching demons..."


"That's not right, let's not do things, have a banquet... Please do something for my sister-in-law."

A group of girls chatted, and even glanced aside the Taoist nun who had just boarded the boat, and it could be seen that they were very interested in the sudden appearance of such a not-so-smart female Taoist priest.

At this moment, a girl suddenly hesitated and said, "Could it be... for Ah Qing?"

Ah Qing?

After saying a word, all the girls were stunned, and then fell silent.

After a long while, a person with a bad temper stood up, glanced at the girls around, and said angrily: "Didn't Pingniang say that we should accept Ah Qing? Everyone knows who this banquet is for. Who did it? I knew this... I even invited a Taoist girl here! Who is this to be disgusting? Ah Qing or Ping Niang?

"not me."

"Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me."

"I really like Sister Qing, don't look at me like that."

For a time, the girls in Huayuelou panicked.

Obviously, the arrival of the Taoist nun made these girls misunderstand that she was entrusted by others to "kill the demon". After all, Ah Qing is a half-demon, and there are indeed some people in the building who don't like her.

"It's fine if you don't like Ah Qing, but... it's too much to ask someone to do things on this occasion..." someone whispered.

"Yes, yes."

"Ask her."


After the discussion, the girls' eyes fell on the woman in front of the Taoist robe who was completely soaked. They didn't know if it was because she was drenched in the shower or if all monks looked like this. They felt that the Taoist nun in front of her seemed... distracted.

"This aunt... Daoist priest." A Huashang woman walked up to the Daoist aunt, first bowed and bowed, and then said softly: "The Daoist went to the wrong place... We have nothing to do here."

Taoist nun:"…"

She didn't seem to have any intention of returning to her senses, Liu Mei frowned, and her eyes were always on the dark sky of Beisang City, as if her attention was completely attracted.

"?" The girls in Huayuelou didn't get a response, they not only whispered.

''re an idiot. ’

'I don't use an umbrella on rainy days, I don't speak... I'm not necessarily stupid, but it's hard to say if I have hysteria. ’

"Cough." The Huashang woman coughed to make everyone quiet, then stretched out her hand and gently pushed the Taoist nun in front of her: "Daoist, Taoist?"


Li Zhibai's attention was always on the sky above Beisang City.

At this moment, Li Zhibai's dark Tong Kong trembled slightly, as if he was seeing something extremely shocking.

'It's true...she's the head...she actually gave up Daoyun...'

The things mentioned in the letter, after seeing it with his own eyes, brought a huge shock to Li Zhibai's heart.

She is the person closest to Shi Qingjun, the person who looks forward to her the most, and the only person who knows what Daoyun is and what Daoyun means to Shi Qingjun.

Therefore, Li Zhibai couldn't understand, couldn't understand why the Sect Master wanted to do this, you must know... to give up Dao Yun is to give up the Dao of Heaven...

Then, as the Qiankun Realm, if the sky is lost, how can we go further?

Her heart trembled.

not long ago.

When Li Zhibai received the letter from Zhu Pingniang, she didn't take it to heart, she just thought that Zhu Pingniang was writing something else, but she still spoiled the girl and opened the letter and read it again.

It doesn't matter at this point, Zhu Pingniang actually said... The head of the sect appeared in Beisang City, and he also took down the array map for collecting Dao rhyme.

Li Zhibai's first reaction was that Zhu Pingniang was lying to her.

After all, the Sect Master is not someone who wants to see him, and without Shi Qingjun's summons, even Li Zhibai can't go to Shi Qingjun's residence without authorization.

Therefore, if Li Zhibai wanted to verify the authenticity of this news, he had to go to Beisang City himself.

She also knew that she had never seen Zhu Pingniang once, which was very inappropriate.

But soon, Li Zhibai realized that no matter how unreliable Zhu Pingniang was, she would never be able to use the head to do anything.

So, she immediately went down the mountain without any hesitation.

After arriving in Beisang City, Li Zhibai encountered several unexpected things in succession.

The first is the heavy rain that is exactly the same as that of Chaoyun Sect. It cannot be blocked by the spiritual barrier at all, so it can only be soaked through.

But in front of the array map, the rain is not important at all.

As Zhu Pingniang said, the looming Dao rhyme on weekdays disappeared completely, and only various spiritual powers circulated in it.

What is the boss going to do?

What results did she find, and she actually wanted to give up Daoyun.

Li Zhibai immediately attached his consciousness to the array map, and concentrated on understanding the changes in the array map, trying to get some answers from the array map changed by Shi Qingjun.

As for herself, she went towards the place where Zhu Pingniang's breath was.

The analysis of the battle map is only secondary, the key is to see Zhu Pingniang.

She has been in close contact with the headmaster, so she must know something.

So Li Zhibai came.

Of course, only she herself knew... The reason why she went down the mountain in such a hurry was not all because of Daoyun.

After all, Daoyun's matter is unbelievable. She only needs to wait until the next time she sees Shi Qingjun and ask, there is absolutely no need to worry.

The reason why she couldn't wait any longer was because of a few words in Zhu Pingniang's letter.

‘The head of the family has changed a lot, these changes… I didn’t have a hard time talking to you in the letter, it’s always just weird. ’

It was just such a cloudy and foggy word that Li Zhibai was completely grasped.

That's right, the headmaster has changed compared to before...

Li Zhibai also discovered this.

But the change in the head at that time was not at all strange in her eyes.

Therefore, Li Zhibai vaguely felt that what Zhu Pingniang said was strange was different from what she understood.

Even Zhu Pingniang used such a word, which is enough to see how amazing the change in the head has in her eyes.

This time, Li Zhibai couldn't sit still.

There is no other person in the world except the head who can make her lose like this, so she can't wait to go down the mountain to find out what happened from Zhu Pingniang.

As for Xu Changan and Yun Qian, because they were recommended by her to come to Zhu Pingniang to ask for the yin and yang combination exercise, they are now in Beisang City—she didn't think much of it for a while.

At this time, Zhu Pingniang... No, Zhu Tongjun's breath is right in front of him.

Taking all his attention away from the map, Li Zhibai looked at the girls surrounding her.

"Master, you finally recovered."

The Huashang woman looked at Li Zhibai worriedly: "You... are you okay, do you want to ask a gentleman to take a look?"

It took four or five pushes in a row to wake up, don't catch a cold and then burn.

"It's okay." Li Zhibai shook his head.

These are Tong Jun's 'daughters'.

Li Zhibai is actually not good at communicating with people, and as a former eldest lady, she only knows a little about brothels. Now that she suddenly encounters such a scene, she doesn't know what to do.

If it's just an ordinary girl, naturally let her be.

But these girls around her all have Zhu Pingniang's guardian engraving on them, and it can be seen that Zhu Pingniang cares about them very much.

Tong Jun's "daughter" is naturally her "daughter".

Li Zhibai suppressed his eagerness to meet Zhu Pingniang, thinking about what happened, why did he surround himself?

"Daoist, who... asked you to do things?"

"A legal matter?"

Li Zhibai just watched Taoism for a long time and was used to wearing Taoist robes, but he was not the real Kun Tao.

"There is no law to do," she said.

"Huh? Then... you didn't come for Ah Qing either?"

Li Zhibai shook his head.

She didn't even know who A Qing was.

However, during the speech, Li Zhibai also took a close look at these Tongjun daughters... Although they were all girls from the brothel, but... the eyes were indeed very clean, and she liked it very much.

So Li Zhibai's tone softened unconsciously.

She said gently: "I don't know what you have misunderstood... However, I'm here to find Zhu Pingniang, you should know this."

Li Zhibai said, and took out a wooden sign.

"Finding Mother?" The girls rushed up and looked over.

"This waist card has the word Tong written on it? Is it Ping Niang's?"

"do not know."

"do not know."

Hearing this, Li Zhibai reluctantly took back his waist card.

Zhu Tongjun's change is really thorough enough, even if the name is changed, even the identity card that has been used for so many years has to be changed.

"However, what this Taoist sister said seems to be true. She should really be here to find peace..."

"I think it's possible. This brand looks very valuable. The aunt's robe is torn, so I shouldn't be able to get this thing out."

For a time, many girls looked at each other in dismay.

The Taoist nun that Zhu Pingniang found herself...for what?

Maybe it has something to do with Ah Qing.

For example, knowing that there are sisters who are afraid of the half-demon, ask a Taoist nun to reassure them or something...

But the girls are helpless.

Is it necessary to specially invite a Taoist nun to reassure the timid girls?

Isn't there Xu Gongzi on the boat?

There is a boy in...

Who would be afraid of the half-demon? UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As for whether Li Zhibai might be a fairy or something... At this time, no girl thought about it that way. After all, they had only met Wen Li before, and thought that the person who was so full of beauty was the fairy.

Li Zhibai.

After the robe is soaked in water, it looks... plump is quite plump.

But what fairy would let the rain fall like this.

Still wearing shabby robes and rowing over...

Well, it doesn't matter.

Li Zhibai didn't know that the way of life that she could not use Xianmen means on weekdays made her mistaken for an ordinary Taoist priest.

"Daoist, come with your concubine first." The Huashang woman suddenly held her hand in Li Zhibai's somewhat surprised eyes.

"Where to go."

"Change your clothes first."

The Huashang woman shook her head and pointed to Li Zhibai's soaked robe.

"I can't keep you like this. The banquet hasn't started yet. Sister Zhu is also busy now. In a while... I will take you to see her."

Change clothes?

Li Zhibai wanted to say something, but after feeling the warm and worried eyes from Tong Jun's daughter's palm, he walked over.

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