My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 439: Wen Pear's Favorite (2 in 1)

If it was Li Zhibai in the past, of course she wouldn't change any clothes... But now Li Zhibai, who was gradually changed by Xu Changan, felt the warmth of Tongjun's daughter in his palm and acquiesced.

In the past, it would be impossible for her to change clothes outside because she got wet.

Even if she doesn't use spiritual power to evaporate water because of her living habits, she doesn't need to change the robe.

But now, she thinks more.

Li Zhibai followed the Huashang woman forward. She thought to herself that Sister Yun was also on the boat. With Tongjun's temperament, she should not be able to leave today's banquet.

If she was in front of Yun Qian, she really wanted to dress more vigorously, for no other reason, but to be worthy of Yun Qian's "Sister Li".

Li Zhibai, who has regained his girly heart, doesn't mind dressing better.

If you want to be good-looking, sometimes it is not necessarily because you have a sweetheart, just because she is also a woman.

However, Li Zhibai suddenly realized something.


It's a brothel.

Her footsteps stopped.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The Huashang woman turned around, looked at Li Zhibai's calm face, tilted her head and smiled:

"Master, the clothes prepared for you are naturally different from those of your concubine. They will be very conservative. Don't worry... You are a monk after all, and your concubine understands these rules."

Saying that, the woman carried the skirt like a butterfly and turned around in front of Li Zhibai, she smiled and said, "However, if the Taoist priest wants to wear a short skirt like a concubine, you can also wear a short skirt like your concubine. You have a good figure. Wearing old robes is a waste."

Li Zhibai said softly, "Just be conservative."

"Well." The Huashang woman saw that her teasing was useless, she put away her smile, but she said with some doubts: "Daoist, have we...haven't seen it before?"

Before Li Zhibai responded to the words of the Huashang woman, she shook her head in denial.

"No, I haven't seen it before... Strange."

She muttered to herself, and continued to lead Li Zhibai to the guest room.

Very wrong, this Taoist girl.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but women always feel that Li Zhibai's eyes are very... kind?

It may be a bit strange to use words like kindness. After all, from the appearance, Li Zhibai is five or six years older than her, and this age gap is most likely due to Li Zhibai's embarrassment and the old robe.

But even if it wasn't kind, the Taoist nun in front of her looked at her with a very gentle look, full of tolerance.

You must know that it is extremely rude for a brothel woman to invite a good family to change clothes on the painting boat, not to mention that this is not an ordinary good family, but a monk.

Later, even if she was teasing the monk's figure with her skirt, the other party didn't feel any anger, but was still so soft.

This kind of warm eyes made the Huashang woman wonder if Li Zhibai knew her, so she was so good-natured.

But the fact is that she has never seen this Taoist nun.

So it can only be understood that this is the case with monks, or the Taoist nun has a good temper, or...

The Huashang woman looked back at the waist card hanging on Li Zhibai's waist.

"I wish my sister gave me a lot of money..."

After all, the Taoist nun's clothes are not more than three taels of silver at first glance, and after washing it, it is not even worth three taels of silver... If Zhu Pingniang gave a lot of silver, the other party's attitude would be so good... It's not enough It's surprising.

The monks also have to eat.

Thinking, the woman shook her head.

"..." Li Zhibai followed quietly, with a bit of helplessness in his soft eyes.

In her impression, Tong Jun was still the girl who stood beside Xuemei and had all kinds of thoughts but could only hide in her heart.

So it is difficult for Li Zhibai to imagine how Zhu Tongjun raised such a thoughtful, smart and caring daughter.

But thinking of the "Zhu Pingniang" he learned from Xu Changan, Li Zhibai lowered his head silently...

The girl who used to be taciturn but stubborn... has now turned into a downright charlatan...?

Li Zhibai sighed softly.

Really can't imagine what it would be like.

At this moment, the huge change in Zhu Pingniang's mind even overwhelmed the eagerness to understand Shi Qingjun.

Li Zhibai thought that the reason why she agreed to change her clothes was that she wanted to change somewhat... Tong Jun has changed so much, and he has changed a little, which can make her feel at ease.

Li Zhibai could probably guess that Tong Jun, who had undergone such a big change, would feel uneasy when he saw him.

I'm worried that I don't like her like this.

After all... Tong Jun is very aware of her background. As the most qualified daughter who often attended tea parties in the past, it is very reasonable for him to have a prejudice against a place like brothel.

It's not that Li Zhibai thought too much, but that she pinpointed Zhu Pingniang's thoughts with great precision.

Zhu Pingniang really thought so.

If Zhu Pingniang wasn't worried, she wouldn't have used her clone to enter the brothel.

Knowing how to use a clone is because he is worried that he will be hated by Li Zhibai if he is really infected with the aura of a brothel.

Li Zhibai, who had thought of this in advance, felt that she changed into Huayuelou's clothes to see Zhu Pingniang first, which should be able to express that she did not hate this place.

It's really not annoying, especially after a simple scan, she can feel the clean and thorough spiritual consciousness of these girls.

For Li Zhibai, these are far more convincing than any words.

Is Tong Jun giving rescue or relying on?

She doesn't know.

Li Zhibai only knew that Tong Jun... was much more powerful than a woman like her who practiced and lived in alchemy.

Li Zhibai smiled lightly.

I'm looking forward to meeting her, but I don't know what this worldly trip will make her Tongjun look like.

The girl used to be like a gem, and now even if she uses a seductive color to make a screen, think about it... it must have become more dazzling.

she thought so.


Li Zhibai would never have imagined that Tong Jun, who was a treasure in her heart, was now nestled in a chair like a curled salted fish, holding his legs and staring at Wen Li with a look of jealousy on his face.

"You dress so well, who are you trying to seduce?"


Wen Li heard the words and turned to look at Zhu Pingniang.

Her eyes were very calm, as if Zhu Pingniang's words could not cause any fluctuations in her eyes, but Zhu Pingniang could feel Wen Li's doubts.

"嘁." Zhu Pingniang pouted.

She is jealous.

This is the ugliest jealousy from a woman.

Only after knowing that Li Zhibai "wears a skirt to show Yun Qian", Zhu Pingniang's sense of crisis has reached an unprecedented height, not to mention that the head seems to have regained his feelings and will care about people.

With Li Zhibai's longing for the head, it was hard for Zhu Pingniang not to worry that she would be taken away.

And now, even the tomboy Wen Li is better looking than her, can you not be jealous...

"I'm still trying to persuade you... Who is going to persuade me." Zhu Pingniang gently rubbed her eyebrows.

"..." Wen Li didn't speak.

She only delivered the letter according to the master's request. As for the content of the letter, she didn't care at all, and Zhu Pingniang asked her to stay temporarily.

Winnie thought so.

Zhu Pingniang's eyes stagnated slightly on Wen Li's face, and sighed: "Wen Li, it's been a long time."

"Yeah." Wen Li nodded.

"You've changed too much." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help saying.

"Master, you have also changed a lot." Wen Li said calmly.

Just as Zhu Pingniang was looking at her, Wen Li naturally found out that Zhu Pingniang was completely different from before, but Wen Li didn't know whether Zhu Pingniang's changes were the same as hers, and they all met a mirror?

"Hu, nonsense, I haven't changed." Zhu Pingniang's eyes flickered, and then she slapped the chair: "Who should I call my uncle, I'm much younger than your master's old woman. I'm called uncle... no, I'm called elder sister."

And Wen Li didn't speak, but looked at Zhu Pingniang's eyes more solidly.


A junior who doesn't eat Zhu Pingniang's set at all.

"Tsk, it's still so boring."

Zhu Pingniang snorted: "My elder sister brought you to Chao Yunzong, and asked you to put on the air of being a big sister in front of me?"

Wen Li heard the words and looked at Zhu Pingniang: "Master, what else do you have to say, if it's all right..."

"What are you anxious about, I want to talk to you a lot." Zhu Pingniang interrupted Wen Li's words and pointed to Wen Li's clothes and hair: "First of all, how did you become so feminine? If it's not because of the man, I don't believe it, don't think the lake will get me."

"Master." Wen Li said seriously, "I'm also a woman."

Wen Li didn't understand that as a woman, she wore a skirt and had long hair...

Is this something to be surprised about?

"But you used to..." Zhu Pingniang wanted to say something subconsciously, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

What was it before?

Do you look like a man before?

Compared to now, it was clear that the previous Wen Li was wrong.

"Forget it, the change in your appearance is considered to be influenced by Mu Yufeng's group of girls who are flamboyant all day long... Generally speaking, it is a good thing, but..."

Zhu Pingniang took a deep look at Wen Li: "You will start dressing up, does it really have nothing to do with men?"

"Man..." Wen Li thought for a while and asked, "Are you talking about Junior Brother Xu?"


When Zhu Pingniang heard Wen Li's words, she was stunned.

She had no idea that Wen Li would be so open-hearted, with no intention of hiding at all.

Sure enough... even if the appearance has changed, in essence, Wenli is still the same Wenli.

The corner of Zhu Pingniang's mouth twitched: "You... how can I answer."

Wen Li shook her head and asked in a normal way, "Don't my uncle think that my change is because of my junior brother?"

"...Yes." Zhu Pingniang had no choice.

Not right.

It is clear that she is the one who is questioning, why does it seem that she is being questioned in reverse now?

Shouldn't the guilty one be Wen Li?

What are you feeling guilty about...

At this time, Zhu Pingniang vaguely realized that she was guilty because... She was also moved by Xu Changan before, but compared to her escape, Wen Li was so dazzling.

"I don't care, isn't it because of Chang'an?" Zhu Pingniang pouted: "I haven't forgotten about the Kaikai Dan you gave him."

What Zhu Pingniang didn't expect was that Wen Li looked thoughtful after listening to Zhu Pingniang's words.

"I got it because of my junior brother... Is that so?"

In fact, she hadn't thought about why she had such a change.

Maybe it has something to do with Xu Changan.

Maybe it has something to do with Yun Qian.

Maybe and recently I always think of the time when I was a half-demon weapon...

Therefore, Wenli changed naturally.

Now Zhu Pingniang's questioning made Wen Li start to think about it.

Different from Wen Li's thinking, Zhu Pingniang was a little confused.

Wen Li... a really strange person, even stranger than Yun Qian in a sense.

Zhu Pingniang wanted to ask why Wen Li gave up kendo, but at this moment, she faintly realized that Wen Li's giving up kendo and her changes in these days should be inseparable.

And, she confirmed once again that Wen Li... does have special feelings for Xu Changan, but these feelings are obviously unclear, and Mo Hu didn't even realize Wen Li.

So Zhu Pingniang didn't even hesitate, and suddenly said, "Wen Li, you like Chang'an right?"

Zhu Pingniang thought to herself that her main focus was surprise.

"Yes, I like it."

Wen Li nodded, as if saying the most natural thing.

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

She twitched the corners of her eyes.

This girl... doesn't play cards according to the routine.

Admit it?

"Admit it, how can you admit it!" Zhu Pingniang jumped out of the chair with an incredible look on her face.

"Should I deny it?" Wen Li looked at Zhu Pingniang suspiciously: "Like junior brother... what's the shameful thing? The junior sisters also like him very much."

"Okay, you're magnanimous, it's me being stingy." Zhu Pingniang was convinced, but she was also a smart person, so she calmed down and asked seriously, "Which one do you like?"

"Junior brother is my mirror."

"It's just a mirror, so you like it?"

"I don't know either."

"Don't you understand your mood? Can't even understand this kind of feeling?"

"I can't understand, so I'm just understanding my mood now." Wen Li said, "Uncle, I like long-term peace and stability, and I like junior brother, but what does this kind of love mean... I don't understand."

"Do you like him between men and women?" Zhu Pingniang put away her frivolous thoughts and asked a very important question.

"Like between men and women..." Wen Li listened to Zhu Pingniang's words, "I don't know."

"Okay, it's been a few days since you became a woman, so asking you such a question... It's really out of line. UU reading" Zhu Pingniang held her forehead and took a deep breath: "In short, you Seeing Chang An and Yun Qian together, will you be jealous?"

"No." Wen Li shook her head.

Not only was she not jealous, on the contrary, when she saw that Xu Changan was happy because of the progress of Yun Qian's practice, she would also be happy.

Because when Yun Qian couldn't practice, she was also very worried about Xu Changan's state.

And Yun Qian, who would invite her to appreciate calligraphy and painting and have tea, was also very fond of her.

Jealousy is completely absent.

"Isn't it sour at all?" Zhu Pingniang asked.


"It seems that it's just senior sister's liking for junior brother." Zhu Pingniang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really?" Wen Li thought for a while and said, "But when I saw the rouge aura entangled with the younger brothers and sisters, I would want to cut them off with a sword."

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

Regarding Wen Li's upright magnanimity, Zhu Pingniang felt that she was like a bug in the shadows, about to be illuminated.


In other words, this is jealousy.

Will be jealous of Xu Changan being surrounded by other women...

But not jealous of Yun Qian?

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