My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 459: Respect Teachers and Dao (2 in 1)

"Ali, you are no longer my student."

Today, Xu Changan is her student.

Only Xu Changan.

Li Zhibai didn't give Wen Li the slightest hope, as if he was talking about the most natural thing.


In the room, Zhu Pingniang only made half of her makeup. She heard Li Zhibai's voice outside and was speechless.

Being able to say such cruel words in such a gentle voice is also her Bai's character.

After leaving the Sword Hall, it is absolutely impossible to be a student of Ah Bai.

Who made Wen Li have a master now?

A Bai, a person without any status, has no reason and is not qualified to intervene in Wen Li's practice. If she is serious, what will happen to Wen Li's master?

But Zhu Pingniang still felt that Li Zhibai was a little too self-righteous.

Admit it, it's not good to keep kids happy.


Zhu Pingniang blinked, thinking that Li Zhibai might just think that adding another warm's very troublesome.

She likes to be lazy, and it's rare to come down once, because she doesn't want to do business.

"Only Junior Brother... that's right."

Wen Li seemed to have thought of this answer, she sighed slowly:

"Junior brother is indeed very powerful. He is more qualified to be your student than me."

"What did you say."

Li Zhibai waved his hand: "Chang'an, he is very clumsy. Where can I teach you?"

"Junior brother is not a clumsy person." Wen Li said subconsciously.

"If he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't have practiced Qi for almost two years before opening the source." Li Zhibai raised the corners of his mouth indiscernibly: "The swordsmanship is also very poor, although he can learn half of your sword intent, but... he originally I have been practicing Zamabu for almost half a year."

Li Zhibai's tone was full of nostalgia.

Wen Li was speechless, because Xu Chang'an's performance before Qi practice was really bad.

After all, if the younger brother was as perfect as she thought, she wouldn't have to worry about Kaikai Dan.

"However, there is a good place in Chang'an, which I like very much." The smile on Li Zhibai's mouth became more and more obvious.

"What is it?" Wen Li wanted to know her husband's opinion, it would be better if it resonated with him.

Li Zhibai picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. After taking a sip, he said, "He is a dedicated person. It's not easy in this place like Mu Yufeng."

Sister Yun has such a husband, even Li Zhibai is very happy for Yun Qian.

"Dedicated... um." Wen Li also thought so.

Even Zhu Pingniang, who was behind the door, nodded, but she had only seen Xu Changan's disdain for 'concubine and serenity'.

"Then, he is a filial child." Li Zhibai put down the teacup and remembered the time when Xu Changan served her tea.

Chang'an's tea art is much worse than that of Mu Yufeng's women, but for Li Zhibai, the tea served by Xu Chang'an has a special meaning.

Compared with Wen Li, Xu Changan is more like her own junior.

At that time, Chang'an's only backstage in the entire Chaoyun Sect was her husband, so Li Zhibai could clearly perceive Xu Changan's longing, respect, dependence and trust in her.

As a woman of unknown age, single so far and never had a child, a woman's natural motherhood also needs to be vented.

Xu Changan is very qualified because he has been causing trouble to Li Zhibai.

When there is difficulty in practice, I ask her to explain my doubts.

If he lacks a weapon that is handy, he also comes to ask her for it.

My wife couldn't cultivate, so I came to her to help solve the problem.

Just like an insatiable greedy person, Xu Changan really seems to be "not afraid of the itch when there are too many lice". No matter what difficulties he encounters, he will come to her to discuss and ask her for help, and he doesn't seem to care how much he owes her.

Li Zhibai is very…

like this.

She was very happy to see Xu Changan "causing trouble" to her.

Today's Xu Changan is still a fledgling, he has nothing to repay him, but as an elder... watching the younger generation keep his kindness in his heart little by little, watching him want to repay but there is no way , that subtle firefly-like touch—

For Li Zhibai, it was a very moving thing.

She was such a hopeless woman.

Wen Li: "…"

This time she didn't talk.

From Wen Li's point of view, it is impossible to resonate with Li Zhibai's "filial piety" in any way.

Including Zhu Pingniang, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, the eyebrow pencil in her hand trembled, and she could only wipe off the makeup.

What kind of filial piety?

Do not make jokes.

Her A Bai is still young, why did she start talking about whether the younger generation was filial like a picture of an old woman?

Besides, why didn't Zhu Pingniang see where Xu Changan was filial?

Aren't you the elder of Chang'an?

Let's see how he does it.

Either showing affection in front of him, or trying to avoid suspicion, and even...even breaking his own body.

In a sense, Zhu Pingniang's glazed body is much more important than her body, and as a result, Xu Changan was stabbed at once.

Not to mention, Li Zhibai had just been drenched in rain, and the rain had something to do with him.

Filial piety…

She didn't think so.

Zhu Pingniang's eyes flickered, and she didn't dare to look at herself in the mirror.

I started to deceive myself again.

She did not regard Changan as a junior. After all, if she really had the same conscience as Ah Bai, she would of course think that Xu Changan was filial and respectful of teachers.

The most important thing is that she was attracted to the child.

At this time, if he admits that he is the elder of Chang'an, it is really the old cow who is thinking about the tender grass.

Zhu Pingniang didn't want to be humbled into the dust and be looked at by Abai with disgust, as if looking at a dirty bug.

He must not let Abai know that he is attracted to Changan.

Absolutely not.


Li Zhibai glanced at the back room strangely.

From just now, she felt that the aura on Tong Jun's body seemed unstable.

Is it because of... an injury?

Thinking that when he opened the door just now, he saw Zhu Pingniang's broken golden body, and Li Zhibai frowned slightly.

Before she came down, she didn't think that Tong Jun's glass goddess was actually broken, and... it was so clean that it even needed to be re-cultivated.

You must know that even the holy mountain Tongjun of the Demon Cultivation Sect at the time was relying on the power of the glazed body.

The strange thing is that she did not feel that Zhu Pingniang suffered multiple injuries. Under normal circumstances, the glass body is completely broken, and her body should be annihilated, right?

Could it be... related to the head that appeared earlier?

Li Zhibai shook his head slightly.

Thinking of Tong Jun's pretty blushing face just now, it's probably not a big deal.

If it doesn't work, you can train her a Sanqing Dan by yourself and reshape it.

Just ask.

"Master Li."

Wen Li's voice made Li Zhibai get out of her thoughts, and she apologetically met Wen Li's gaze.

It's very rude to lose your mind while chatting with juniors.

What are you talking about...

Oh, Chang'an.

Li Zhibai drank all the tea in the cup, and then said, "Ali, Chang'an's cooking skills are very good. You can also stay and taste today's banquet."

Li Zhibai seemed to recommend it, but there was still a hint of refusal in his tone.

Wen Li remembered something.

Is it your brother's cooking skills?

She didn't listen to Junior Sister Yun and her compliments, although it wasn't a show off, but... She really wanted to taste today's Junior Sister Yan Yun, and her husband was there, so it could be said that it was a family banquet.

So, she doesn't need to avoid suspicion.

It's a rare opportunity.

Wen Li was not hypocritical at all, and agreed to Li Zhibai's invitation: "Okay."

Zhu Pingniang: "???"

Not right.

Isn't this the dinner that Chang'an prepared for himself? Why does Bai seem to have become the master, so he started inviting him?

Wen Li is also, he has clearly invited her, and Wen Li agreed, and he also specially asked Chang'an to make more of Wen Li's share... Wen Li is better, he doesn't explain a word, it seems that he has become Bai inviting her , she was willing to come.

Zhu Pingniang suddenly became angry.

I am already very unlucky today, and I have to be bullied by a bad woman.


She was somewhat relieved.

Although Li Zhibai made her own decisions, she was not alienated because of her change in appearance and temperament... It's always a good thing.

But there is another problem.

Chang'an still didn't know that A Bai was here. If the food should be ready tonight, he certainly didn't prepare A Bai.

At that time, didn't she think about what Bai would eat?

Zhu Pingniang thought that she would not give up her share to Li Zhibai. After all, Li Zhibai had eaten Xu Changan's dishes, and this was the first time for her.

"never mind."

Let girl Lu eat less, she is not hungry anyway.

Zhu Pingniang blinked.

She is such a bad woman.

Sure enough, it is the most normal thing for her daughter to be disobedient and even want to be punished.

Li Zhibai rarely began to look forward to dinner.

how to say.

Chang'an's cooking skills are very delicate, very homely, and very much in line with her taste.

The family dinner that night left a deep impression on her.

To say there is something wrong...

Li Zhibai's eyelashes trembled a few times.

There really is.

At the dinner table, Yun Qian and Xu Chang'an's "show of affection", like snuggling, feeding, and peeling shrimp, caused a lot of damage to her, a single old woman.

Although she also knew that this was because Changan regarded herself as a real elder, but only at this time, she also hoped that Xu Changan could avoid suspicion and restraint.

However, it cannot be said that he has restrained himself.

Li Zhibai remembered the silhouette she once saw outside Yun Qian's room - at that time, Yun Qian was standing on the couch, stepping on Xu Chang'an's head...

If Xu Changan explained that it was Miss Yun who was stepping on his back, Li Zhibai would not believe it.

After all, how can you step on your head when you step on your back?

Li Zhibai still remembered that the bed was collapsed.

All I can say is... young couples really know how to play.

Compared to stepping on the head in the boudoir, the feeding on the dining table is really nothing.

"I really don't understand today's young people." Li Zhibai sighed.

"Master Li?" Wen Li didn't understand.


Naturally, Li Zhibai wouldn't talk nonsense about what she saw. She was only surprised that Chang'an was very stable on weekdays, but in the room...

That's all, she has never been married, and she doesn't know anything about the interesting things in her boudoir, nor is she interested.

It's good that Sister Yun likes it.

and many more.

Li Zhibai frowned slightly, and she suddenly felt that things might not be so simple.

There are so many people at today's banquet, in front of Wen Li, Zhu Pingniang and Tong Jun's daughters, Sister Yun and Chang'an... Shouldn't they be so close during the meal?

Li Zhibai: "..."

After a while of silence, she gently padded her embroidered shoes twice.

Sure enough, I can't rest assured at all... That's all, I'll remind Changan when the time comes, don't overdo it, after all, there are outsiders.

Glancing over Wen Li, Li Zhibai said casually with a teacup in one hand, feeling her heartbeat.

"Changan's craftsmanship is very fresh, many of which I have never seen before."

Li Zhibai contributed to Wen Li's curiosity.

"Ali, I remember that you like to eat eggs... kind?"

"Yeah." Wen Li responded.

But looking closely, Wen Li's eyes were actually somewhat helpless.

I like to eat eggs, bird eggs, etc... How many years ago did that happen?

She didn't like it either. It was purely because when she still needed to eat, these things were more convenient to eat, as long as they were cooked, they could be eaten directly.

Not a liking at all.

Since inedia, she doesn't care about food unless the master asks.

In this respect, Wen Li was not affected by Li Zhibai. Li Zhibai would eat three meals a day on time, occasionally eat tea, take a bath, and even wash his clothes by himself.

Wen Li would never do such a thing, in her eyes... it's a waste of precious time.

But the husband said she liked it, and that's right.

If it was the breakfast that her husband cooked for her back then, UU reading would of course like it very much.


Wen Li took a deep breath.

It can't be like this.

Although she likes the feeling of Mr.'s casual chatting with her about daily life - she likes it very much.

But that's not what Wen Li wants. It's rare to meet her husband. She should make better use of this time, instead of listening to her husband's praise for her near-perfect junior brother.

This is a waste of a hard-earned opportunity.

"Master Li, do you have time?"

Wen Li stood up and bowed respectfully to Li Zhibai.

Li Zhibai felt a slight pain in his head when he looked at this familiar posture.

"Ali, do you want me to test you?"


Wen Li said seriously, "It's the same as before."

She wanted to let her husband see her progress and some doubts about her practice, so she wanted to ask her.

"You should know that after leaving the Sword Hall, you are no longer my student."

She was clean when she rejected Wenli.

"Ali, do what you think is right." Li Zhibai brushed the rim of the cup with his fingers: "This is the only thing I can teach you now, and the only thing I can teach you."

In Li Zhibai's heart, the only people who still need her help now are the teenagers who like to cause her trouble.

As for pears.

This girl's way is clear, so she shouldn't misunderstand her children.


Wen Li looked at the gentleman who started pouring tea again.

Look at the red dress of Mr.

Thinking about the gentle smile of Mr.

It was as if he could see the shadow of the younger brother in the eyes of the teacher—and only the shadow of the younger brother.

Winnie's fingers clasped together lightly.

Should she be jealous?


Junior Brother?

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