My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 460: Face each other (2 in 1)

Wife is one week boss0460 face each other (two in one)

Wen Li sniffed the tea fragrance in the air, and her mind was peaceful.


She couldn't do something like being jealous of her younger brother.

Wen Li, who would cut off Xu Changan's body, was definitely not a woman without jealousy, but in the matter of her husband, she had already guessed the result.

At this time of day, no matter what direction the junior and junior brothers look at, they are far more suitable to be her husband's students than she is.

The younger brother is Mu Yufeng's inner executive. He can organize and clean Nuoda's sword hall in an orderly manner, and can meet her needs before her husband speaks.

I can't do anything but trouble Mr.

But Wen Li didn't mean to delay Li Zhibai's time, she just wanted an opportunity to let the gentleman who hasn't lived for a long time see her progress over the years.

good romance novel

But since Mr. doesn't care, is there any way she can force it.


Li Zhibai saw that although Wen Li was rejected, his expression remained the same, and he couldn't help sighing.

Although she had long guessed that this would be the case, Li Zhibai didn't expect it... She used Chang'an as a topic and Chang'an as a shield, which was not very useful here in Wenli.

Shouldn't this girl be happily chatting about Chang'an? Why did she suddenly want to point her to her... As for Wen Li's situation, which could cause a great calamity, Li Zhibai had seen through her cultivation at first glance.

She is very satisfied with Wen Li, and she is still proud of her identity as a guide for Wen Li.

But let her test Wen Li here... that's fine.

Li Zhibai took a sip of his tea.

Rare rest, let's talk less about these serious things.

"Girl, drink tea." Li Zhibai took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Wen Li, and immediately pushed it in front of Wen Li. Seeing Wen Li holding the cup, she stretched out slightly, listening to the chaotic rain outside the window, and said: "This kind of weather...isn't it good to be more leisurely?"

Wen Li looked at the lazy woman in front of her and took a sip of some cool tea, feeling helpless and outspoken.

"Sir, are you... in front of the junior brother, is this also the case."

"No." Li Zhibai shook his head and said seriously, "I am his husband, so I have to set an example."

In front of Xu Changan, she would naturally be that reassuring, strict and gentle teacher.

You know, even if she is wearing a skirt and having a tea party with Yun Qian, she will spend Xu Changan first, as a teacher... Naturally, she must maintain her image.

Winnie nodded.

So, because you are an outsider, can you see the different side of Mr.

I really don't know if I should be sad.

Li Zhibai took a sip of tea. At this moment, the corners of her eyes were full of laziness. She was usually a very serious and serious person. This was because she had a burden, but once the burden was lifted, Li Zhibai would be lazy.

For a woman, this is enjoying life, and this is what she has learned from living in the Taoist temple for so many years, and the same unclean master of the Taoist temple.

"Ali, how does the tea taste?" Li Zhibai shook the porcelain cup in his hand: "This should be the tea you planted here by your uncle Zhu."

"General." Wen Li said the truth.

It's not as good as, far less than the tea she ate at Junior Sister Yun's place, the tea that junior brother dried himself.

"I'm missing some spiritual energy, but... the tea in this world is also different." Li Zhibai said, thinking of the tea party when he had not yet practiced.

"As a Fanpin, it's already pretty good, but it's still a bit worse than Lingcha." After speaking, Li Zhibai dipped a touch of water on his fingertips and sniffed lightly.

A breath of Zitong Jun.

If you use your own breath to raise tea, people who don't like her will naturally feel normal.

It seems that Tongjun's impression of Ali... is not so good.

Li Zhibai frowned slightly.

Although she didn't know why Tong Jun had a bad influence on Wen Li, she could understand that if it was according to Chang'an's description of the street girl...Wen Li would feel that she was unreliable and it was normal.


Li Zhibai's mind was aching.

Yes, after thinking about it, Zhu Pingniang hugged Wen Li and liked her one by one... and she deserved it.

Annoyed or annoyed, Li Zhibai still felt that this was a little inappropriate, and he wanted to do something.

After all, Tong Jun is her 'sister'. If possible, she still hopes to make her a good impression on the younger generation.

Looking at Wen Li who was no longer eating tea after taking a sip, Li Zhibai pondered, wondering if there was a way to save Zhu Pingniang's face.

Inside the room, Zhu Pingniang frowned fiercely.

Who's tea is bad!

This is the tea she raised with her own hands, and she plans to give it to Ah Bai to eat later.

If you don't like yourself, don't drink it.

Zhu Pingniang was a little dissatisfied with Wen Li... However, it doesn't matter anymore.

She was a little surprised by Li Zhibai's "unfeeling" towards Wen Li.

This is Wen Li, she made a serious request, and it is impossible for anyone on the entire Mu Yufeng to refuse.

But Li Zhibai refused, and rejected Wen Li with Xu Changan's existence.

If it wasn't for Wen Li, he would have started to be jealous of Chang'an.

"Tsk." Zhu Pingniang put down the eyebrow pencil in her hand.

Although Li Zhibai seems to be saying that he doesn't want to 'mistake the children' and 'take over the place', in fact, everyone knows that even if she really gives Wen Li some pointers, Wen Li's master will not have any opinion, and will even help Wen Li. happy with pears.

After all, everyone knows that the one from the Sword Hall is not so easy to move.

Therefore, Zhu Pingniang understands Li Zhibai too well, why does she think she will mislead her children, she is pure...lazy.

After all, Li Zhibai hadn't paid attention to Wen Li for many years. If she wanted to give Wen Li some pointers at this time, then with Li Zhibai's extremely serious temperament, she must first have a good understanding of Wen Li's current practice, the nature of her true essence, and her spiritual power. Context…

But it will take some effort.

As for Li Zhibai, who had already drank tea, it was not so easy to get her to get up and do the right thing.

What her Abai asked for was a delicious tea, half a day of leisure.

Unless it was the Sect Master's order, or Xu Changan was dragged over to show his face, it would not be so easy to get rid of her laziness.

Zhu Pingniang glanced at the window of the back room.

It's not quite right.

After all, Wen Li is also the future senior sister, and she still has to give the face she should give. Besides, Wen Li is not an outsider, she was brought out by Li Zhibai.

Some are too impersonal.

If other people know about it, they may feel that Li Zhibai has lived on Mu Yufeng for so long, but he still hasn't integrated into it.

Mainly, Zhu Pingniang felt that her face was a little unbearable.

Not long ago, she boasted in front of Wen Li how perfect, gentle and caring her A Bai was, and Li Zhibai slapped her in the face in the blink of an eye, refusing to agree to the slightest request.

This will affect Li Zhibai's image in Wen Li's heart.

Zhu Pingniang frowned.

This will not work.

Li Zhibai had to show laziness in front of Wen Li, which she was a little dissatisfied with, but she couldn't let Wen Li's longing for A Bai shattered over the years.

At this time, it is very urgent to restore Li Zhibai's image in Wen Li's heart.

Zhu Pingniang pondered, wondering if there was any way to restore Wen Li's longing.

After a long while, she took a deep breath, opened her mouth and said to the outside of the house.

"Abai, I'll leave the matter of taking the exam to you."

she said so.


Outside the room, Li Zhibai, who had already started to have tea with Wen Li, was stunned, and then was very helpless. This girl didn't even dare to show her face, but she wanted to direct herself?

Wen Li was also taken aback.

Uncle... Are you speaking for yourself?

Feeling that the atmosphere outside was frozen, I wished Pingniang to calm down and try to make her breathing even.

It's true that it's not easy to ask anyone to ask Li Zhibai, but... if you ask for it yourself.

Zhu Pingniang knew very well how indulgent her Abai was to her. As long as it was her request, Li Zhibai would not care even if her leisure was broken.

In other words, she didn't know how many times she broke Li Zhibai's nap.

At this time... as long as Li Zhibai is given another valid reason, she will be able to agree to take Wen Li's exam.

Zhu Pingniang spoke loudly, trying to make her voice close to the coldness of Zhu Tongjun back then.

"This girl is going to give up kendo, I don't know much about swords... You test her for me to make sure that her temporary suspension of practice at the current state will not affect the future path of Dao, and then I will make a file and send it to you. Deacon's Hall." Zhu Pingniang made a distressed tone: "I can't go back to the mountain now, this matter... I have to ask you to do it.

Li Zhibai: "..."

Some helpless.

Tong Jun may not have noticed that she deliberately restored the cold voice in the past, but now she can't go back for a long time, so there will be a sullen and suppressed charm in her voice.

On the contrary, it was a bit more pretentious.

'She can't go back. ' Li Zhibai shook her head, and at the same time she was puzzled.

Tong Jun, really reluctantly found a reason.

Li Zhibai didn't quite understand why Tong Jun insisted that he take Wen Li's exam. You must know that this should be meaningless. There must be extremely detailed records of Wen Li's practice in the deacon's hall.

So... Tong Jun wants to sell Wen Pear a favor?

What does she want from Wen Li's favor.

Besides, she asked herself to do things out loud, and it was really human, and that was what Tong Jun owed her.

Li Zhibai didn't understand why Zhu Pingniang spoke for Wen Li for a while.

However, since it is the request of the younger sister, even if it is a less serious and worrying younger sister, you should be more serious.

Putting down the teacup, Li Zhibai looked in the direction of the back room.

"Let me come... let me think..."

Li Zhibai thought.

Wen Li, who had given up on showing his cultivation achievements, suddenly found that things seemed to be turning around. He glanced in the direction of the back room in surprise, and then raised a little expectation in his heart.

No matter what the uncle meant, but if she could help herself, she would have to accept it.

Seeing that Li Zhibai didn't respond for a while, Zhu Pingniang in the room became nervous.

It won't be such a long time, her words are already... not useful to Li Zhibai.

The tacit understanding of the two.

It's just like letting Wen Li owe him a bad favor.

Zhu Pingniang had no interest in makeup at all. She stared at the window, for fear that Li Zhibai would reject her proposal, for fear that she would fall out of favor with Li Zhibai, for fear... Li Zhibai was just as cruel to her as Wen Li.

Fortunately, Li Zhibai still pampered her.

"Okay, I see." Li Zhibai said to the back room.

'…call. ’

Zhu Pingniang finally breathed a sigh of relief, if Li Zhibai really refused and didn't give her face, she really didn't know what to do.


Zhu Pingniang smiled, thinking that for the sake of Li Zhibai's thoughtfulness, the dinner party... just give her some of her dinner.

"Then get ready." Zhu Pingniang said, and then continued to put on makeup.

Her purpose has been achieved.

As long as Li Zhibai is willing to go to school for Wen Li, he can satisfy Wen Li's wishes and not let Wen Li leave with regret, at won't affect Li Zhibai's longing in Wen Li's heart.

Zhu Pingniang felt that she had preserved this longing, as well as Abai's gentle character, she was complacent and proud.


Coincidentally, Li Zhibai thought so too.

At Tong Jun's request, she agreed to this matter... At least, Wen Li had to accept Tong Jun's affection.

In this way, in Wen Li's heart, even if Tong Jun is unreliable, at least she is an elder who is facing her and is willing to speak for her, right?

Regardless of the style of life, as long as the elders can help the younger generation, they are useful people.

Therefore, this time, it can be regarded as saving Tong Jun's face in Wen Li's heart.

Li Zhibai was very pleased. UU Reading

As long as Tong Jun doesn't lose face, it's okay to keep her busy for a while.

Li Zhibai sighed softly, then stood up and looked at Wen Li: "Get ready, I want to see your sword."

Wen Li didn't understand anything yet, and inexplicably achieved her wish.

A little bit weird.

It was clear that Mr. Ming was as decisive as he had refused before, but she agreed with a word from the uncle.

Wen Li remembered the scene of Zhu Pingniang and her showing off Li Zhibai just now, and felt that... If the husband spoils the uncle like this, it is no wonder that the uncle likes the husband so much.

"Mr. Hui, is it really okay?" Wen Li had a chance, but still asked, "If it's inconvenient..."

"It's not in the way." Li Zhibai smiled, pinched a magic formula with his fingers, and the interior space unfolded, wrapping the two inside.

Li Zhibai looked at Wen Li in front of him.

"Ali, let me see how you have grown over the years."

"Then, please excuse me."

Wen Li breathed a sigh of relief at Li Zhibai's smile, and there was a slight smile on his face.

Sir, finally see your own sword.

Ripples appeared in Wen Li's eyes.

She has appeared on the stage countless times, but she has never seen Mr.

It's time to let the husband know how far the girl she taught herself has grown to now.

There was a faint shadow of a sword in Wen Li's hand.

Without much to say, a sword light with a violent phantom tore through the space, mixed with a heavy breath, and shredded and melted everything that approached in the blink of an eye.

The hot sword light moved towards Li Zhibai's snow neck. +Bookmark+

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