My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 468: Like the meaning of the stars (2 in 2)

Li Zhibai naturally likes Xu Changan very much.

At the same time, she also likes Yun Qian very much.

However, these two are obviously not the same kind of liking, but if they were really compared together, Li Zhibai felt that she would sacrifice the time she spent teaching Xu Changan a little bit, and use this time to have tea with Yun Qian.

All in all... She should like that sister Yun more.

Li Zhibai had already thought about it. If he saw Yun Qian at the banquet later, he would say to her, "Have tea together when you have time" before leaving.

Li Zhibai's hand trembled as he recorded Wen Li's data.

Speaking of which, she had promised to teach Sister Yun some makeup.

But her method of applying makeup is obviously from the 'Ancient' period, so she should not be able to keep up with today's aesthetics... If Yun Qian learns from her, maybe it won't be too good?

But Li Zhibai didn't want to give this opportunity to teach Yun Qian to other people. After all, she was also a normal girl. If there was a woman who wanted to be close, how could she push her out.

Then... should you find a chance to try your own makeup?

After all, what she thinks is out of line with the times is just that she thinks that it can't be eaten today.

It just so happened that there was a best test subject in front of him.

Tong Jun.

Li Zhibai turned around thoughtfully and looked at Zhu Pingniang, who was only half makeup on behind him.

Try using her...?

If Tong Jun thinks it looks good, then he should be able to teach it to Sister Yun.


Suddenly being stared at by Li Zhibai, Zhu Pingniang was stunned for a moment.

What is Bai looking at with half of his face on the side?

Could it be... that you are more attractive than Wen Li, who has exploded with amazing strength now?

Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but widened her eyes.

She lay on her side on the couch, leaning against the wall, while Li Zhibai sat on the edge of the couch.

Zhu Pingniang looked up at Li Zhibai from this angle. Under the slightly swaying lights, the girl's profile was as quiet and quiet as the neutron night in the ancient forest.

Zhu Pingniang's face flushed red.

In her eyes, Miss Li seemed to be walking out of a painting, like a fairy or an elves in that folk tale.

Just admiring Li Zhibai's figure, Zhu Pingniang will sigh a little bit of her good luck.

To be able to deceive Ah Bai to Mu Yufeng, she should have used up all her luck in this life.

"Abai, what are you looking at, what's on my face..." Zhu Pingniang said, her eyes narrowed suddenly.

She stretched out her hand and wiped it lightly on her face, then turned her face away immediately, her blood surging.



Just now, Li Zhibai's sudden appearance was too shocking to her mind, but after Li Zhibai appeared, her heart was full of her... She forgot for a while, and her makeup was only half done!

What does a woman with half makeup look like?

Not necessarily funny, but definitely not pretty.

Zhu Pingniang: "..."

It's over, it turns out that she has been talking to Ah Bai with such a funny appearance.

Zhu Pingniang looked for something in the cracks in the wall to see which one was suitable for her to drill into.

Say so.

She can't panic.

Li Zhibai couldn't be made to realize that she forgot. She had to think that she had disturbed her makeup, so she only did half of it.

Be calm.

It's very embarrassing to forget half of the makeup, but what could be more embarrassing than being heard by me when I went crazy?

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingniang's face slowly became normal.

Li Zhibai shifted slightly, sat down against the lacquered wood in front of the wooden edge, turned to Zhu Pingniang and said, "Tong-jun, what are you trying to say, your face?"

"Speaking of which, didn't you see that I was putting on makeup just now?"

Although Zhu Pingniang was extremely embarrassed, she was even more afraid of losing face, so she pretended to be dissatisfied:

"I don't know what you are in a hurry, Abai. You can't wait for me to finish my makeup and then come out from the interior... Now that you are here, you are still talking to me about Wenli, delaying my time."

I have a guest, and I want to entertain myself, so I can't continue to put on makeup and I can't bear to wash it... It's very reasonable.

Zhu Pingniang "inadvertently" explained her half-face makeup, and at the same time slapped her back: "Or, Bai, you did it on purpose, thinking I'm so embarrassed, watching my jokes... It's funny?"

‘…? ’

When Li Zhibai heard Zhu Pingniang's tone, he felt a little strange for a while.

Is this girl angry?

Why does it feel wrong?

Li Zhibai looked at Zhu Pingniang's face and shook his head gently: "I didn't mean to see your jokes."

"Only you know what you think specifically." Zhu Pingniang pouted and looked at Li Zhibai's beautiful red dress.

The heart was pounding.

She originally thought that Li Zhibai changed his clothes because he changed his temperament, but after a simple contact, she found out that Abai is still the same Abai...

Then what did she want to say when she changed her clothes.

Zhu Pingniang is a very smart girl.

Maybe Li Zhibai was afraid that he would be uneasy because of the big changes, so he also changed his outfit to match him.

Both of them have changed, so I won't feel uneasy...

Li Zhibai's temperament is straight, but he is also very caring, so Zhu Pingniang thinks that is the truth.

A Bai's side concern is a very touching love story.

Li Zhibai: "...?"

After she noticed Zhu Pingniang's hot eyes, she was even more strange.

What happened to this girl.

Li Zhibai thought that if she didn't come down for too long, Tong Jun would be angry and there would be thorns in his words.

Facts have proved that Zhu Pingniang's words are indeed thorny, but... Li Zhibai is not blind, can't she see the rippling water in Zhu Pingniang's eyes?

In fact, at first glance Li Zhibai realized that he was met with a pair of dark, uneasy eyes full of water mist.

Tong Jun's pure and hot girl Huaichun has already been conveyed to her.

However, facing this kind of feeling, Li Zhibai was helpless and would not respond.

She is still thinking about how to correct the gradually morbid and deteriorating dependence of this "problem sister".

But...if Zhu Pingniang likes her very much, what's the matter with the thorns in the words?

You know, Li Zhibai just thought that Zhu Pingniang had become frank, but now it's hard to see through.

"Just say what you want to say, don't let me guess." Li Zhibai turned around, thinking that if she guessed wrong, this girl will be angry again.

The moment Li Zhibai turned around, Zhu Pingniang wanted to cover her face and scream, "Don't look at me".

But she still held back and kept the woman's restraint.

"I don't have anything to say." Zhu Pingniang snorted, she faintly turned half of her face with makeup on to the wall, and put her eyes on the interior scene: "Look more at Ali, she's so amazing... My glazed body should be It's going to be unbearable."

Zhu Pingniang wished that Li Zhibai could see her more and Wen Li less.

But now that I'm wearing this strange makeup, I'm still...don't look at myself, I'm going to die of shame.

The key is that she is not good at removing her makeup, otherwise, wouldn't she reveal that she forgot her makeup?

Zhu Pingniang told herself that she was putting on makeup on purpose, just to tell Li Zhibai that her appearance disturbed her to do her makeup.

Li Zhibai frowned slightly: "I really don't understand you."

"I said don't look... No. It doesn't matter." Zhu Pingniang turned her head: "Look at Ali."

"...Well." Li Zhibai was strange, and now he really should observe the interior.

In the interior scene, their respective trials are almost over, and it's time to get real.

Behind Wenli, the sky is full of stars, and the full moon is like a disk.

"It's so beautiful..." Zhu Pingniang murmured.

In the middle of the night, the sky is open, and the stars and rivers are rotten.

Even the Tianming Peak, which is said to be the closest to the starry sky, cannot see such a romantic night sky.

Of course, the most intriguing thing was the long sword in Wen Li's hand.

The ordinary second-grade long sword was slashed out in Wen Li's hand, and the steps were filled with the painted scrolls of stars and moon, with a more terrifying aura than the stars in the sky.

"Abai, I said...Is this girl's sword used to be the Xinghe sword? Or she likes to watch the stars." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know either." Li Zhibai replied with serious eyes.

The sword energy surrounded Wen Li, and under the refraction of the waves, the thousands of stars and bright moons running on the disk were all reflected on her body, so bright and so real.

Even with the 'Zhu Tongjun' who was about to rush to Wen Li's side, there was a momentary absence of sword.

In a trance, she thought she had come among the stars.

"This is not a power that people from the lower realms can master." Zhu Pingniang said.

"Have you seen someone from the upper realm?" Li Zhibai was stunned.

"Isn't there Chang'an?" Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "What he doesn't know, people from the upper realm should not know."

Li Zhibai's tone was stagnant.

It's time... and I'm still in the mood for a joke.

Ignoring Zhu Pingniang, who was playing tricks, Li Zhibai carefully observed Wen Li's sword intent.

Like an ancient starry road with no end in sight, like a galaxy that divides the starry sky into two halves, more like a world that only exists in fantasy.


This Xinghe was born from Wen Li's mental image, and she imagined it, yes, but this fantasy starry sky can resonate with the translucent star and moon disc behind Wen Li, exerting the power to surprise Li Zhibai. .

"So, the direction of Ali's practice... is to go up?" Li Zhibai's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Pingniang also realized something and became more serious.

"What did you think of that girl's sword intent in the past?" Li Zhibai asked.

Zhu Pingniang thought for a while and said, " it heavy? Well, it's steady."

When everyone saw Wen Li, all they could feel was an extremely large and stable sword intent, as steady as a mountain, as thick as the earth, and those who were crushed could not breathe.

"I used to think this way too." Li Zhibai quickly recorded something in the book.

There are many suitable words to describe Wenli, such as gentleman holding light, great virtue.

Many people think that Wen Li visualized the [earth] when he practiced his sword intent. After all, even if Wen Li's sword was killing people, it didn't have the slightest murderous aura. Everyone who fought with Wen Li would have the same feeling—

That is, they are not facing a single person, but the general trend of the mountains.

When the sword came down, it was not the sword energy that faced him, but the peak of the mountains and the boundless earth.

Under that kind of power, all Xiaoxiao have nothing to hide, and all intrigues and sidelines will be completely suppressed.

Wen Li's swords are never gorgeous, they are often simply drawn, sheathed, and returned to nature.

But now Wen Li's performance has made Zhu Pingniang realize that they were all wrong.

Not gorgeous?

Simple and simple?

Back to Basics?

Now Zhu Pingniang just wanted to drag Master Wen Li's old face over, pointed at Zhou Tian Xinghe, and asked ruthlessly—where is this simple?

The sword light intertwined vertically and horizontally, the stars moved slowly, and the splendor and power were visible to the naked eye.

"So, what Ali visualizes is not the earth, but the starry sky." Zhu Pingniang frowned a little annoyed: "I...why didn't I find out earlier."

In the practice of Wen Lijian, everyone maintained that they would not disturb her if they could. After all, no one could help her.

However, they still had guesses about the nature of Wen Li's Sword Intent.

Stable and boundless, just thinking about it is thick soil.

Indeed, Wen Li's sword intent feels extremely heavy, but it's not necessarily the earth.

Is there anything under the sky that can be more 'heavy' than the vast starry sky?

Since the starry sky has completely conquered the earth, with Wen Li's innate character, why would he let the stars in the sky not pursue them, but instead visualize the loess beneath his feet.

Where is the mountain where her sword is, it is clearly the most gorgeous, mysterious, and terrifying Galaxy Yinlian!

Zhu Pingniang shook her head and couldn't help but said, "It's clearly such a simple logic, why doesn't anyone think about the starry sky? Everyone thinks that her sword intent is based on the earth."

Li Zhibai didn't answer, but just asked, "Tong-kun, what do you think?"

The answer is obvious, they all know it.

"Because... the starry sky is out of reach." Zhu Pingniang sighed, "It's ridiculous to visualize it."

Yes, the more beautiful a person thinks the starry sky, the more they will understand the falsity of the starry sky in the future.

The kind of stars that always circulate above the frosty sky are the most invisible things.

Therefore, in the world of immortality, not only is it useless to visualize the stars, but UU reading is just a symbol of high aspirations.

And the earth is virtuous and always stands at its feet.

So, starry sky to do sword intent should be extremely ridiculous, watching the moon in the water, very ambitious.

Only by keeping our feet on the ground can we stand on the top.

It just so happens that Wen Li is the most down-to-earth person, who would think that she can naively yearn for the stars and the mirror, and use it as the foundation of her sword intent?

"How could this be." Zhu Pingniang frowned.

Because the starry sky is beautiful, it is false.

The reason why people yearn for beauty is because of the opportunity to embrace it.

Is the starry sky something that belongs to everyone but no one can match, is it still beautiful?

A gentle person is gentle to everyone.

So is the sky.

If you can't touch it, it's not yours. This truth... How could Wen Li not understand.

Could it be that Wen Li is a naive girl full of fantasies?

How can...

Zhu Pingniang thought, suddenly stunned.

Li Zhibai smiled.

It seems that Tong-kun also realized it.

"Tong-kun, what do you say... What is Ali's favorite?"

"Yes... Chang'an."

Zhu Pingniang sighed.


A girl who wishes to pursue 'Peace and Chang'an' will visualize the same illusory starry sky...

As it should be.

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