My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 469: Does not necessarily need to be embraced (2 in 1)

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The little girl always liked to look at the stars when she was a child.

The vast and mysterious, beautiful to delicate scenery is always the most attractive thing in the world.

Zhu Tongjun likes the scenery of the starry sky, not because the scenery is too shocking, but because she has seen such beauty on a girl, who is also dressed in the glow of the night and the starry sky.

She said 'Sister Gu'.

Therefore, Zhu Tongjun was very obsessed with stars when he was a child, and always felt that just as her sister said, the important person did not die, but turned into a star in the sky.

But when she grew up, she didn't like looking at the stars.

Maybe she was laughed at by her sister for being naive, maybe she figured it out herself.

Only children will like the fake, false, untouchable duckweed like the starry sky.

In the noisy and cumbersome life, what I like is no longer the untouchable starry sky, but the things that can be reached.

It's just... she doesn't like looking up at the stars, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like stars anymore.

Zhu Pingniang quietly watched the girl in the red dress in front of her.

Now, her stars are hidden in Li Zhibai's eyes.

This is the star she can touch and have the opportunity to embrace.

Everyone who likes to look at stars will eventually realize the falsehood of that sky, and they will eventually find their own precious star.

In Zhu Pingniang's eyes, 'Wen Li', who likes the stars, is undoubtedly one that can be described by various negative words such as 'naive', 'pursuit of illusoryness', and 'unsteady'.

The starry sky is just like people who are gentle to everyone, and are indifferent in nature.

It was really something that shouldn't be approached, something that shouldn't be expected from.

May Ping Niang understand.

It's not surprising that Wen Li likes the starry sky, it's better to say... It's strange that she doesn't like it.

The peaceful Chang'an that Wen Li was after was, in a sense, something more cruel and illusory than the false starry sky.

The world, where did Chang'an come from?

"Yeah." Zhu Pingniang looked at Li Zhibai and sighed softly: "Ali is asking for Chang'an... But in this world, when did Chang'an pass?"

The beauty of the stars can still be seen, and who has seen Chang'an?

Even if the lineage has been cut off for many generations, everyone knows that the so-called long-term stability is just a delusion.

From beginning to end, there has never been a real 'Chang'an' in the world.

There may be short-term peace, but the real Taiping Chang'an... In Zhu Pingniang's eyes, it is a more false and dreamlike bubble than the entire starry sky.

Anyone with a mature mind will not have such a naive ideal.

Ke Wenli not only has such an ideal, but is also working hard for it.

"Is Li an immature person?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"What do you think?" Li Zhibai looked at her.

"No." Zhu Pingniang touched half of her face, her tone somewhat inexplicable: "So... I'm not as good as her."

Who hasn't looked forward to Chang'an?

It's just that after understanding this world, even Zhu Pingniang, even Li Zhibai, is just putting the expectation of "short-term Chang'an" on the head.

"Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be rational and mature and innocent." Zhu Pingniang temporarily abandoned her messy thoughts at this time, full of emotion: "Maybe it's A Li, who doesn't have a miserable childhood, can be naive for granted. "

Hearing this, Li Zhibai glanced at Zhu Pingniang.

This girl is really ugly.

What is no childhood?

In this way, does Xu Changan, who amnesiac, also have no childhood?

"Tong Jun, according to what you said... Why is Chang'an not naive?" Li Zhibai asked.

When Zhu Pingniang heard the words, her tone became stagnant, and there was a hint of embarrassment between her eyebrows.

Xu Changan?

There is something wrong with him, don't say naive... Zhu Pingniang thinks that kid is the most realistic person, and it is a joke to mention any dreams and peace Chang'an to him.

From Xu Changan's 'it doesn't matter' attitude towards the half-demon and the demon clan... one can guess some of his thoughts.

A man without youthful vigor, he is a real 'profit-seeking'.

And the 'benefit' that Xu Changan pursues is without a doubt... Yun Qian.

When Xu Changan first arrived in Beisang City, he worked hard to integrate into the town in order to live, and that was for Yun Qian.

On the Muyu Peak, it is for Yun Qian.

Cultivation is for Yun Qian, effort is for Yun Qian,

Even preparing dinner now is to 'please' himself, so that Yun Qian can better enter the path of cultivation.

Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but snorted: "If you want me to say, Chang'an's temperament that only likes Sister Yun is naive in a sense."

"...Sister Yun..." Li Zhibai's eyes twitched slightly.

Some people care about what Zhu Pingniang calls Yun Qian.

Their there such a thing?

Or was it because of his good relationship with Yun Qian, that Yun Qian inadvertently 'leaked' it out?

Li Zhibai didn't have the need to hide it, but she always liked to be quiet and was afraid of trouble. It was Zhu Tongjun who used to be okay, but now this... is too noisy.

Having a tea party with Yunqian is because I like that she is a quiet girl like myself. If you let Zhu Pingniang come along...

Li Zhibai's mind was aching, as if he saw his sword hall being mixed up in a mess.


Zhu Pingniang didn't notice the faint 'disgust' in the eyes of her favorite Ah Bai, and she was still thinking about Xu Changan.

Zhu Pingniang could probably feel that if Xu Changan was asked to die for Yun Qian for some special reason... this kid would definitely not have any complaints.

It is impossible to say that she will arrange Yun Qian's future life as well as possible before she dies, so that she can adapt to the days when he is gone.


But how can a normal and self-motivated person care so much about people other than themselves?

You know, people die like a lamp goes out.

Isn't he afraid that Yun Qian will remarry?

Zhu Pingniang looked at her phantom and Wen Li who were constantly fighting in the interior scene, and shook her head: "Abai, I want to say... Although Chang'an has a mysterious origin, I really want to talk about the protagonist of today's world of great competition, don't you think that Ali is more like a Li? Is it the darling of heaven and earth, the real protagonist?"

"What do you mean?" Li Zhibai asked.

To be mysterious, Xu Changan, who was able to break the Tongjun Dharma body and make the entire Chaoyun Sect fall into a torrential rain, won a lot.

Even though Wen Li's talent is extremely high, it's only a few illusory images of stars, but that's it.

"I mean... Look at those legends, the protagonist must always have an unsullied mind, lofty ideals, and even unrealistic ideals." Zhu Pingniang stretched out a few fingers: "There must also be firmness. Faith, incomprehensible action, and even perfect charisma..."

"By the way." She paused and said, "There is still a miserable childhood."

Counting them down one by one, Wenli almost got all of them.

"..." Li Zhibai.

The pain in her head was stronger now.

Li Zhibai didn't know for a while whether Zhu Pingniang was joking or if she really thought so.

But if you listen carefully for a while, it seems to make sense.

At least, a girl like Wen Li, whose ideal is "Taiping Chang'an", is more like the darling of heaven and earth, the protagonist of a world of great competition, than Xu Changan's wholeheartedly his wife?

To be precise, Wen Li is more promising than Xu Changan.

"Right." Zhu Pingniang raised the corner of her mouth: "Then, for the protagonist of a world of great contention, it is normal for the first time in his life to like the opposite **** without a single incident."

There is always a bitter first love, and Xu Changan...for Wen Li is undoubtedly such an existence.

Therefore, Wen Li will like to show the beautiful starry sky to everyone, and also like... people who are gentle to everyone.

Although the essence of the starry sky is a dream bubble, although the innermost being of a gentle person is extremely cruel.

But like is like.

Zhu Pingniang pinched her fingers and lowered her head slightly.

"Sure enough...Ali's feelings for Chang'an are...complicated. ’

The more she analyzed, the more she understood why Wen Li couldn't understand her feelings for Xu Changan, and the more she could understand.

"The joke is over?" Li Zhibai looked at her.

"It's over." Zhu Pingniang nodded.

Li Zhibai was silent for a while, she looked at the astrolabe behind Wen Li, and sighed softly.

"So Tong-kun, do you think Ali's wish should be ... realistic?"

As a senior, it is also a matter for the junior to avoid detours appropriately.

"What do you mean, that Ali is asking for Chang'an?" Zhu Pingniang quickly understood what Li Zhibai meant.

Because long-term stability is impossible, as long as the human race still exists, and the demon race still exists, then there can be no real long-term stability in the world.

Even if there is a short-lived prosperous age, its essence can be investigated... Prosperity's existence is only to accumulate strength for the next 'war'.

Chaos is the eternal norm.

"Because her ideal is out of reach, isn't it?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"Yeah." Li Zhibai nodded without hesitation.

As an elder, watching the younger generation work hard for an ethereal thing, there will always be such an idea.

Li Zhibai said, "As long as the demon clan is still alive, what Ali wants will never be possible..."

"What if the demon clan disappeared." Zhu Pingniang interrupted her.

Li Zhibai's tone was stagnant, and he sighed: "It's impossible."

Although there are monsters that can be used to decorate this chaotic world, for Li Zhibai, who has lived long enough, she knows very well that even without the monsters... the world will still be that world.

Even the human race will fight harder.

In fact, Zhu Pingniang discussed this matter with her a long time ago.

They all believed that the only possibility of long-term peace was to let the creatures of the race, the demon race, and the wise-wisdom all disappear from the earth.

Only in this way will the world fall into the real Chang'an.

This is not an extreme, but a fact.

"..." Zhu Pingniang looked at the figure in front of her, and seemed to feel her concern for Wen Li.

Obviously, Li Zhibai was definitely not unconcerned about Wen Li, a former student, but this concern was dwarfed by Xu Changan.

She suddenly realized that her Ah Bai had also changed a lot.

In the past, Li Zhibai really looked like an old man, with the same way of thinking and temperament.

But now, Zhu Pingniang unexpectedly discovered that Li Zhibai seemed to have 'regressed' and became younger?

To put it simply, she has changed from an old woman to a married wife, although her age is still not in her prime... But at least she is very likable.

"Abai, do you think Ali is a clumsy girl?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"How is that possible." Li Zhibai shook his head.

"That's enough." Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "We can understand it, will Ali understand it?"

As a half-demon, Wen Li, who has such a past, how could he not know that long-term stability is just a phantom thing?

"Then...she." Li Zhibai looked inside.

At this moment, in the interior scene, the sword in Wen Li's hand shone with unimaginable light, and the clouds hanging high were long gone. A rain of stars started.

Thousands of sword qi surrounded his body, illuminating Wen Li like a fairy.

Facing the god-like Wen Li, 'Zhu Tongjun' looked a little frantic. Although her glazed golden body was riddled with holes, she still had an unyielding fighting spirit in her eyes.

"Tsk." Zhu Pingniang outside covered her face in shame.

Although she is already in the too virtual state, in essence... she is still that crazy girl when she really fights, and she is rarely graceful as a woman.

In contrast, Wen Li, who was like a **** from the beginning to the end and manipulated the sword intent of the stars, was the real 'elegant'.

And with Wen Li's sword, the place where the sword light passed, suddenly became a complete blank, nothingness.

Whether it is light or dust, all tangible and intangible things are erased and wiped away in an instant, just like being touched by a real star, and turned into nothingness in a blink of an eye, as if it never existed between heaven and earth at all.

The petite body of 'Zhu Tongjun' seems to be shrouded in an instant, but she obviously won't be erased like this. As for her counterattack... Zhu Pingniang felt embarrassed and didn't want to watch it.

In short, now the interior scene has reached the most exciting moment.

The terrifying sword energy and golden rolling air waves tore through the air, shaking the space, like a tangled torrent and rippling, illuminating the entire interior world.

The stars are rushing, and the golden light is flowing.

It doesn't matter who wins or loses.

Li Zhibai gently rubbed his eyebrows: "Ali can compete with you in the Taixu Realm with such a star sword intent... is it a good thing?"

"Why not." Zhu Pingniang said calmly, "I'm about to lose."

"You can understand what I mean." Li Zhibai raised his head.


What Wen Li visualized was not so much the stars as it was 'Tai Ping Chang An', which was the same illusory thing.

It is very dangerous to use these dreamy things as a spiritual support. Even if unparalleled power can burst out, people will eventually grow up.

If Wen Li goes on like this, one day after she realizes the nothingness of Xingchen and Chang'an, it may be a devastating blow to her.

"But, this is Wen Li." Zhu Pingniang waved her hand: "She is no longer the girl who needed you to teach her to speak... You who didn't even see this clearly, you really don't deserve to be called Mr. by her."

It turns out that Li Zhibai really hadn't paid attention to Wen Li these years.

"Really?" Li Zhibai was not angry, but thoughtful.

"Abai, UU reading you said... What is the ultimate goal of our monks?" Zhu Pingniang suddenly asked.

Li Zhibai thought for a while, and then said seriously, "Longevity."

No matter what the initial goal is, as long as you keep going, in the end... longevity is the end of everything.

Zhu Pingniang responded, wearing funny half-face makeup, looking at the interior scene, her tone was calm: "In the world, has anyone ever lived forever?"

"..." Li Zhibai's expression froze.

"Since longevity is out of reach, Chang'an is just as out of reach... As far as Ali is concerned, what is the difference." Zhu Pingniang stretched, thinking that the child of Chang'an would be better, and she could reach out and touch it.

But most of the beauty in the world does not necessarily need to be embraced.

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