My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 470: Li Zhibai's Angry Point (2 in 1)

Listening to Zhu Pingniang's words, Li Zhibai was silent for a while, with a helpless look on his brows.

Although the ultimate goal of a cultivator's practice is longevity, it is also gradual.

The goals at the beginning will be relatively small, such as wanting to stand out, such as wanting strength... How many people start to practice with the goal of 'longevity'?

But Wen Li ran to Chang'an, which is illusory, from the very beginning.

Li Zhibai really can't say that Zhu Pingniang is a sophistry, because it is essentially the same reason, and if she insists, she finds that she doesn't understand Wen Li at all.

And Zhu Pingniang's meaning is also very simple-

Others need to worry.

But Wenli doesn't need it.

"Girl Wen knows that there are tigers in the mountains." Zhu Pingniang smiled and gave Li Zhibai a deep look.

There was something she didn't say.

If long-term peace and stability, the starry sky is so important to Wenli.

Then, perhaps Xu Changan, the person who appeared at the right time and before Wen Li had firmed up her beliefs, gave her a slight push...

It's more important than Li Zhibai, she, and even Wen Li herself thought.

Can't help sighing.

So, why did Chang'an get married so early... Besides, he has a dedicated temperament.

However... Zhu Pingniang raised her eyebrows slightly, sighed halfway and then quietly dispersed.

She's not worried at all.

At this time, the importance of Yun Qian is reflected.

With Yun Qian and this Zhu Pingniang, she thinks it is very likely that she will become the second girl with the charm of 'Sister Gu'. She has great confidence in Yun Qian.

To be precise, she is full of confidence in Yun Qian's ability to 'seduce' Wen Li's heart from Xu Changan in the future...

As long as she thinks that Wen Li will like Yun Qian more in the future, Zhu Pingniang feels that she can like whomever Wen Li likes now, and she can do whatever she likes, anyway, Yun Qian has the bottom line.

In contrast, her Qingluo is the troublesome one.

Qingluo was sinking deeper, the key was that Qingluo did not dare to approach Yun Qian.

It would be nice if Qingluo also had Wenli's mentality of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains"...

She pouted.

Zhu Pingniang also felt that this was unfair to Qingluo, she had to cover her eyes to kill a chicken in Nizi's yard, so she was not qualified to compare with Wen Li.

"There are tigers in the mountains..." Li Zhibai's eyelashes trembled.

Zhu Pingniang described 'long peace for a long time' as a tiger, but instead it reminded Li Zhibai of many past events.

In the past, when she first lived in a Taoist temple, the master of the Taoist temple always told her that the man at the foot of the mountain was a tiger... Obviously, she took her as a little girl who didn't understand anything.

Li Zhibai couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

Zhu Pingniang: "...?"

"Abai, what are you laughing at, let's get down to business!" Zhu Pingniang could clearly feel that Li Zhibai was distracted, and was immediately very annoyed.

Clearly she was by her side, yet she was actually thinking of other people?

Zhu Pingniang can be sure that the gentleness in Bai's eyes is not for her, but for an old friend who has been buried for many years.

As a bad woman, Zhu Pingniang thought maliciously.

"It's all right." Li Zhibai gave Zhu Pingniang a strange look, not knowing what she was worried about.

Zhu Pingniang pouted and changed the topic immediately, and now there is a ready-made: "Speaking of mountain tigers..."


"Ali..." Zhu Pingniang was about to speak.

"She is a raccoon flower, not a mountain tiger." Li Zhibai said.

"Waste...Bah, of course I know." Zhu Pingniang narrowed her eyes: "Speaking of which, Ali once manipulated a blue-eyed tiger...that's all, it's none of her"

"What do you want to say?" Li Zhibai was puzzled.

At this time, seeing that the battle between Wen Li and Phantom was about to end, she didn't have time to listen to Zhu Pingniang's nonsense here.

"Simply put." Zhu Pingniang clapped her hands: "That kid from Chang'an once went on a mission and killed Qiancheng's mount by mistake as a monster. You are Mr. Chang'an, and I'm Qiancheng's aunt, are you? Do you have to give me an explanation?"

"..." Li Zhibai.

The lights sprinkled on her body, reflecting a bit of helplessness, she asked: "Blue-eyed tiger... But the blue-eyed tiger of the Tengyun realm?"

"No." Zhu Pingniang waved her hand: "Tengyunjing, can Chang'an beat him? Do you think he is Wenli?"

"Is that a strange beast with the blood of an ancient demon and cultivated by the Acacia Sect?" Li Zhibai asked again.

"Don't think about it, Qiancheng bought it for fifty low-grade spirit stones." Zhu Pingniang said.

"..." Li Zhibai.


As for the fifty spirit stones, she told herself with a solemn face?

For the first time, Li Zhibai really thought that Xu Changan had caused some serious trouble.

"Is this... important?" Li Zhibai asked.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Zhu Pingniang showed a subtle smile, she reached out and knocked on the edge of the bed: "Could it be, the hall master of the dignified sword hall, it's impossible to default."

What is the hall master of the dignified sword hall, she is not afraid to go around her mouth.

He didn't understand what Zhu Pingniang was serious about, but in order to avoid trouble, Li Zhibai decided to obey her and said, "I'll pay for it."

"Don't say it so simple." Zhu Pingniang reminded Li Zhibai: "Abai, it's not that I look down on you... Can you and Chang'an together make up fifty spirit stones?"

Li Zhibai: "..."

Her expression froze on her face.


Seeing Li Zhibai's sluggishness, Zhu Pingniang showed a smile of successful strategy.

She knew that the master and the apprentice were a pair of poor ghosts.

Li Zhibai looked at Xiuwei's high level, but with her little salary, after buying some spiritual tea and spiritual food for three meals a day on weekdays, it would be empty, and she couldn't save it at all.

Not to mention Xu Changan, he couldn't get a penny out of his body.

"No." After Li Zhibai honestly accepted the fact that he was a poor ghost, he shook his head: "According to the rules, since the mission goal is wrong, the girl who organizes the information should be punished. How can the fault be attributed to Chang'an, the executor?"

"Who do you think sorted out the mission objectives?" Zhu Pingniang asked rhetorically.


"Here." Zhu Pingniang said to Wen Li Nunu in the fantasy scene: "By the way, if Chang'an has not been open sourced yet, the quest a three-pattern open source pill."

"Abai, who has to blame the miserable blue-eyed tiger now?"

"It's alright." Li Zhibai had nothing to say. She thought about the remaining spirit stones in her family, and gathered them together... It's not that she couldn't find them.

"I will pay," she said.

No one would have imagined that these two senior leaders of Chaoyun Sect would discuss the matter of dozens of low-grade spirit stones with a serious face.

"Well... just kidding." Zhu Pingniang waved her hand: "Can I really ask Bai for your poor salary for dozens of spirit stones?"

That's too unhuman.

"Rules are rules." Li Zhibai didn't think much about it.

"Do you really think of yourself as Chang'an's mother?" Zhu Pingniang spat: "You have to make amends for everything, what's the use of asking him."


Li Zhibai blinked.

Do you think so?

Did she see Xu Changan as her 'child'?

It did sound somewhat reasonable, because after hearing that Xu Changan made a mistake, the first thing she thought of was to make up for it by herself.

how is this possible.

She never even had a Taoist companion, so where did she come from as a child.

"Yes sir." Li Zhibai corrected.

"No sir." Zhu Pingniang stretched out a finger: "You have to pay for my golden body, and now I'll add a mountain tiger... Can I ask first, how are you going to make up for me, Bai?"

"Golden body..."

Li Zhibai frowned.

This is indeed a hassle.

She saw how hard it was for Tong Jun to come all the way to cultivate the glazed golden body, and she really didn't know how to compensate.

She can't afford the sky-high spiritual stone, and Lord Kutong has eaten it too.

"If you don't know what to do, you might as well listen to my advice." Zhu Pingniang said suddenly.

"Huh?" Li Zhibai thought for a while, then nodded: "Alright, what do you want."

Zhu Pingniang's eyes lit up, she laughed, and her half-lying body straightened up slightly. I saw that she patted the mattress beside her and stretched out her hand to open a corner.

"That's it, Bai... You sleep with me for a while, I don't care about the golden body... Well, I'm not free today, so I can put it off later."

Zhu Pingniang smiled lightly, but in the depths of those smiling eyes, there was a rare courage and shyness hidden.

She worked very hard to say such things in such a joking tone as a bad woman.

And this courage quickly dissipated cleanly, and the cold wind swept across Zhu Pingniang's brows, bringing a trace of chill to her, just like Li Zhibai's serious and cold face.

"Look into my eyes and say it again." Li Zhibai looked at her coldly.

"I... I'm joking." Zhu Pingniang immediately avoided her gaze and smiled stiffly.

"Give me your hand." Li Zhibai said.

Zhu Pingniang didn't expect a joke, Li Zhibai was really angry, she obediently stretched out her hand, and at the same time... she was very puzzled.

She didn't say anything too much.

Even if Li Zhibai knew that she was having wicked thoughts now.

But, no matter what the heart is, there is no perfect person in the world.

She just thought about it, right?

Asking Li Zhibai to accompany him to sleep, he just said that he would simply sleep, but he didn't say that he should be gentle.

Did the two of you sleep less in the past?

What is there to be angry about.

At this time, even Zhu Pingniang was a little aggrieved.

"Well..." Li Zhibai slowly let go of Zhu Pingniang's hand: "It didn't hurt the foundation of the Glazed Glass Method, it's just that the source was broken, and the transformed true energy was exhausted. If will take some time to replenish it and it will recover."

Li Zhibai breathed a sigh of relief.

It is good that the foundation is not destroyed. In this case, although repairing is also time-consuming, it is not a big deal.

She thought about it for a while and said, "In this way, I'll go back and prepare you a seven-pattern Taiqing Dan and a bottle of life-saving water..."

Zhu Pingniang listened to Li Zhibai saying off and on many things that are considered treasures in the world of immortality... Her eyes twitched.

"...It's almost like this. It should take a few years to recover." Li Zhibai said.

"Abai." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but speak.


Li Zhibai raised his head, and then remembered something: "Yes, that's not enough."

These medicinal pills are only to restore Zhu Pingniang's glazed golden body, but the so-called compensation has not yet been given.

"Have you wanted any medicinal pills recently? The lingering fire of my Qingding is enough to make a pot of nine-pattern pills." Li Zhibai asked, "This will satisfy you."

"..." Zhu Pingniang.

Nothing to say.

"Abai, you're angry... isn't it too strange?" she asked.

Obviously, she just didn't care if she just slept with her, the glazed golden body or something... just recover slowly.

But Li Zhibai was unwilling, and even became really angry.

In contrast, she would rather pay a large price to compensate herself.

"Don't be so troublesome, I was really joking before." Zhu Pingniang became serious: "I am also an elder from Chang'an, and I had to test the sword with him myself, I don't need you to pay me anything."

Besides, she understands her own body, even if she doesn't need precious medicine pills, she can recover after a few years of rest.

In addition to her current status, unless there is chaos in Qingzhou, a war between good and evil... There is really no place for her to take action.

So, it doesn't matter at all.

But he didn't want Li Zhibai to shake his head: "It's better to recover sooner."

"I said..." Just as Zhu Pingniang was about to be tough, she met Li Zhibai's eyes, and immediately became weaker: "...It's okay."

"Listen to me." Li Zhibai's words were simple and concise, but there was no doubt about it.

"Oh." Zhu Pingniang sighed softly.

The aura in the room suddenly condensed, and the air seemed to be filled with a viscous liquid that made Zhu Pingniang unable to breathe.

She regrets it a little.

Maybe she shouldn't be joking with Bai.

The atmosphere was good, but because of her joke, it became such a rigid place that she wanted to escape.

In the room, the air was inexplicably awkward. Li Zhibai quietly recorded Wen Li's state in front of the interior scene. Zhu Pingniang was lying on the side of the couch, her face dark.

After a long time, Zhu Pingniang added a little bit of courage after exhausting her.

"Abai, are you angry?"

"There are some." Li Zhibai said truthfully.

"Because... I want to sleep with you?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

She is not worried that Li Zhibai will dislike her, nor is she afraid that she will see her as her sister, and she is not afraid that her mind will be known to her.

But she would be afraid that Li Zhibai would be angry.

This is inevitable.

Even though she was all the girl in front of her, Zhu Pingniang felt that if being close to her would make A Bai so annoyed, then she... would never say that again.

"Sleep? What did you say?" Li Zhibai looked back at Zhu Pingniang strangely.

How could she be angry because Tongjun wanted to be close to her.

This girl... did you misunderstand something?

But Zhu Pingniang was stunned.

Angry, but not because he said he wanted to sleep with her?

What is Abai talking about, why can't he understand.

Li Zhibai could feel Zhu Pingniang's cautiousness and helplessness, she put down the book in her hand.

"It's not easy for you to cultivate the colored glass body, don't make fun of this kind of thing."

She didn't like it when she said, "You can give up compensation after sleeping with yourself for a while."

If you want to sleep together, just say it, why use this method?

Is it more important to sleep with oneself than years of penance?


No one knows better than Li Zhibai how much hardship Tong Jun has endured in order to cultivate the Liuli Dharma Body.

Such a joke would make her feel that she was very disrespectful to Tong-jun's efforts back then.

To put it simply, Li Zhibai would feel distressed.

So get angry.

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