My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1000: Heavenly Land

1,000 Divine Soldiers Fall

"What? Want to create a new community?"

The tent of the Socialist Committee is more formal, with the school's school badge and the emblem of the Socialist Committee.

A sophomore male officer sat there, seemingly bored, and was flicking his phone.

After Li Fan they came, he looked up.

"What's wrong, senior, isn't it?"

Li Fan asked.

"No, it's just that there are few people who set up a community at this time, and I'm a little surprised."

The members' eyes have been staring at the two superb twins behind Li Fan, without looking at Li Fan at all. It seemed to look away for a second, and it seemed to the officer that it was a sin to look away for a second.

"Come on, fill out the form."

The officer handed over a form, and without waiting for Li Fan to see it, Jiang Yuanyuan behind him had already taken it.

"It seems very simple. There must be three people for the initial registration. Do you have to guarantee five people after one week? It is a coincidence that you want to thank us, president."

Jiang Yuanyuan squeezed her eyes at Li Fan.

"Yuanyuan, do you have pinholes?"

Jiang Fangfang tilted her head and looked at her sister.

"Oh, no!"

Jiang Yuanyuan gave her sister an angry look, and then handed the form to Li Fan, "Write the vice president here! Here, remember to write my name!"


Li Fan didn't know what to say, but when she thought that there was no one in the society, she let her be the vice president first, and she would talk about the future.

"You guys ... Is this to set up a cos society?"

The secretary couldn't help reminding, "The school already has two cos clubs ... and the animation club also has cos, and some excellent cosers in the school are in the animation club.

"No, I am going to create the Kokugisha."

Li Fan solemnly wrote these three words on the name of the society.


The officer was surprised, "Are you kidding me?"

"Establishing a martial arts society that belongs to us, is it me joking?"

Li Fan looked at the officer and asked.

"Of course, you ..."

Did the president's position read the word Li Fan, and the man suddenly shut up.

"It turns out you are Li Fan ... well, you continue."

Even the sophomores know themselves?

Li Fan was a little surprised, but soon calmed down and continued to fill out the form.

In the position of vice president, he wrote Jiang Yuanyuan's name and Jiang Fangfang was written in the staff.

"Within a week, the members must join more than five talents."

The officer reminded symbolically, "If there are less than five people, they will be forcibly disqualified."

"Okay, is there anything else to watch out for?"

"The others are the rules of some societies. I will send you a small manual in a while, which is written in detail above."

The officer said, "If there is anything else you don't understand, you can ... send your vice president to communicate with me."

"Okay, I will definitely communicate with you."

Jiang Yuanyuan laughed. The smiling officer suddenly felt up and down, as if returning to her first love. Even if you have such a beautiful girl, you want to join this Kungshu club ... But how many people will join this club in the school? The martial arts community seems to be more popular than the other three major communities.

Guoshu has long since fallen. Where can a freshman student who can play a few times can pull it up.

This freshman, the idea is really too naive. The cruel social reality will educate him.

"The community is already registered, can we welcome it now?"

Jiang Yuanyuan asked immediately.


"But ... we don't have a table ... if you don't have a parasol, you can use it temporarily, but the table must be."

Jiang Yuanyuan frowned, "Where can I get a table ..."

"I, I have a spare, you can use it!"

The clerk hurried to bring a table from the back, "There is a place right next to me, you can use it!"

"Is this really okay, senior?"

Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly stunned, "This way people will be shy."

"It's okay, are you a school girl and a vice president of the new society? Our Association Committee should help!"

The officer's attitude towards Jiang Yuanyuan is friendly. "But you have to be careful of the students in the student union. They don't support the community like us. If you violate the rules, they will definitely try to ban you!"

"Well, I see. Thank you for reminding me."

Jiang Yuanyuan coaxed the clerk so much that she even let over her parasols, and even helped them to buy new ones herself.

Followed by Li Fan, Jiang Fangfang began to arrange the orientation of the community. They had no tools for the time being, so they had to borrow papers and pens from the association to write about the welcome of Guoshushe, and then hung it in front of the table.

"Well, you can sit here next."

Jiang Yuanyuan pressed Li Fan's shoulders and let him sit on the chair he had borrowed. "Next, leave it to our sisters."

Sister Hana stood in front, causing a lot of onlookers. However, most of them just came to take photos with their sisters, and they were totally not interested in Guoshushe.

"Ah, nothing seems to me ..."

Li Fan was slightly depressed.

"Welcome, it's a public relations job, it should have been done by a girl."

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at it openly. "You're in charge of the big picture."

"No, useless president ..."

Jiang Fangfang muttered, Li Fan was unwilling, "Who said I was useless, I'm very useful!"

"What's your use?"

Jiang Fangfang asked.

"Well, believe it or not, I'm here for a big broken chest!"

Li Fan pointed at the big stone next to him.


Jiang Yuanyuan clapped her hands. "I really want to see it."

"Wipe, I'm just talking."

Li Fan is also a little upset. Why is he also a dignified president ... Well, aside from this, he is still a gold dart division in China.

"Little master!"

When Li Fan was at a loss, he suddenly saw a familiar figure approaching him.

Li Fan's eyes brightened, good guy, why is she here?

"Little sister?"

Li Fan's voice was full of shock, while Xia Ling wore a goose yellow long dress with a beautiful twisted braid. She rejoiced, seeing Li Fan's glaring eyes, but a little scared.

"Little master ... me, am I disturbing you ..."

Xia Xuan lowered her head and fiddled with the clothes corner, "I, I just worry about you ... so I want to come and see ..."

"No, no, little sister, you are here!"

Li Fan laughed with laughter, it was really a heavenly soldier!

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