My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1001: Sword dance

1001 Sword Dance

"Hello sister!"

"Hello, hello ..."

After Li Fan introduced it, the two cos little girls greeted Xia Xun. Jiang Yuanyuan is still generous, while Jiang Fangfang is still hesitant. The characters of these two little girls are clear at a glance.

"Little master ... when you get to school, you have to be busy with your studies, don't just focus on the girls ..."

Xia Xuan couldn't help but secretly transmitted a message to Li Fan.

"Where is it? This is a new society, Guoshu Society."

Li Fan clarified himself, "Isn't there such a pickled sister as I thought! Both of them are the heirs of the gossip palm!"

"Guo Shushe? That's fine."

Xia Yun also agreed with Li Fan's approach, "It is indeed my little master who carries forward the Huaxia National Art."

"Is this sister a disciple of Huashan?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was still a little curious about Xia Yuan. Although they followed the family to learn martial arts at an early age, they never met other disciples. The two of them were better protected at home, and they had not experienced any dangerous battles.

"Well, like a fake replacement!"

Li Fan looked at the carrying bag behind Xia Yi, "Sister Xiao, have you brought your sword?"


Xia Xuan nodded. When traveling, the sword must be carried with him. Even if it was a plane, the sword would be checked in. However, formal consignment is definitely not possible. Fortunately, they are darts and naturally have their own channels.

Recently, Ling Tian has been researching the line with Wang Tofu. They are trying to open up the private line of the extraordinary dart board and make it accessible.

Before leaving, Li Fan put forward a good idea. For these darts in the world, each dart is holding more or less one or more routes. Li Fan is planning to build a dartboard alliance, and anyone who wants to join the alliance must contribute his own underground route and share it with other dartboards in this alliance.

Just like a community, although there may be some difficulties in the early stages of establishment, Li Fan believes that with the increase in the number of darts joining, the alliance will become better and better.

Ling Tian reported a few days ago that in the "Gold Medal Alliance", ten dartboards have joined, including two eight small dartboards. In addition to Li Fan's family, the private routes of the eleven darts have been built into an initial network system and have begun to spread in all directions of Huaxia.

Xia Ye also took the time to come. She saw that Li Fan had to return to the extraordinary dart board in two days, and there were still many things for her to deal with.

Now Xia Ling is an indispensable part of the extraordinary dart game.

"Sister, please, please ..."

Li Fan whispered in Xia Ye's ears, and Xia Ye blushed slightly.

"This ... can this work ..."

"Okay, little sister, believe me."

The twin sisters didn't know what Li Fan was talking about. The president was mysterious.

And the officer of the HKCSS is also jealous and hateful. How did this Li Fan know so many beautiful girls? It's not scientific!

"okay then."

Xia Yun reluctantly agreed, "After that ... can I ... also join your community?"

"Oh, Miss Xia Ye."

After waiting for Li Fan to speak, Jiang Yuanyuan has taken a step forward and held Xia Ying's hand with both hands. Let students join. "

"Oh ... that's a pity."

Xia Ling sighed softly, and seemed to be a bit sad.

She put down her suitcase behind her, took a box out of it, put it on the table, and slowly opened it.

Inside was a quaint sword, which was Xia Ying's sword. Xia Ling held the sword, shook her long skirt, turned around, and glanced at the crowd behind her.

"Me, am I starting?"

"Come on, little sister, I believe you!"

Li Fan made a cheering gesture to her.

"Well ... I'll do my best."

Xia Yue usually does not refuse what the young master asked. Wearing this goose yellow dress, she took two steps forward, then clenched her sword.

The twins and the officials of the HKCSS all stared wide and seemed to want to see what this beautiful Huashan female disciple wanted to do.

In particular, the secretary still muttered. Huashan? Isn't that a tourist attraction? Where did the Huashan Pie come from? This Li Fan, is he flickering, or is he trying to win publicity?

He had just come up with this idea, and Xia Yan had already begun to move.

Li Fan also pulled out a jade flute from Xia Xun's bag. This was brought to Li Fan by Xia Xun. He was accidentally left at home when he was at school.

Li Fan can't blowjob, but Jiang Ye can. Before Li Fan watched Cheng Mohan use the rhythm to attack himself, he was very interested, and learned from Jiang Ye for a while. He taught Jiangye Wugong, Jiangye taught him to play flute, but he also enjoyed it.

However, Li Fan doesn't have a lot of songs now, just one or two. He didn't learn much, he just held the attitude of learning one song and one song.

"Do you still blow?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was surprised when Li Fan pulled out a black hole.

"Well, it will be a little bit, it just works."

Li Fan said, standing there, holding Hei Xiao, blowing slowly. Originally, Jiang Yuanyuan still had all kinds of unbelief, but with Li Fan blowing for a little while, she was completely convinced.

Li Fan played really well. A song with an ancient style was introduced into their ears. As the so-called Yu Yun goes around the beam, it lasts for three days. Although Li Fan's temperament did not reach such a good state, his music was mixed with his vitality. The crowd seemed to be taken to a desolate battlefield, and a lone general was sitting on the bones, holding in his hands a burnt, tattered flag.

The sky slayed, the crow mourned.

Everyone's pores were open, it was obviously summer, but a chill came from the soles of their feet.

Xia Yan also moved, she wielded the sword in her hand, and started dancing with the music.

This is the sword dance that Xia Yi learned when he was in Huashan. It is usually only taken out when the Huashan sect is commemorated, and it is displayed with several Huashan female disciples. This time at the request of Li Fan, she performed this sword dance.

Xia Xun was beautiful in the past, and she was wearing an old-fashioned clothes and dancing a sword today. In the afternoon sunlight, she was beautiful for a while.

Even the best twins, they both looked dumb.

The officer was dumbfounded, and the phone she was messing with dropped to the ground without knowing it.

And this unique way of accepting new things finally began to attract more people.

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