1003 Here Comes

Liu Xiaowan did not run around with Li Fan, but took him to the international student apartment where he lived.

Looking at these two-story international student apartments, Li Fan secretly cried unfairly. Everyone is a student. Is it so good for international students like wool?

"Sister Xue, why are you bringing me here?"

"I live here."

Liu Xiaowan answered Li Fan while parking the car in the shed.

"Are you a boarding student?"

"How could I be an international student, all of Chen Chen's light."

Liu Xiaowan said, took out the door card, walked to the dimly lit door, and opened the door of the apartment.

"This ... can you go in any way?"

Li Fan feels this is no different from his own home.

"Well, we don't have administrators."

Liu Xiaowan explained, "Come in, just be your own."


Li Fan always felt like a thief, but he thought for a moment that he was a gold dart master and his strength was still a generation of masters. Isn't it just to enter the girl's bedroom, afraid of hair? Thinking of this, Li Fan went into this girl's apartment generously again.

Sure enough, there was a girl's scent as soon as it came in. In the end, it was a girl's room, which was far from the boy's room. After entering, there was a large living room in front of me, and a yoga board was placed on the ground. I don't know who the two women were practicing yoga.

The room was very tidy, there were no traces of dirt, and the sheets on the sofa were clean. Li Fan even didn't dare to sit up.

"Don't you say that girls' bedrooms are more chaotic than boys, it's not like that."

Li Fan couldn't help whispering.

"Ah, the dormitory is cleaned regularly every day."

Liu Xiaowan's answer made Li Fan dumb and silent, and the differential treatment of this school is too great!

"What's for you here."

Liu Xiaowan opened the utility room next to her and took out a bunch of things from it.

Li Fan looked at it, most of them were propaganda posters, all of which were the slogan and logo of Guoshu Society.

"There is still one photo missing. I want you to take a picture."

Liu Xiaowan looked at Li Fan, and thoughtfully, "These posters are all the resources I found on the Internet, and I feel that the impact is not enough."

"Thank you ... for doing so much for me ..."

"You're welcome, I'm your school sister and I should take care of you. And our family Chen Chen has bothered you so many times, I should not pay you for her."

"Speaking of which, where did Shen Chen go recently?"

Shen Chen didn't show up these two days, Li Fan felt a little surprised.

"She went to a variety show for the new album."

Liu Xiaowan said, "I can't stop my throat. I have to think of a way. The company decided to let her be a variety show. Isn't it more popular now?"

"That's what it says, but being a star is too tired."

Li Fan, while looking at the promotional pictorial Liu Xiaowan prepared for him, said casually, "What's eye-catching, where is it?"

Liu Xiaowan changed out of her home clothes. Her upper body was a short-sleeved yellow shirt and her lower body was super shorts. She was conservatively paired with flesh-colored stockings.

"She's already in that position, and many things can't be helped."

Liu Xiaowan tied her hair and said as she came out of the room.

"No, I see her as wayward."

Li Fan retracted his gaze from Liu Xiaowan. He found a pictorial, "This is not bad!"

In the pictorial is Bruce Lee's back. He is naked, holding a nunchuck in his hand.

In the end is Bruce Lee, this back is enough to be domineering.

"That's good, but it's Bruce Lee."

Liu Xiaowan fiddled with a SLR camera, "I think this might as well let you come, after all, you are now a little famous in school."

"Wipe, what are you talking about?"

Li Fan is stupid, is this teasing me?

"The last time you ran King Kong, they all knew your name."

Liu Xiaowan pointed to Bruce Lee on the pictorial. "So I thought about it. It's better to use your photos with Bruce Lee. If you pose him, I will take a picture for you, and then p-tattoo on your back. Yes ... I think the effect will be good. "


"Reliable, I can still pit you out."

Liu Xiaowan pointed at the center of the living room, where the light was the best.

"Come on, you big boy, why are you twitching. Isn't it all for your own society?"

"Okay, you've said that, I'm out of ink."

Li Fan directly ripped off his small shirt, exposing the strong body inside.

Li Fan is not the type of fitness person, his body is full of explosive muscle mass. The lines on his body are smooth, his muscles are good, and he doesn't look a bit exaggerated.

Liu Xiaowan took a closer look. It turned out that Li Fan also had a vest line on his lower abdomen, and his abdominal muscles were clearly visible, causing his female hormones to rise somewhat.

"So what ... you stand here ... put a pose of Bruce Lee ..."

Liu Xiaowan hurriedly withdrew her gaze and coughed twice, letting Li Fan stand up.

"Yes, show me the back ... try to show a sense of power."

Li Fan didn't know what to do, he tried his best to satisfy Liu Xiaowan's idea.

"Well ... the muscles and lines are good ... and very powerful."

Liu Xiaowan took a set of photos and showed it to Li Fan. "I'll have some tattoos on at that time. What do you think is better? What about Shenlong?"

"If you have a tattoo, you don't need p."

"P will look good up."

"I didn't mean that ... I own it."

"Ah? Why didn't I see it?"

"wait a moment."

Li Fan closed his eyes and began to turn his true energy, and quickly moved around in the body.

The heat on his body also began to increase, his skin became slightly red, and a tyrannical figure of the overlord slowly appeared behind him.

Looking at this life-like picture of the overlord Fu Hu on Li Fan's back, Liu Xiaowan covered her mouth in surprise.

"You, you are ..."

"A special tattoo that only comes out when the body is hot."

Li Fan explained it.

"You kid ... what did you do before ..."

Liu Xiaowan asked Li Fan while taking a photo, "You still have to open a national arts society ... Couldn't you be a good Chinese arts master?"

"Masters are not counted. They have practiced some simple self-defense techniques."

Li Fan said humbly, "This time I want to carry forward the martial arts. I don't want other countries' martial arts to prevail in us."

"Well, your idea is still very good."

When Liu Xiaowan wanted to say something, there was a knock outside.

Two people stared at each other. Is anyone here?

"Xiaowan, are you there?"

Liu Xiaowan seemed a little nervous when she heard this voice. She hurriedly pointed to the second floor, "You go up and hide ..."

"What's wrong, we are not cheating, why should we hide?"

"Oh ... you don't understand, you just hid, please ..."

Liu Xiaowan folded her hands and begged Li Fan.

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