My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1007: Prosthetic leg or real leg

1007 Prosthetic leg or real leg

Having tasted the supper in G city, Li Fan sent Liu Xiaowan back to the dormitory building. It's different from Li Fan's scheduled time, it's now more than 11pm.

Liu Xiaowan also seemed to be aware of the time. She glanced at the clock on the wall and said to Li Fan.

"The dormitory is closed. You can stay here tonight."


Li Fan was a little shocked. Didn't Xuejie invite herself to live together?

"Anyway, Chen Chen won't be back today, you can sleep on the sofa."


Li Fan was even more puzzled. "What's the logic? Why don't Shen Chen return when I can sleep on the sofa? Shouldn't she sleep in her room?"

"You kid, how can you sleep in a girl's room!"

Liu Xiaowan couldn't help but laugh at Li Fan, "Moreover, you don't understand Shen Chen's temper and don't allow other boys to sleep in her room."

"Sister Xue, can you sleep in the morning room? Wouldn't it be better if I slept in your room?"

"Ah ... I'm a little bit sleepy."

Liu Xiaowan sighed. "If I change rooms, I'm afraid I can't sleep."

Li Fan has various black question marks above his head.

Well, does it seem like you're doomed to sleep tonight?

"I just want to go back to the bedroom to sleep. The balcony windows in the bedroom are usually closed."

Li Fan said, "I just walk on the balcony."

"Are you crazy? How do you know that your bedrooms are all asleep, in case anyone sees you jumping in from the fifth floor, you are not scared."

"That's what it said, all right."

Li Fanxin said that he was in school anyway, and it was okay to sleep in the apartment by himself. I don't know if Zhao handsomes them. When they were sleeping, did they cover themselves?

These guys ... I hope they do a little better!

"Here, don't catch cold at night."

Liu Xiaowan brought out a blanket for Li Fan, "My president, take good care of your body!"

"Sister Xue, don't make me happy."

"Sister Xue is in a bad mood tonight. Who is happy if you are not happy?"

Liu Xiaowan asked, and Li Fan who asked was dumb.

"Well, I'd like to make a mess for Xue Xue!"

Li Fan became fast too.

"Well, **** is teachable."

Liu Xiaowan reached out and gently touched Li Fan's forehead.

"After counting me, your community is officially full of five."

"Yeah, but for the activity classroom, it has to hit the 30-person mark!"

"Well, I hope the publicity will be effective."

Liu Xiaowan nodded. "When I have enough 30 people, I will apply for an activity room for you. Then I will get a bigger one for us, otherwise I won't be able to do anything."

"Sister Xue, you are so nice to me, I don't know how to repay you."

Li Fan was a little touched. When she went to college by herself, Liu Xiaowan followed suit.

"Where, you are my schoolboy, and I deserve to take care of you."

Liu Xiaowan said immediately, "There is something about Zhang Guo, and I have also annoyed you ... yes, has he troubled you recently?"

"No, he probably doesn't remember me."

"Your effort is really amazing. I don't know how hard you fight ..."

Liu Xiaowan reminded Li Fan, "Even if the fist and kung fu are working hard, now is the age of firearms. Zhang Guo's family has power and strength. I'm afraid you annoy him. He hired someone to come and hit you with a cold gun.

"That Zhang Guo still has this courage?"

Li Fan was a little unconvinced.

"He ... has been spoiled at home."

Liu Xiaowan sighed softly, and now Zhang Guo is no longer the person she knew before.

"It's better to stay away from him. If he gets in your trouble again, tell me and I'll help you deal with it."

"I see. Thank you for your concern."

Although Li Fan promised, he didn't agree with this. When is it your turn to protect yourself with a woman!

Zhang Guo was stopped by himself long ago. I don't know where to heal his injuries.

"It's late today, I won't bother you, let's sleep."

Liu Xiaowan fluttered a bed sheet on the sofa again. "Go thirsty and get water in the refrigerator yourself. You're welcome. It's like going to your own house."

Li Fanxin said, who is sleeping on the sofa in his home! This time, it's so unfair to men!

"Sleep, I'm going to sleep too, come on tomorrow's propaganda!"

Liu Xiaowan also ordered Li Fan a few words, and then went back to the room.

"Ah, every time I share a room with my sister, I can't seem to share the bed."

Li Fan sighed and threw himself on the sofa. Not to mention, this sofa is of good quality, and it's much more comfortable to sleep than the iron bed in Li Fan's dormitory! Although people who practice martial arts like to sleep on hard beds, the iron windows in Li Fan's dormitory are not only hard. There are various strange protrusions on them. Although a layer of cushion is thrown on them, they are not comfortable sleeping.

Li Fan wanted to pat the iron bumps flat, but he was afraid that the control might not be good, and the bed was broken.

"good night."

Liu Xiaowan sent a WeChat voice to Li Fan.

"Good night, sister!"

If it was someone else who could chat with Liu Xiaowan in WeChat, it would be very exciting. But Li Fan is different. He doesn't lack a sister, and chases Liu Xiaowan. At present, Li Fan's mind is all on his own martial arts society.

I hope it can be thirty people earlier ... Li Fan imagined it. He couldn't help but look a little bit after looking at the appearance of the students in the community. Then he slowly entered the dream.

Even when Li Fan was worrying about the community, some people were worrying about him.

Zhang Guo sat on the hospital bed and looked at his bionic prosthetic leg, which was exactly the same as his real leg, and was speechless for a long time.

"Stand up and try."

Jiang Feng once again came to Zhang Guo's ward. He held his arms, stood beside him, wrapped his face in a mask, and said slowly.


Zhang Guo slowly stood up, his body trembling slightly, and he almost supported the bed next to him subconsciously.

"Like a man, stand up!"

Jiang Feng shouted, and Zhang Guo was so scared that he finally stood up.

He looked surprised, took two steps, and found no difference to ordinary people, immediately ecstatic!

"This, this leg ... So good, so good, just like it really is!"

"It's the same as it really is."

Jiang Feng's voice taunted, "This thing is a technology created by several countries ... you use it, but only a small part."

Nano, clone, bionic ... almost conceivable terms have appeared on this thing.

"That leg alone is worth $ 10 million. Remember to hit my account."

Jiang Feng put a note with the account number on the table.

"OK! My leg is worth ten million!"

Zhang Guo promised, "Money, not a problem!"

"The problem is another, right?"

Jiang Feng pointed out, "This time, can we talk about cooperation?"

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