My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1023: Strange shame

Chapter 1023: Strange Disgrace

Liu Yanan hurried out, the door was in front of her, and she was about to escape from here.

But at this time, a lot of big men suddenly followed behind, the old woman ran behind in panting, still swearing.

"Catch, grab her! Don't let her run away!"

The door is ahead! Hope shined in Liu Yanan's eyes!

But at this moment, a big man didn't know when he stood at the door, locked the door directly, and sneered at Liu Yongnan.

Liu Yanan frowned, she did not hesitate, rushed up, and then pierced the dagger towards Han's chest!

But the big man slaped Liu Yannan's dagger with a slap, and then kicked him on Liu Yinan's belly. Liu Yannan turned over and hit the back wall. The painful breathing was a little difficult, and he couldn't stand for a long time.

No ... I can't fall ... Liu Yingnan said to himself, if it falls, everything is over!

"Little girl, you want to run if you kill someone! Pick your skin!"

The old woman rushed over and wanted to give Liu Yanan another kick.

Liu Yannan was groggy, his eyes darkened, and he sat there kneeling.

In her darkened sight, she saw that the locked iron door suddenly exploded like a blast, and the door plate hit several big men.

Two figures came in, one man and one woman.

Familiar man ...

Seeing him, Liu Yanan finally relaxed, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Li Fan stood at the door with anger in his eyes.

"Look, what you did!"

He was scolding the pretty little girl around him.

"Isn't it intentional ... I just want to monopolize my brother-in-law ..."

Murong Ai pursed her lips, "I don't want to give it to other women ..."

"Now again! I don't know you, you know?"

"I see ... I know something wrong ... I don't dare ..."

Murong Ai hurriedly apologized, her brother-in-law was really angry this time.

"Where did the little devil dare to make trouble with us!"

The old woman calmed down from surprise, just a young kid, dare to come here to pretend? Although he didn't know how he opened the door, he was dead!

"Go, take off his leg!"

The old woman yelled, the three big men carrying watermelon knives and rushed towards Li Fan like a tiger!

Li Fan's body suddenly disappeared, and the three men's watermelon knives were chopped in the air.

The three big guys were one of them, and didn't understand what was going on. What about people? Why are people missing? Where did you go?

At this time, Li Fan's body appeared next to Liu Yannan, holding her gently in her arms.

"It's okay, I'll pick you up."

Liu Yingnan fell asleep quietly in Li Fan's arms. It seemed that Li Fan was there, and death would not come.

"My brother-in-law is angry."

Murong Ai's voice suddenly sounded. The three big men turned their heads and found that the pretty little girl was standing in front of them.

The little girl smiled sweetly. All three were infected with smiles, and couldn't help but smile.

But in the next second, the heads of the three of them flew up, and a few silk threads dragged their heads, flying around with the blood.

"Sorry, you must be dead."

"Oh my **** ..."

The people around were screaming and couldn't believe their eyes.

That little girl, how did she take off the heads of three people?

"Monster, monster!"

The old woman was stunned, she took out a delicate small pistol from her pocket, and fired at Murong Ai!

But a thin, invisible wire suddenly tangled around the old woman's hand. Then, the old woman's hand turned abruptly in one direction and aimed at one of her own hands.


The sound of gunfire sounded, and a man was lying in a pool of blood.

The rest of the staff were frightened. How did the general manager hit them?

"No, it's not me!"

The old woman was about to cry, and she pulled the trigger again, killing several men in a row until the bullets were gone.

"Demon, you are a demon!"

The old woman burst into tears.

"You can go with them."

Murong Ai said, with the movement of her fingers, the old woman saw the surrounding objects falling at a rapid speed, and the scenery seemed to be spinning ... No, it was not the scenery that was spinning, but her head was flying ...

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, am I doing well?"

Murong Ai recovered that lovely look, crouched beside Li Fan, smiling sweetly at Li Fan, as if inviting merit. Li Fan suspected that if she had a tail, she would have to shake her tail at this time.

"not bad."

Li Fan reached out and touched her head. "But the next shot should be cleaner and sharper. Is it not good to kill with the old woman in an instant?"

"Hehe, people like the feeling of control and teasing!"

Murong Ai laughed very naively.

"as long as you are happy……"

Li Fan patted his head again, "Let's go back first, remember to apologize to Liu Yunan!"

"Okay, I listen to my brother-in-law, as long as my brother-in-law isn't angry!"


The two took Liu Yingnan and quickly left from here. Soon after, the police surrounded the place, but found nothing but smashed a **** nest.

"Li Fan ..."

Liu Yannan slowly opened her eyes and found a girl sitting by her bed, playing with her mobile phone.

Liu Yanan felt a cold heart and went to the previous dagger subconsciously, only to find himself stripped.

"Wake up?"

Murong Ai was playing a certain online game and said without raising his head, "I'm sorry last time, I stunned you and threw it away. I didn't expect to be caught as a lady. But I can't blame me , Who made you look so beautiful, that made them wonder! "

"You ... **** ..."

Liu Yanan looked angrily at Murong Ai, "I must kill you! Murong's little girl!"

"I urge you to dispel this idea, whether by force or family background. My sister and I are different. For the enemy, my method is more direct!"

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Yanan asked, "If you have the ability, kill me here!"

"That wouldn't work, you're the brother-in-law's pet, killing you, and the brother-in-law should be angry again. People don't want to make her brother-in-law angry, so let's shake hands and make peace, although I'm reluctant.

"Little girl, you really hate it."

Liu Yanan is also a mafia, but at this time was threatened by another little girl!

This is simply a shame!

"Someday, the shame you gave me, I will pay back twice!"

"Okay, I'll wait."

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