My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1024: First-class

1024 first-class stick

"Miss, you are finally back."

Yu Feng stood in front of the Bentley car and bowed to Liu Yanan who had changed back to a gorgeous dress.

"We went through the entire city of G and found no news from you."


Liu Yingnan gave Yufeng a slap!

"Yes, I'm sorry, please punish Miss ..."

"You are still useful now, and punishment will be saved later!"

Liu Yanan snorted, "Back to city a."

"Miss, don't you find Li Fan?"

"Before that ... there are other things to do."

Liu Yanan sighed in her heart, she needed to strengthen her strength, otherwise, she could not fight back Li Fan!

Unexpectedly, one Murong Ying walked away, and another Murong Ai came!

That's enough ...

This also proves his weakness! Liu Yannan hates this. What he wants, he can definitely win it! Everything that comes from alms is rubbish!

Li Fan's value is worth progressing and competing for!

"Miss Miss's plane has been repaired and can be transferred at any time."


Liu Yannan nodded, "Let's go home."

"Yes, miss!"

Li Fan glanced at the text message.

"Liu Yannan finally went back ..."

Li Fan was also relieved, and Xia Ling also went home, and the girls finally returned.

I still have a lot of things to do at G University. It is really troublesome to have them.

Li Fan, while running a class, runs his own Chinese arts club.

After a month of training, Guoshu Society has only forty people left, and is still working hard. The rest of the people are almost running, after all, the training intensity of Guoshu Club is much greater than other clubs.

"Well, these people are at least good-willed."

Li Fan stood in the classroom of the club and looked at the people in front of him.

Liu Xiaowan and Lin Yuexian were among them, but Lin Yuexian was not interested in martial arts, but Liu Xiaowan was full of interest.

Especially Liu Xiaowan has been practicing yoga. Some basic training is not difficult for her.

"Is it an advanced course today?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was very clever, and she knew it at a glance.

"Of course, you have been training for a month, I'm afraid that you have already expected something from the real ancient martial arts."

"When it must be!"

Liu Xiaowan nodded quickly, "I was looking forward to it, but can we really learn?"


Li Fan nodded, he stretched out his left hand, and a mass of qi slowly gathered in the palm of his hand, slowly forming a ball of balloons.

This group of balloons kept spinning and was thrown out by Li Fan.


A wooden stake standing next to it was immediately interrupted by a balloon!


The members exclaimed and applauded.

"President, so handsome!"

Admirers of Li Fan martyrdom, and there are several remaining female members who also send autumn waves in various ways.

"Hum ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan hummed twice.

"Li Fan said, you are also a very good martial artist, will you do this kind of move?"

Liu Xiaowan inquired about Jiang Yuanyuan, who was sitting cross-legged.


"She won't."

Jiang Fangfang said beside him, "None of us can do it. It's a very deep skill to let it go."

"In fact, it is not advanced at all, it is just a mastery of authenticity."

Li Fan laughed. "What I want to teach you is a simplified version of the Seven Chivalry Boxing, which is a simplified version of the Seven Chivalry Boxing. The Seven Chivalry Boxing can exercise your physical fitness, and the Seven Chivalry Boxing can be adjusted by you Breathing is for you. From now on, if you are fast, you can reach my level for a month, and for slow people for a year. "


Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't believe it. "It's really out of the air. At least you need to reach the peak and reach the highest level! Can you reach this level in one year?"

"Of course not, it's just my ability to control qi, which can be easily learned without having to practice to such a high level."

Li Fan explained, "Because my kung fu is based on qi to support people, and then to practice qi. Internal and external skills complement each other and can reach the level I just used."

"Is it difficult to practice?"

One student couldn't help asking.

"It is not difficult, but there are seven types of boxing in Qixia Boxing. It is impossible for you to practice all of them. I suggest that you choose one that you like or suits you and refine it. It will have better results. . I have two apprentices now ... no, three! They both chose one of them for further study. "

"What are the seven gates?"

Although Jiang Yuanyuan heard about the skill of Seven Chivalry Boxing, she didn't research it deeply.

"It's tiger strike, bear strike, ape strike, deer strike, crane strike, and toad and snake strike."

Jiang Fangfang is like several Jiazhens. "The two of us studied bear attack and crane attack, which respectively represent physical fitness, capture. And elegant, defensive."

"Fangfang is right."

Li Fan nodded. "These are the seven gates. The remaining ones are tiger martial arts and combos; the ape martial arts symbolizes agility and physical performance; the deer martial arts represent endurance and kick skills! Snake attack is my original creation, which represents infuriating and defensive counterattack. "

"It sounds great!"

The members couldn't help talking about it.

Only Lee Tae-il, the Korean is the quietest, and has been silently practicing next to Li Fan's method.

"You choose the course yourself, but the inner strength is the same. Start with breathing and practice slowly."

"It sounds like yoga."

Liu Xiaowan muttered, "In the beginning, I practiced breathing."

"The way you breathe is different."

Li Fan smiled. "Everyone follows my rhythm. I will teach you to practice."

Li Fan gave them the breathing technique he had trained.

After practicing for a while, Liu Xiaowan couldn't help asking, "Is this really effective?"

"Did you feel anything?"

Li Fan asked with a smile, "Is there a feeling that the breathing is smoother and the turbid air in the body is pulled out?"

"It's more comfortable ... Is this the effect of breathing?"


Li Fan nodded. "This breathing method can exercise your lungs and make your way of absorbing oxygen more effective. Remember that most of the fighters' abilities come from the power transformed by burning oxygen! Use In the simplest terms, it is energy! The way we humans absorb energy is very simple, inhaling oxygen, and ingesting food! Ingesting food is a fixed consumption, and only oxygen inhalation is a way to do it all the time! In this way, we can cultivate our own energy! "

Li Fan taught the first step of mind, breathing.

Three days later, he also announced his mental method and provided it to members for cultivation.

And a week later, because of different talents, everyone also made different progress.

Li Fan stood in the classroom and looked at the people in front of him. "Come, I want to test your strength!"

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