My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1030: Unfair game

1030 Unfair match

Yu Zhuang stood up again, but his face turned red.

He practiced martial arts for so long, but today he was defeated by a young girl who just practiced martial arts.

Too shameful! It's a shame to be home!

"What the **** ..."

Even Huang Yue was a bit surprised. She knew this extra kung fu and was not inferior to herself. g big famous figure, but at this moment lost to Liu Xiaowan?

Liu Xiaowan had never learned martial arts before, just practiced some yoga. But she defeated a black belt master. Isn't this possible?

Only Li Fan stood there, smiling slightly at the corners of his mouth.

Liu Xiaowan stood on the ring, panting slightly, secretly in danger.

She has defeated four opponents in a row, the first three are ordinary black belt players. These karate black belt players are very powerful. Although Liu Xiaowan has studied for a few days, it is not enough to defeat them.

But I don't know why, Li Xiaowan's voice came from Li Fan's ear all the time. He instructed how to deal with each other, Liu Xiaowan relied on his command, and even Yu Zhuang defeated!

Can't anyone hear Li Fan's voice? Is it the secret of the voices mentioned in the novel?

Liu Xiaowan was a little surprised, and Huang Yue couldn't sit still. She took her own sword and went to the ring.

"Liu Xiaowan, I didn't expect your fighting skills to be so powerful."

Huang Yue also knows Liu Xiaowan. The director of the propaganda department of the Student Union also brings people from the Guards Corps and school figures. Who doesn't know her?

She was just a soft girl before, did she really become so powerful because she learned the Chinese art with Li Fan?

"Don't be afraid, sister, everything is mine."

Li Fan saw that Liu Xiaowan was a little bit afraid, after all, before Li Fan didn't come, Huang Yue always claimed to be the strongest woman in g!


Liu Xiaowan tried to be as quiet as possible, waiting for Li Fan's command.

Huang Yue held the wooden knife in her hand and looked at Liu Xiaowan in front of her. "What do I say is your school sister? Would you like two tricks?"

Huang Yue ’s reputation and popularity are here. She is not bad. Although she is not as beautiful as Liu Xiaowan, she is not only small but also has a small figure. Popularity!

Many boys in the school are her fans, and in the stands behind her, there are also many support groups, holding banners to cheer Huang Yue.

But Liu Xiaowan had significantly more fans. The front row was full of her guards, holding a banner and wearing uniform clothes, shouting to Liu Xiaowan together.

Zhao Shuai was so impressive, claiming to be Liu Xiaowan's fanatical fan!

"Then don't need it, Xuejie."

Liu Xiaowan is also very proud, she does not allow others to look down on herself.

With Li Fan's help and the results of my hard work in the past few days, Huang Yue will definitely be defeated!

Jiang Yuanyuan sat under her, her arms around her chin and her mouth, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Damn, Sister Xue lost this game!"

"Do you want to take a nap?"

"Yeah, yeah, I want to be in the limelight!"

Jiang Yuanyuan said to her sister.

"You forgot what Dad said before going out?"

"Whatever he does, he won't let us both go to college!"

Jiang Yuanyuan pouted, "The old feudal feudalist, we marry us! What's wrong with a man, why can't my brother inherit the family business?

"Okay, stop talking."

"Well, don't say it, but I have to make something look."

Jiang Yuanyuan thought of Murong Ying and Luo Xuewu, and her eyes were different.

"I want to be a strong woman like the leader of the martial arts!"

"Then you work harder ..."

Jiang Fangfang knew that her sister had made up her mind and she would stick to it, so she didn't persuade her. But it is a bit difficult to become a strong woman like Murong Ying.

What made her even more surprised was Liu Xiaowan. This sister, who was not able to martial arts before, has defeated four people in a row today, and there is still a spare.

I do n’t know how she can perform against Huang Yue.

"That being the case, I'm welcome."

Huang Yue raised the wooden knife in her hand and aimed at Liu Xiaowan.

She suddenly scolded, and then the wooden sword immediately came to Liu Xiaowan's face, piercing Liu Xiaowan's throat directly!

This is the sword of the island nation. Go straight to the point without hesitation!

"Squat down."

But just before Huang Yue was about to make a knife, Li Fan had seen through her moves and had Liu Xiaowan squatting on the ground.

Liu Xiaowan squatted down, just avoiding Huang Yue's throat.

"White Crane nodded and hit her with a bent leg."

Liu Xiaowan obeyed obediently, a white crane nodded and poked at Huang Yue's leg. Huang Yue lost her balance and fell down.

"The crane cranes its wings."

Liu Xiaowan's hands went up one point, just blocking the wooden knife that Huang Yue chopped down.

"White Crane nodded and hit his neck."

Liu Xiaowan's fingers pinched into a bird's beak, which happened to hit Huang Yue's neck.

Huang Yue fell completely and fell to the ground.

Liu Xiaowan readjusted her state, with one foot in front and one foot in the back, hands separated, looking at Huang Yue, the whole person was ready to go.

Crane strike.

This is the boxing technique that Li Fan taught to her according to Liu Xiaowan's conditions.

It's a pity that such a flexible body control ability does not learn crane stroke.

And Liu Xiaowan's attack was a bit energetic. Although Huang Yue had exercised physically, she was beaten a few times and was a bit painful.

Her neck was still aching, and a soreness filled her body.

"Huangyue, come down."

Just then, the voice of a young man came from the audience.

Li Fan turned around and looked at Huang Yue's phalanx. There was always a man wearing a kimono.

The man was in his thirties or so, with a somewhat different momentum. Li Fan had previously guessed that this person might have been called for help. Now it seems that his guess is correct.


Huang Yue slipped off the ring and bowed to his master, "I ... it's too unwieldy ..."

"You are doing well."

The other side smiled at Huang Yue, then picked up Huang Yue's wooden knife, stepped on the wooden hoe, and slowly walked towards the ring.

"I have always heard of your country as a master, but I have no chance to meet with Kojiro Kazuda. Today, I hope to teach you one or two.

"Toyota? What the hell."

Zhao Shuai pouted his lips, "I still call the public!"

"It looks amazing."

Wang Yang couldn't help whispering.

"What's so great about the little devil, here comes the bash!"

Zhao handsome waving his fist.

"This is a competition between our clubs. Looking for outsiders, isn't it great?"

Lin Yuexian is the secretary of the Student Union's secretary department. She is responsible for the event on behalf of the Student Union. Seeing that the other party actually sent an islander over, he immediately blame.

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