My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1031: Lovers debut

1031 Lovers Appear

"I forgot to introduce you."

Huang Yue hurriedly explained, "This is my master. This time I came to Huaxia to understand the martial arts culture of Huaxia."

Huang Yue looked at Li Fan. "As the president of the Kungshu Club, won't you reject my master's kindness?"

"Of course not."

Li Fan smiled. "There is so much capacity. I also hope to exchange more with international experts.

"This is natural, and I will show mercy."

Fengtian Xiaojiro said seriously.

"This island nation is so arrogant!"

"Who is he? So arrogant?"

Liu Xiaowan's guards scolded immediately.

"My master is Kojiro Kada, the heir to the island ’s watershed sword. When he was only 16 years old, he already won the first place in the sword competition of the island country! Even the old man of Takeda's family, Takeda Takeshi I have said that he is the leader of the younger generation of the island nation. "


Li Fan glanced at Liu Xiaowan, and Liu Xiaowan hurriedly said.

"I want to try it!"


Li Fan nodded, he knew that Liu Xiaowan was also a girl who refused to lose.

"Xiao Wan, come on!"

Just then, a girl shouted from the stands.

The crowd didn't care, but Li Fan and Liu Xiaowan both looked at it at the same time.

This girl Shen Chen did not know when she sneaked back. She wore a sunglasses mask and sat in a corner with few people, waving her hand at Liu Xiaowan.

Why is this girl here?

Li Fan just thought of this, and the phone suddenly received WeChat from Shen Chen.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You taught my family a little tune-it's good!"

"It's the sister who learns fast."

Li Fan is very humble.

"Cut! Miss Ben is back this time, I have something to tell you! Wait for me!"

What do you want to do for yourself?

Li Fan did not understand very much, but he and Shen Chen seemed to have some fate, but he couldn't agree so easily.

"Is this a begging attitude?"

"When is Miss Ben begging you! It's your pleasure!"

"No, you can play it by yourself. I'll have something else in a while. See you soon."

"Hey! Don't bother! I'm really looking for you!"

"Goodbye, I wish you happiness."


Shen Chen looked up and looked at Li Fan angrily, "You, wait for Miss Ben!"


"You bastard! Can't you be a gentleman?"

"No, it's a game, goodbye !!!"

Li Fan issued three exclamation points, and then stole the phone in Shen Chen's frantic gesture.

At this point, Fengtian Xiaojiro had stood on the ring platform, holding his wooden knife with one hand, facing Liu Xiaowan in front of him.

"Miss, you defeated my apprentice, and I respect you very much. But you seem to have just learned martial arts, so I let you have one hand."


Liu Xiaowan is a little upset. Why do these people look down on others?

"Maybe it makes you unhappy, but let it be."

Fengtian Xiaojiro is very serious, "the gap between us is too big."

"Is it?"

Liu Xiaowan quickly adjusted her emotions. After all, her mentality is better than normal people. Liu Xiaowan posed, stood there, and looked at Xiaojiro Fengtian in front of him.

"Then please enlighten me."

"Be careful of your shoulders!"

When Fengtian Xiaojiro said this, he had rushed to Liu Xiaowan's face, holding a wooden knife in his right hand, tearing the air, and slicing across Liu Xiaowan's shoulder.

"Take a step forward, Crane Hand, and push his wrist."

Li Fan had already seen Fengtian Xiaojiro's moves and told Liu Xiaowan one step in advance.

But Liu Xiaowan hadn't had time to respond, and her shoulder had been cut.

She frowned in pain, and Feng Tian Xiaojiro swept at his feet, tripping Liu Xiaowan directly.

If it wasn't for a few days of light work, I'd definitely think it wouldn't be light.

Fengtian Xiaojiro didn't mean to stop, and the wooden knife in his hand stabbed at Liu Xiaowan on the ground.


Suddenly Li Fan shouted loudly. This throat made Zhenfeng Fengtian Xiaoji go all over, and he couldn't help but stop.

He looked at Li Fan with surprise, eyes full of surprise!

Really angry! This is true!

Great! Have you finally met a real master?

Huang Yue did a good job, and this harvest is quite fruitful!

Fengtian Xiaojiro laughed and looked at Li Fan, "Is your Excellency the master of Huaxia, can you fight me?"

"Want to fight with me?"

Li Fan smiled. "Then let's fight with my apprentice first."

"His apprentice?"

Fengtian Xiaojiro glanced at Liu Xiaowan, "Did she not be defeated by me?"

"No no no, it's a real apprentice."

Li Fan clapped his hands, and a short-haired teenager emerged from the crowd while moving his shoulders.

"Master, as soon as I got off the plane, you let me fight."

Because of the need to open a martial arts museum here, Li Fan transferred Le Xiaohu from Lijia Island. And Le Xiaohu is wearing a smart chip, which is the latest technology of Lijiadao, which can shield Le Xiaohu's super ability and avoid being perceived by Huaxia's ability detection system.

The twins couldn't help but glance at the boy. The boy seemed young, Li Fan's apprentice? I don't know what Li Fan's time, how much did he learn?

Although Li Fan was willing to teach kung fu to outsiders, the twins knew that Li Fan only passed on to his apprentices. What they learned with Liu Xiaowan, Li Taiyi, and these members was just the simplified Qixiaquan!

"This is your apprentice?"

Looking at the young man who was just one meter and six meters tall, Fuda Kojiro frowned.

"Sorry, I can grow another twenty centimeters!"

Le Xiaohu wore the same sportswear as Li Fan, but was black.

He stomped his feet. "That's what it means, twenty-three, one for a moment! I have a good drink of milk lately!"

"I worry about your age, are you still a kid?"

Fuda Tian Xiaojiro asked immediately.

"Fart, this is going to be in the past in the countryside. I am the father of several children!"

Le Xiaohu immediately retorted, "And I can hit you eight!"

"His tone ... a little too much."

"Of course it is, my master's nickname Xiao Bawang, I'm definitely not bad!"

Le Xiaohu hugs his back of his head with both hands, saying proudly, "Remember my name, my little man is called Le Xiaohu!"

"Sir ... is Li Fan, the bully?"

Fengtian Xiaojiro looked at Li Fan with excitement, "The man who defeated Abe Yoo?"

"Hey, hey, I said remember my name!"

Le Xiaohu was angry.

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