My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1037: British Fan

1037 Ying Ying Fan

"You're wearing this sportswear, and you're a bit doglike."

Shen Chen snorted after watching Li Fan getting in the car.

"Still unable to speak ..."

Li Fan is speechless, I am afraid that this woman will never learn anything to respect in this life!

"I'll take it off then."

"you dare!"

Shen Chen's eyes glared, "You, dare to take off, I will, I will ..."

"How about you?"

"I'll just ... I'll take it off and shout indecently! Let you make headlines!"


This method, Li Fan served.

"Okay ... then I'll just leave it ..."

"Hum, that's pretty much it!"

Chen Chen was satisfied then, "This is still like a man!"

She opened the refrigerator aside, "What to drink?"

"Don't drink, how much more do you have about the British Magic Society, can you tell me more?"

"I don't know much. The Magic Society, like Wulin, only exists in the Western fiction world."

Shen Chen speculated, "I heard that only those who have mistakenly entered it, have recorded such stories and novels, and have been known to us after writing them. But specifically, who knows, I am not a magician."

"Well, then I probably understand."

Li Fan nodded. He sat there, chin-tugged, and the other party probably had an arbitration agency similar to Jin Yiwei, who dealt with things in the magic world and the real world.

"But why they reject you so much is really incomprehensible."

Li Fan looked at the pretty female star in front of her, "Have you ever done anything to make them angry?"

"How is that possible? I'm going to Britain for the first time."

Chen Chen was a little upset. "Who knows what those mental illnesses are going to do ... Miss Ben wouldn't go to them if it wasn't for the throat!"

"Anyway, you will know today."

They will arrive in London, England this afternoon. Li Fan would like to see what the so-called magic society is.

It is one thing to help Shen Chen, and it is Li Fan's motivation to want to meet a magician.

This time Shen Chen wished to get the first class, but this girl bought business class for Li Fan.

"Wipe ... it's still the fault."

Li Fan was sitting in business class, but he was happy. He blindfolded his eyes, and decided to sleep for a while before flying to London.

Li Fan was groggy and heard Mr. Yang's voice in his ear.

Li Fan, wake up quickly.

Sleep for a while ...

Li Fan wants to stay in bed.

Wake up, there is danger!

The voice aggravated the tone, Li Fan's eyes moved slightly, feeling as if something was restraining himself!

Li Fan felt the danger, he suddenly worked hard, and tore off his imprisonment.

Everyone on the plane seemed to be asleep, very quiet and silent.

Even the flight attendants in the business class lie on the chairs beside them, sleeping comfortably.

what's the situation?

Li Fan suddenly thought of the threat of the Magic Society. Could it have begun?

He pretended to continue to sleep, sitting in his place and looking ahead.

If you want to go to the first class, you must pass through your business class. Li Fan actually wanted to see who the **** this magician was.

A man, like Mr. Yang, wearing an English fan suit. Holding a one-meter-long cane in his right hand, he headed for the first-class cabin.

"Friend, where are you in such a hurry?"

With a wave of Li Fan, an infuriating wall blocked the way to the first-class cabin, blocking the British man.


The British man turned his head, looked at Li Fan, and frowned.


He spoke the purest English in his mouth, looking at Li Fan, and was a little surprised. "How did you break my dream space?"

"Ah, it may be because I am not sleepy."

Li Fan smiled. "It would be better if you could solve my insomnia."

"Sleep all!"

The British man frowned, holding the cane and knocking on the ground.

A transparent halo immediately spread out and diffused towards the surroundings.


Li Fan's eyes gathered together, and he could clearly see the energy used by this magic!

Either way, it's all energy. Li Fan has mastered the foundation of this world power, so everything is solved!

Li Fan stretched out his right hand, letting go of his anger, blocking the wave.

The wave was stopped in front of Li Fan. Li Fan sat calmly there, picked up the juice placed on the side rack, and took a sip.

"Please help me wake up the stewardess. I'm a bit hungry. Would you like them to help prepare something to eat?"

"who are you?"

The British man frowned, "Did you just release the magic barrier?"

"Surely not."

Li Fan smiled, "Do you still recruit Asians from the Magic Society? Can I sign up?"


The British man raised his scepter, pointed his left hand at Li Fan, released a white light, and rushed towards Li Fan.

When Li Fan raised his hand, he broke the wave.

"This magic has no effect on me."

"It was originally intended to solve the problem quietly, but if too much magic is used, the passengers on this plane will also suffer. The magic society must not interfere with the world, this is the rule.

"Why, is this going?"

Li Fan saw the clue, "Don't hurry, let's talk."

"We will meet later."

The British man saluted Li Fan, then knocked on his cane, the air around him suddenly compressed, rolled him into a ball, and disappeared on the plane.


Li Fan was taken aback, it was really "magic"!

The British man has completely disappeared. With his breath, he never seems to have come. The people on the plane were slowly waking up, and the stewardess rubbed her eyes and looked at Li Fan.

"Sir ... me, am I asleep?"

"Just a moment."

Li Fan smiled at her, "Can you prepare lunch for me?"

"Okay, sir, wait a minute."

The stewardess went to help Li Fan get his food. Li Fan leaned on the chair and was still thinking about the British man.

The British Magic Society seems quite interesting. I do n’t know if I can learn this instant movement?

Although they are all energy, there is a difference in the way energy works. Just after the other party moved instantly, the surrounding power seemed to be evacuated. This power seemed a bit dangerous.

"Sir, your lunch is ready, please use it slowly. If necessary, please order me."

The pretty stewardess respectfully brought lunch to Li Fan.

"Thank you. How long is it to London?"

"An hour left, it is raining in London, sir, pay attention to avoid rain."

"Well, thank you for reminding me. I need to avoid, but it's not just rain."


p.s. Yesterday, I received a friend and ran for a day. Today, I will take a rest for a while.

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