My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1039: Rotten Country Magic

1039 Rotten Country Magic

Europe began to study magic hundreds of years ago, when people still called themselves alchemists. The composition of magic is actually the history of scientific development.

Flame, light, lightning, ice, these elements can be made with science! The same is true of magic. Several hundred years ago, the alchemist developed an alchemy crystal to connect some existing elemental life in this world, thereby forming a contract and creating magic through elemental life.

For their magic association, magic is the real science!

The magician and his elemental life will grow together. When the elemental life grows into an elemental magician, the magician will also become the strongest magic god!

The power of elements is comparable to modern high-tech weapons. Lawrence is also full of confidence in his magical power. As the magic police of the magic society, he thinks that he can easily solve Shen Chen. But I did not expect, but was stopped in the airport by a Chinese warrior.

Derby escaped from the plane, and he warned himself that there was a Huaxia warrior on the plane. But Lawrence didn't look at it. Derby is just a second-level magician. The magic is too weak. How can he compare with himself?

Definitely get rid of him here! And that morning, she must not enter London!

"Huaxia warrior, you forced me!"

Lawrence, who signed a contract with Fire Element, believes that his elemental power can overcome everything! A small Chinese warrior is not his opponent at all! As long as you take it seriously, you will definitely kill him!

"Flameguard, in my name, Lawrence, order you! Flames rain!"

Lawrence pointed a finger above him, and the flame guard spit out hundreds of small fireballs the size of pigeon eggs, flew up into the sky, and then fell towards Li Fan, as if it were the next flame rain.

"Useless, friend."

Li Fan held his arms and stood there, Zhen Qi covered his head, and the flames hit Zhen Qi and were blocked.

"Even if you play with fire, it's useless."

"How could it be so strong?"

Lawrence is a bit incredible, can't his flame hurt him at all?

"Whatever you use, after all, it's just an energy. Your energy is weaker than me, how could it hurt me? Not to mention, your body is too weak!"

When talking, Li Fan had already jumped in front of Lawrence.

"Guard shock!"

The flame guard highlighted a large wave of fire that hit Li Fan's body.

But when Li Fan waved his hand, he cut the wave of fire with only a knife, and then kicked him on Lawrence's body.


Lawrence's body was flew directly, like a bullet, flew out dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, and hit the opposite wall.

He was stunned by Li Fan's kick, and a magic pocket watch worn on his chest was shattered.

Around the still time, continue to flow.

No one knew that a battle had just happened and everything was fine.

"Li Fan, hurry up, what are you doing?"

Shen Chen turned her head and scolded Li Fanjiao.

"Well, here it is."

Li Fan saw that Lawrence had disappeared, leaving only a humanoid pit on the wall. It seems that there should be other magicians here, and he is probably taken away.

Although the strength is not strong, but this stop time, and the ability to change space, actually made Li Fan care.

However, none of this seems to have any effect on oneself, because his energy prevents the other's energy?

Li Fan's enthusiasm for research has come up. He really wants to study magic.

And shortly after Li Fan left, Lawrence, who had been seriously injured, was standing on the second floor platform intact, looking at the direction of the airport gate.

"You failed, Lawrence."

Derby was standing next to him, holding a cane, and watching the magician stronger than himself, "I warned you, but you didn't take it seriously. If you find support, you will not fail.

"Well, it's not your turn to teach me!"

"But I healed you. If you don't respect me, you are disrespecting your life."

"I'm your boss. You should have helped me."

Lawrence was very reconciled, "Go and check, what is the origin of this martial artist!"

"Well, but the Son of the Devil has entered London and the prophecy is about to be fulfilled, what shall we do?"

"The Magic Society should have listened to me long ago. If you remove the devil's sons directly, you won't have today's troubles!"

"Hua Xia has been a forbidden ground since ancient times. You also saw the power of that martial artist, we are not opponents."

"We still have Dharma!"

Lawrence stared, "Don't forget, the creator of the Golden Empire was defeated by our God of Law!"

"Of course you are motivated, but I think it's time to ask for support."

"As long as Chen Chen is removed, both you and me can be promoted to the next level."

Lawrence reminded Derby, "Don't forget, even as a magician, we can't make money. Without money, what does our luxury apartment pay for?"

"Big deal I make money to support you."

"Well, making money is my business, just listen to me with peace of mind."

Lawrence took Derby into his arms and said, "Be obedient to me, otherwise I'm really angry."

"Well, you have the final say."

"That's ridiculous. Alright, go and check the origin of that martial artist. I'll go back to the ministry."

"Going to fix time pocket watches?"

"Well, this is the mark of the third-level magician. Without it, many things are inconvenient."

The two separated, and Lawrence went through a door and disappeared into the airport.

"Son of the Devil ..."

Derby looked outside the airport, "I hope the prophecy will not be fulfilled."

He also left the airport.

After two consecutive battles, Li Fan did not tell Shen Chen. There is no need to panic her, anyway, there is nothing to protect her.

Shen Chen arrived in Britain with almost no rest, and participated in two-day activities. TV stations, entertainment companies, signing scenes, etc.

A Bentley car is responsible for Shen Chen's trip. She will go to a private TV station for activities next time, and she is already asleep in the car.

Li Fan looked at Shen Chen and said that it was not easy to be a star.

This girl is usually so unruly, but she seems to be working very hard.

"Li Fan, you have worked hard these days, and ran with us."

Jessica was sitting in the car. She just contacted a record company and put down the phone, and said apologetically to Li Fan.

"No, no, this is all I should do."

Li Fan promised something, she would not regret it, "Did she not want to treat her throat, why not go? Will he return tomorrow?"

Suddenly, Jessica's face turned pale.

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