1041 Son of God

Shen Chen took her mobile phone, followed the map drawn above, and followed some remote paths to an unmanned alley in London.

Chen Chen stood at the alley and looked at the symbol of a six-pointed star painted on the wall.

She seemed familiar, and stretched out her hand, and drew it along the six-pointed star.

Suddenly the wall was the same as the one that came alive. The bricks on it were divided to two sides, revealing the true face of Lushan inside.

It looks like a hidden bar. After the walls are separated, a door appears with the pattern of wine printed on it. Shen Chen reached out her hand and tried to push the door of this bar open. But at this moment, a hand suddenly caught on her wrist.

"Don't sleep so late, run out and drink?"

Li Fan looked at Shen Chen with a smile, "Shen's big wrist is really interesting."

"What are you doing here?"

When Shen Chen saw Li Fan, she could not tell whether it was surprise or fear.

"Why don't you welcome me?"

Li Fan pointed at his ears with earphones, "See? I am your bodyguard now, and I must protect you personally 24 hours a day. Otherwise, do you think I will care about you?"

"Hum, you got the money!"

Shen Chen froze, "Aren't you claiming to be China's gold medal bodyguard! You can't protect me, and you won't smash your signboard!"

"It's a gold medal dartist ... and this is the title I won, isn't it better to call myself."

Li Fan's cold sweat covered his head.

"Take care of you! Anyway, don't stop me, this is where I have to come."

"Then I will accompany you."

"You're so annoying, can't you go back?"

"I don't want you to die."

Li Fan reminded, "For my honor, I have to protect you."

"Well, come here if you want to, I'm afraid you won't."

Chen Chen's eyes turned, "Anyway, if you are attacked by magic, it has nothing to do with me! Let them turn you into a sheep! No, a dog! A pig!"

"You drive the animal world!"

Li Fan laughed and patted Chen Chen's back, "I'm going, no matter it's Longtan Tiger's Cave, I'll go in and see."

"Here, it's not a Longtan tiger cave."

Shen Chen took Li Fan, opened the hotel door, and walked down the stairs.

"This is a place where black wizards gather ..."

Chen Chen said, "This place is full of black magic ..."

"dark magic?"

Li Fan smiled. "Where's the white magic? A group of white magicians around me will introduce them to you."

"so smart?"


Li Fan squeezed his eyes.

"Huh, you're talking nonsense at the first sight."

Chen Chen lowered her voice. "But this is indeed where the black wizards gather ... don't make too much noise ..."

Strangely shaped wall fires hung on the surrounding walls, as Li Fan's footsteps lit up one by one.

Needless to say Chen Chen, Li Fan has already felt a bad breath. Deep down, there seems to be something to hide.

Why did Shen Chen come to this place? And looking at her, doesn't it seem to be the first time?

It seemed that the stairs had been going for a year, and finally came to the lower hall. There are several wooden tables in the hall, next to a bar. There are not many guests inside, everyone covers his face with a cape and can't see clearly. The bartender at the bar also wore a mask, full of mystery.

These people were whispering. After Li Fan came in, everyone's eyes fell on them immediately.

Li Fan felt that these people seemed to be watching Shen Chen.

"Box number three."

Shen Chen pulled Li Fan tightly and said something to the bartender.

The bartender did not say anything, but took out a simple bronze key and handed it to Chen Chen. Shen Chen received her hand, pulled Li Fan again, and walked to the door next to the toilet.

Li Fan went over first, opened the bathroom door and checked it.

It's just an ordinary bathroom, nothing special.

But Chen Chen dragged him, shook his head at him, and let Li Fan stand aside. Shen Chen inserted the key into the keyhole of the bathroom, and then opened the door again.

The room inside changed from a toilet to a tea room.

"Sink ..."

Li Fan is a bit surprised, is it space magic again?

This United Kingdom is really interesting!

Li Fan and Shen Chen walked in. There was no one in the tea room. Only the English hot tea was on the table.

"Doesn't it seem like you are here for the first time?"

Li Fan looked at Shen Chen who was sitting in a chair and immediately asked.

"I have never been to Britain."

Chen Chen hurriedly explained, "This bar ... I encountered it before in Huaxia. But it happened once and it disappeared."

Shen Chen recalled that when she was scolded by her adopted father, she escaped from home and stumbled into this bar.

It was here that a man who claimed to be a black wizard promised her that she could be loved by her family.

Chen Chen agreed, and then she became popular because she sang well.

"A wish fulfilled by a black wizard?"

Li Fan was a little puzzled. "Even if the magic is so powerful, it won't make a person's voice sound good? In addition, are there no other conditions?"

"No, just to say that this desire can only last for five years. Five years later, I must come to him again ... I didn't take it seriously at the time, and now it seems that he did not lie to me.

"So it is."

Li Fan nodded, then looked at his head. "Sir, it's been a long time since I watched it, shouldn't it be out?"

"It is indeed a Chinese martial arts martial artist. It is indeed very powerful. It is so easy to detect my existence."

On the wall was a portrait of a man who came out of the painting and stood in front of them.

The moment he came out, the man put on a black cloak, covering his face.

After he came out, he knelt down facing Shen Chen.

"The great son of God, you are finally back. I have waited for you for a long time, and the throne of God is looking forward to you!"

"What a ghost!"

Chen Chen frowned. "I'm here to cure my throat!"

"That is the voice of your God, mortals are not worth listening to."

The worship of a man's face, "Five years ago, I found you. I wanted to wake you up. Unexpectedly, the magic society found me, and I had to interrupt the ritual and leave there. But now, God's will guide you , Back to me. "

"Friend, can you tell me why?"

Li Fan sat there, "Don't commit the second disease, okay?"

"Oh, small Chinese warrior, how can you know the power of black magic?"

The cape man proudly said, "This is the originator of our dark magic, the reincarnation of the Son of God! It is your honor to witness the coming of the Son of God! Mortal!"

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