My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1040: Wayward Shen Chen

1040 The Wayward Shen Chen

"This child ... is actually very poor ..."

Jessica sighed. "She is different from others. She is the adoptive daughter of a large family. She was never seen since she was a child. Later, her adoptive father realized that she had a good voice, so she trained her to become a singer.

Jessica reached out and touched Chen Chen's hair lightly.

"But she was bullied by her family from a young age, her character was weak. In order to make her a qualified star, the family gave her a brainwashing education."

"Did she instill her distinctive ideas?"

Li Fan seems to understand something.

"Well, because of this, she has never had a friend around her, even me, who has known her for almost seven years, and almost abandoned her on several occasions."

"Then why did you stay?"

"Because every time I go, I think. If I go too, who else will take care of her?"

Jessica looked at Shen Chen. "She has taken care of her for seven years. She is still a child after all. However, since I know you, she seems to have changed a little bit. Li Fan, although I don't know who you are, But you are really amazing. "

"It's just a matter of communication!"

Li Fan hurriedly explained, "There are too few people around her and more communication is needed. As her school brother, I will definitely help her more."

"Hope you can help her ... now that she has no voice, the family is ready to give up on her."

Jessica's face was somber. "The family has been squeezing her surplus value now. I'm afraid she'll be thrown aside like garbage when the useless day comes."

"How come? Isn't she popular now?"

"There are too many stars in Huaxia. What is popular is that Shen Chen loses her throat and will soon be abandoned. She has a bad temper and is not suitable for variety shows."

"Can't you still film?"

Li Fan hurriedly asked.

"It's embarrassing to talk about ... she made a few films, whether it was a large or small production ... all of them were going to die ... the horse owner had paid for her movie before, and it turned out to be a dog. Now Shen Chen has a nickname, called Box Office Poison. "


This Li Fan can't help.

"After all, singing is her talent."

Jessica couldn't help but miss, "The first time I listened to her singing, I was moved by her. I even believe that she was born to sing. But unfortunately, God does not give her more opportunities. , Even withdrew this right. "

"Don't you say there is a magic society in the UK, you can use magic to heal her throat."

"Is there any magic society? That letter didn't know what mystery was."

Jessica smiled. "You're all college students, and you still believe in nothingness."

"I don't want to believe it either, but the world is so big and strange."

Li Fan said, looking out the window.

On the top of the building in the distance stood a man in a tuxedo, holding a cane.

Jessica followed with a curious look, but saw nothing.

"Li Fan, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing."

Li Fan turned his head. "So, have you given up looking for a magician and will return to China tomorrow?"

"Well, you have worked hard for these two days, and you will be free tomorrow. I have charged your account for your expenses. To be honest, with your strength, this price is really not expensive.

Li Fan rescued Shen Chen from the boss Ma, Jessica always thanked Li Fan.

"Connoisseur, I'm a bully!"

Li Fan patted his chest, "After finishing this busy, will you go back to the hotel to rest?"


"In this case, no one should leave the room at night."

Li Fan reminded Jessica, "No matter what you hear, you stay in the room. No one is allowed to leave the door of the room until the next morning, you know?"

"Ah? What about dinner?"

"Buy something to eat and go back."

Li Fan they live in a presidential suite, the room where he slept in the morning, and Jessica and Li Fan sleep in the two rooms outside.

"I will be back home tomorrow, shouldn't there be any danger?"

Jessica was a little puzzled.

"Just listen to me."

Li Fan didn't explain much, he just cared about what Lawrence had said.

Tonight, they will definitely come to kill Shen Chen.

"That's all up to you."

Li Fan is responsible for all security work. As long as you don't go too far, Jessica will certainly obey.

But in the evening, Shen Chen was unhappy.

"Why, I have to go out and see Big Ben!"

Chen Chen desperately dragged the doorknob, "Let me out, it's hard to be busy!"

"No, I can't go anywhere tonight."

Li Fan stood at the window, holding his arms, and looked down.

The door of the room was locked by him, and he couldn't open it even with the key.

"Asshole, why limit my freedom! I asked you to protect me, not to keep you shut me!"

Chen Chen started to be willful again, "I want to go out to play! Go out to play!"

"Do you want to play or die?"

Li Fan turned his head and gave Chen Chen a cold look. "Since you came to Britain, the Magic Society has attacked you twice. If it were not for me, you would have died."

"Two attacks? When did it happen? Are you talking nonsense!"

Shen Chen didn't believe it.

"If it were to be seen casually, how could it be called the Magic Society."

Li Fan didn't bother to explain, "I won't hurt you, just stay here honestly."

"No ... I must go out ..."

Chen Chen exclaimed angrily.

"Then you try."

Li Fan smiled, "I'm going to take a shower first, and you'll slowly toss."

"Asshole guy ..."

Shen Chenqi rolled her eyes, and she begged Jessica again.

"Jessica, will you let me out?"

"No, I can't open Li Fan's locked door."

Jessica said she couldn't help.

"Huh, you all hate it!"

Chen Chen could only stumble back into the room.

When Li Fan came out, Jessica was sitting on the sofa with a shameless face.

"What happened? Is something wrong?"

"Shen, Shen Chen is gone ..."


Li Fan glanced at the door, closed it well, and there were no signs of being destroyed. Shen Chen's room was empty, but the windows were open.

Li Fan glanced over the window and found that the bed was tied with a rope.

"This girl ... is too daring!"

Li Fan couldn't help but want to scold his mother. Fortunately, it was only on the third floor.

"What to do, call the police!"

Jessica is really a little panicked, but this is the UK, people are not familiar with how to find people?

"Leave it to me, she shouldn't run far."

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