1042 God Drop

The cape man laughed, but Shen Chen glared at him, "You're endless! Realize my wish!"

"God! As your slave, of course I will fulfill your wish!"

The cape man was excited, "Not only me, but all your slaves, they will return to you right away!"

Then, the man in the cape suddenly pulled out his cane from behind and knocked on the ground!

A ripple spread out, the tea room's space was suddenly enlarged, and door after door appeared in the surrounding space.

The door was pushed open, and many figures, also wearing capes, came in and knelt down in front of Shen Chen in turn.

"God! You are finally back!"

"Great God, I can finally see you alive!"

"We are waiting for your guidance, God!"

All the people worshiped Shen Chen, and Shen Chen was completely frightened.

"This, what's the situation?"

Chen Chen frowned, somewhat at a loss.

Although he is also worshipped in Huaxia, it has never been this worship! Is this clearly a worship of God?

"You are mistaken. I am Shen Chen, a singer, not your god."

Chen Chen explained.

"No, you are our God! I will wake you up! You will understand everything!"

The cape man said, raising his cane and aiming at Chen Chen.

And Li Fan came over, stopped in front of her, and looked at the black wizards in front of her.

"Sorry, I got paid and can't let you move her."

"Get away, the ignorant Chinese warrior!"

The cloak man waved his cane and tried to drag Li Fan away. But Li Fan still stood there, unmoved.

The man in the cape froze, and he waved his cane again, and the tea table next to him suddenly flew up and hit Li Fan.


Li Fan smacked the tea table with a slap, and his face did not change color.

"You magicians, it's really interesting. Just such a small power, want to make trouble in front of me?"

"Recapture the Son of God!"

The cape man raised his cane and shouted.

The black wizards around him also took out their canes, preparing to launch magic to attack Li Fan together.

But at this moment, the doors of the room were suddenly pushed open again, and men in suits came in suddenly.

They waved their canes and came up and attacked several black wizards with magic. The remaining black wizards immediately counterattacked, and the two sides clashed together.

Lawrence, whom he had seen before, was also among them. He cast fire magic and knocked down a black wizard, and then came over to this side.

"Sure enough, this is a big gain!"

Lawrence's face smiled, "Not only did he catch the Son of God, but he also wiped out all of you black wizards! I'm afraid I will be promoted to the third rank this time!"

Derby fought with the other policemen. He glanced at Lawrence, but his eyes were a little worried.

Although Lawrence's strategy is seamless, but I don't know why, Derby is still a bit worried.

"Enough, Lawrence, it's not your business here."

A man in a black coat came in, and as soon as he waved his scepter, he shot down three black wizards.

This person is obviously very strong.

Derby knows this guy. His name is Orleans, a fifth-level magician, and he is only one step away from the **** of law.

Orleans is now the vice president of the Magic Society, responsible for discipline in the magic world. This time, he came to eradicate the Son of God.

"I warned you not to come here. Since you are here, let's die."

Orleans held the scepter and aimed at Chen Chen.

His elemental life is a frost elf, and this little thing releases countless ice crystals, attacking Chen Chen.

Before Li Fan's shot, the man in the cape had stopped in front of Chen Chen, and directly picked up his cape, blocking these ice crystals!

"Damn Orleans, I won't let you hit God!"

Li Fan held his arms and watched a movie beside him. He could see that Orleans seemed to have the same level of magic as the cape man.

The two sides didn't know why they started fighting, he could watch a wonderful 3d movie in the front row.

"What the **** is going on ..."

Shen Chen was very puzzled, widened his beautiful eyes, and looked dazzled by the people in front of them.

"Let them fight, we should go home."

Li Fan was not interested in playing with them.

"No, my throat hasn't healed yet ..."

Chen Chen shook her head.

The cape man growled suddenly.

"God, drink that cup of tea! Your throat will recover!"

"Is it?"

As soon as Chen Chen's eyes brightened, she immediately walked towards the tea.

Although the tea table flew, the cup of tea floated in the air, as if waiting for someone.

"Don't go!"

Li Fan wanted to hold Shen Chen, but the two black wizards simultaneously released magic and attacked Li Fan!

Li Fan waved his crane hand and patted away the magic.

Shen Chen has already picked up that cup of tea.

Almost all black wizards gave up the defense and all attacked Li Fan together.

Even Li Fan felt pressure in haste.

He roared, and a war **** popped up behind him, grabbing at Shen Chen.

"Don't drink!"

Li Fan shouted.

"Me, find my voice."

Chen Chen had already drank the tea into his stomach.

The God of War just touched Chen Chen, but everything was too late.

A huge force flew out of Shen Chen's body, impacting all around!

The wrists of the God of War were all crushed by this power!

Li Fan was also blown out and slipped out, watching the morning rising slowly into the air.

"not good……"

Orleans frowned, and he released the magic barrier, blocking the running magic. And the cape man is the same as other black wizards, kneeling on the ground, watching the morning floating in the air, tears in his eyes.

"The magician obeys and attacks that demon!"

Orleans held the scepter, released the strongest spell, and attacked Chen Chen with his companions.

And Chen Chen suddenly opened her eyes and only broke a magic finger with one finger.

"Stupid mortals, want to fight me?"

Shen Chen made a dull voice in his mouth, "Cunt ants, ridiculous."

With a wave of Shen Chen, these magicians were blown out and slammed into the surrounding walls.

Li Fan frowned and looked at Chen Chen floating in the air.

"Shen Chen?"


Shen Chen's eyes fell on Li Fan's body. "Thank you for protecting my body many times. What you want, I can fulfill one of your wishes."

"Wish? Then return me Chen Chen."

Li Fan has felt bad, "Can it be done?"

"That girl, she's just a container. Now I'm awake, her soul is dead."

Shen Chen floated in the air, looking at Li Fan, "Mortal, don't be stupid, cherish your chance. I asked you for the last time what you want."

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