My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1045: Destruction or Conquest

1045 Destruction or Conquest

"Report to God ... I, all our bases in the UK have been destroyed."

The man in the cape knelt before Shen Chen and kept apologizing to her.

"Oh? Who was destroyed?"

"Lawrence of the Magic Society ... and that Chinese man."

"Is that Chinese warrior?"

Chen Chen seemed a little lazy. "Just let them."

"That's our foundation, God ..."

"Since it can be removed casually, there is no value left."

Shen Chen waved his hand. "I never leave waste around me."

"But, but ... what about our plan to conquer the world ..."

"I haven't been in the mood to conquer the world recently."

Chen Chen leaned on his chin and leaned on the chair.

"God ..."

"do not bother me."

Shen Chen's eyes glared, and the man in cape shuddered into a ball on the ground.

"I may have been a bit lazy lately."

Chen Chen sighed, "Then conquer this city first, as the first city of God."

"Too, thank you so much, God! We are willing to give God a good brain! Be the first to die!"

"Issue a magic order and gather in front of the city hall."


The cape man went down happily.

"Unexpectedly, your soul can continue to haunt."

Chen Chen said to himself, "After I conquer the city with powerful magic, you will disappear completely."

Then, she waved her body and disappeared from the tea room. When she appeared again, she was standing in front of the City of London.

Shen Chen floated to the ground and slowly moved towards the government gate.


"Stop it!"

The guards in front of the two city halls immediately pulled out their pistols and aimed at Shen Chen.

"Stupid mortal, commit suicide."

Shen Chen ordered.

The two guards mocked, "Who do you think you are, and can command us?"

Although they said so on their mouths, the movements of their hands did not listen to the control, and they raised their pistols and aimed each other.

"What are you doing, Charles?"

"I, I don't know, don't you also face me?"

"Beware, I'm out of control!"

Both men pulled the trigger at the same time and hit each other's forehead.

"I am a great deity, and give you 10 minutes to surrender immediately. Otherwise, you will all die."

Five minutes later, the London government had been mobilized urgently.

The mayor of London looked at the surveillance screen in front of him.

A woman with a half mask floated there, holding a cane in her hand, standing on top of a tower statue in front of the city government.

She was surrounded by corpses, all of them commandos in London.

They have often hanged many police officers and criminals, but today they have been mercilessly slaughtered.

"It's a black wizard, what about the magic society?"

The mayor of London still knows something about the magic world. They also have an agreement with the magic society. For the magic world, let the people of the magic society handle it!

"The people of the Magic Society have been contacted, we have blocked this area and they will be here soon!"

As soon as the words fell, one figure after another appeared to the left and right of the statue.

"Here is the magic society."

The secretary stood beside the mayor, relieved, "This is no problem now."

"Not necessarily."

A British man suddenly appeared next to the mayor. He took off his hat and gave a gift to the mayor.

"Hello, dear mayor, I'm a third-level police officer, Lawrence."

"What the **** is that!"

The mayor reprimanded them, "What are your magic associations doing? Why do you let such a powerful person run out! You know how much pressure you put on me like this! And these dead commandos, they did what you did Work! All innocent sacrifice! "

"Sorry, Lord Mayor, but this person's strength is not beyond our control."

Lawrence said, "Even if it is the law god, there is no way to deal with her ..."

"How could it be, I ..."

The mayor hadn't finished scolding, and was suddenly surprised by the picture on the screen.

The magicians of the magic associations raised their scepters one by one, released magic at each other, and were shot by their companions!

"This, how is this possible ..."

"I said, she is not what we can handle."

Lawrence reminded the mayor again.

"Mayor, Bordeaux is here!"

The secretary suddenly reminded the mayor with excitement.


The mayor was also excited, "We are saved now!"

"Is the Dharma in London?"

Lawrence looked at the screen and seemed to have a little expectation in his eyes.

Perhaps this mighty Dharma **** can really weaken the devil.

In the screen, a middle-aged man in a white dress stood there, bowing slightly at Shen Chen.

"Dear Miss Demon, pay tribute to your mighty mana."

"Is it God?"

Shen Chen looked at the French **** Bordeaux standing there, still calm.


Bordeaux nodded. "No, please go back to Alcatraz."

"Come out of there and naturally won't go back."

Chen Chen said slowly, "I think you are pretty good, and give you a chance to be my subordinate."

"Disappointed you."

Bordeaux smiled. "Your presence will only destroy the balance of this world. Real magicians respect the laws of equivalent exchange and guard the balance of this world."

"That being the case, I can't keep you."

Shen Chen held her cane and summoned her Frost Messenger.

The humanoid ice girl floated in the air, stretched out her hands, and summoned the frost storm.

The sky suddenly began to snow, and the ground frosted with icy frost.

Bordeaux held his scepter. He had wind elements.

The element of Dharma is about the size of a seven- or eight-year-old child. With open hands, it opens a wind wall for Bordeaux and blocks the cold around.

"It is indeed a demon, and its mana is really strong."

Bordeaux couldn't help but praise, "It's almost snow and ice."

The city's government buildings are all silver-clad, clearly autumn, but London seems to usher in winter.

"Ten minutes have passed, and everyone has to die."

Shen Chen's scepter aimed at Bordeaux. "Just start with you."

While talking, a frost storm engulfed Bordeaux's body.

The wind blade flew out and cut through the frost storm.

Bordeaux stood there, holding a cane in his hand.

"Sorry, I can't die yet."

Bordeaux said, "As the **** of law in London, I cannot tolerate you destroying the city."

"Oh, I don't want to destroy it, I want to conquer it."

Chen Chen expressionless, "This is just the beginning. Those who disobey me must die."

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