My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1046: Battle with God

1046 Confrontation with God

Speaking, Shen Chen's scepter aimed at Bordeaux again.

"I admit that you are really good, but unfortunately your opponent is God."

Talking, Bordeaux's body suddenly flew up, and his wind elemental spirit was about to counterattack, and was suddenly passed by Chen Chen's ice sword through his chest, and then died of ash.

"It is indeed a demon, so powerful!"

Bordeaux's mouth had shed blood, but his eyes remained firm. "For this city, I have already prepared for sacrifice! Dear demon, everything in this world must be exchanged for the equivalent!"

Bordeaux took out the time pocket watch in his hand. "Use my time, stop your time!"

"Time pocket watch?"

Shen Chen frowned, seemingly a bit scared, and Bordeaux had pressed the pocket watch.

His expression was stiff, and the whole person began to stand still completely, as if forever fixed.

But Shen Chen put down her cane and sighed softly.

"Everything in the world is indeed an equivalent exchange. But I have endless life, and even if you use all your life to stop my time, it is only a fraction of a ounce."

"Bordeaux ... he, has he failed ..."

The mayor saw all this in the surveillance video. He looked pale and couldn't believe the facts.

Bordeaux is the **** of law in London, the legendary magician of the sixth level. At that time, in order to annihilate the Creator, Britain dispatched three law gods in a row to calm the golden empire. These three people are known as the Three Saints, and Bordeaux is one of them. But now, how can a so-called demon kill the French **** Bordeaux in seconds?

"Is it really ... doomsday is coming ..."

The mayor's face was iron blue.

"Mayor, the nearest army has arrived!"

"Is it the Royal Air Force?"


The secretary's words calmed down the mayor again.

"Great, this time, no matter what the devil is not the devil, it is dead!"

The RAF is Britain's ace force, and the mayor is waiting for them to destroy this **** demon!

"The Magic Society is really too wasteful, still rely on our modern army!"

The mayor sneered.

"Hope ... it works ..."

Lawrence didn't say much, he just stood silently in the monitoring room, watching everything on the screen.

A total of eight fighters, all British top fighters, formed a formation and flew towards Shen Chen.

"Lock on the target and launch the Viper Missile."

The captain of the formation gave an order, preparing a wave of missiles to destroy Shen Chen.

But Chen Chen stood on top of the statue, and she held up her cane and released magic to the sky.

The frost spread out, and all the missiles flying in front of Shen Chen were frozen into ice cubes, then fell around Shen Chen and smashed into the ground.


Under Shen Chen's magical release, all the planes around were frozen into ice sculptures, one after another, fell from the air, smashed around, and shattered.

Shen Chen stood there, surrounded by the frozen and mutilated aircraft. She was wearing a mask and standing on top of the statue. It was not like a demon, but a destructive **** who came to destroy the world.

"A lot of time has passed. Since you don't want to surrender, accept the punishment!"

Chen Chen held up his cane, "The whole city, let's freeze together!"

"Shen Chen, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you so bad?"

A figure penetrated the cold mist around and slowly walked in.

"Who is that?"

The mayor looked at a Chinese man who suddenly appeared on the screen, a little shocked.

"He is a Chinese warrior."

Lawrence explained, "He is our last hope."

"Nonsense! Even the French **** Bordeaux is not an opponent. How could a Chinese person solve it!"

"To be honest, I don't believe it."

Lawrence said leisurely, "But who else can I trust now? I hope that this Chinese person will give me a little more surprise."

"How can you rely on a Chinese man, he will surely be killed!"

"Who else do we rely on? My dear Lord Mayor?"

Lawrence pointed at the screen. "What you can do, just like me, feel at ease here. If it is ruin, let us welcome it together."


There was a riot in the monitoring room, and many people cried.

"All calm me down!"

The mayor roared and calmed them down.

"Look at you, what they all look like! All calm down!"

The people in the monitoring room were quiet now.

"As the mayor of the City of London, I will accompany you to the last minute! The Third Army will be here soon. I hope this Chinese person can support us for ten minutes!

Everyone is pinning their hopes on this Chinese.

At this time, Li Fan looked at Chen Chen in front of him, and he was surrounded by snow and ice, sweeping his body. Li Fan wore only one sportswear, but he stood in the snow, safe and sound.

"My soul, the container, doesn't seem to want to kill you."

Shen Chen looked at Li Fan, "Let my slaves do it."

As the words fell, she raised her cane and opened a magic gate in the air.

One black wizard after another jumped out of the magic gate.

"Great God, you finally call us!"

The cape man led hundreds of black wizards, "These are your army, please tell me!"

"Kill this man."

Chen Chen said to the man in the cape, "I give you the magical power of Dharma."

Shen Chen pointed a finger at the man in the cape, and he immediately made a great light on God!

Even his appearance followed him a lot younger.

"Thank you, thank God!"

The man in cape knelt down and bowed his head in front of Shen Chen, all grateful.

"My God, even created a **** of God ..."

The secretary took a deep breath. "She, she really is a **** ..."

"No, it's a demon."

Lawrence emphasized.

"It's terrible ... are we finished ..."

"Don't worry, take a look and talk."

The mayor has pinned his last hope on this Chinese man, hoping that he can persist for a while!

More than a hundred black wizards simultaneously took out the cane in their hands, summoned their elemental life, released their own magic, and attacked Li Fan.


Li Fan snorted coldly. "In this case, I will destroy you first."

He put on a gold armour and stepped forward.

All kinds of magic banged on him, but all were blocked by his golden armor.

Li Fan had no influence at all, letting all kinds of magic explode.

Watching Li Fan step by step, the cape man was a little angry.

"Wastes, haven't you eaten yet? You haven't killed him yet!"


Li Fan snorted, and he suddenly took a step forward, then hit his right fist against the front!


The statue was directly crushed by Li Fan's fist, and the fist wind rolled around, strangling a dozen black wizards together!

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