My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1048: Encirclement

1048 剿

"Shang! Fang! Treasure! Sword!"

The black devil roared, his voice filled with unwillingness!

"Yes, yes, old friend, thank you for remembering me."

Wang Luo stood on the sword, "I will overdo it for you, Amitabha."

Wang Luo's voice dropped, and the body of the black demon had disappeared.

"How did you come?"

Li Fan looked at Wang Luo in surprise.

"Fool, let's go, or you won't be able to get away in a while."

Wang Luo pointed to the army that was gradually approaching. Once they approached, Li Fan would indeed have some trouble.

"Then I will go first."

Li Fan picked up Shen Chen, then jumped up, followed Wang Luo's footwork, lightly worked, and disappeared on the building in a blink of an eye.

The mayor sat down on the chair with a slump, and he was relieved.

This crisis has finally been resolved.

But it is not the British masters who rely on it, but the Chinese martial arts fighters. This made the mayor happy and at the same time a strong sense of insecurity.

"Go, check who the man is."

The mayor instructed the equally relieved secretary, "It's impossible to get him into our nationality ... I can't keep him ... Lawrence, who is that Chinese man?"

"I only know one of them."

Lawrence shrugged. "And only for a while."

"The other I know, he is a Chinese sword of Shang Fang, the patron saint of Hua Xia."

"Hua Xia ... why so many perverted characters."

Lawrence was stunned.

No wonder the Magic Society forbids magicians from entering Huaxia. Lawrence didn't really understand it before, but now he finally understands it.

"It seems that this young man may be the next generation of swords that are still being cultivated by Huaxia."

The mayor of London frowned, and he ordered Lawrence.

"Using my password, let the Magic Society send two other holy gods to bring over a hundred magicians of the magic society. If he does not want to join our nationality, he will kill this person overnight. Absolutely, He must not be allowed to leave the UK. "

Lawrence was silent.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"No, willing to help."

Lawrence nodded. "Everything is for the empire."

"Well, you understand."

The mayor of London picked up the phone and gave it to Lawrence.

"Call the Magic Society with my phone and hurry up."

Li Fan and Wang Luo were staying in an uninhabited house on the outskirts of London. Wang Luo was skilled in the kitchen, prepared two dinners, and set them on the table.

"My cooking skills are amazing. Come and try my skills."

Looking at the two plates of egg fried rice in front of him, Li Fan was a little speechless.

"You can call the craft amazing?"

"Aren't you watching novels and TV shows? The actor usually uses the simplest egg fried rice to conquer everything!"

Wang Luo said with a smile.

"Fuck, isn't that an internet novel? It's pure nonsense. Where can egg fried rice go delicious?

Li Fan pouted his mouth. "There was a fight with the devil. I want to have a big meal."

"Egg fried rice is nutritious and is best for energy."

Wang Luo bitterly said to Li Fan, "You can't be picky, lad! And hurry up and eat, and we will run away after we finish eating."

"Run? What run?"

Li Fan didn't understand, "Shen Chen and I are tomorrow's plane. Are you going to run alone?"

"Do you think if you have such a scene in London, will they let you go back safely?"

"I'll go, but I saved them."

"You can save them, and you can destroy them naturally."

Wang Luo explained to Li Fan with a smile, "If it is you, can you let such a terrible enemy go back?"

"It seems impossible."

Li Fan nodded, "I understand what you mean."

"Well, don't hurry to eat yet, leave after you finish."

Wang Luo sat next to Li Fan and picked up his chopsticks. "When they arrive in Huaxia, they will be honest."

"But there are a bunch of people in Huaxia who want to kill me, right?"

Li Fan remembered the jihad plan, "It's the same for those in power. When we use it, we just throw it away."

"Let's take the Shangfang sword."

While eating egg fried rice, Wang Luo said to Li Fan, "Death has stopped on my shoulder. Next time you have such danger, I can't help you."

"I'll do it on my own, without your help!"

Li Fan is still this stubborn temper.

"Children, I had a temper with you when I was young."

Wang Luo was not angry, "don't hit the south wall and don't look back."

"You mean you hit the south wall?"

Li Fan ate egg fried rice quickly and asked.

"Then I won't tell you."

Wang Luo kept his mystery. "With this little girl, we should leave."

"Are they here?"

"Well, faster than I thought."

"Say, why don't you leave earlier?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"How to run if you are not full."

Wang Luohaha smiled, "Moreover, do you want to swim back? The boat I contacted has just arrived at the port and is waiting for us."


Li Fan carried Shen Chen on his back and wrapped it with rope.

"Let's go."

"Be careful, your weakness is already known to the British."

Wang Luo reminded Li Fan, then holding his Shangfang sword, flinging his black coat, he walked out the door.

However, Li Fan saw that Wang Luo had white hair in his ears. When he saw him last time, he was still black.

So much aging in just a few days?

Wang Luo and Li Fan walked outside the small house, but the dark outside suddenly turned into a big light, brightening the surroundings, just like daylight.

A group of wizards in tuxedos surrounded them, not only them, but also many army people.

Li Fan glanced at it and there were four tanks with gun barrels aimed at himself.

The two men in white tuxedos, standing there, a man and a woman, were all elderly people, and they seemed to be like the **** of law.

Lawrence stood in it, pressing his hat, holding his cane, and looking at Li Fan.

"Li Fan, sorry, you can't escape."

"You guys really kill the cook when you're full."

Li Fan sneered.

"Everyone stands on a different stand, and each is their own. I ask you to understand."

"I should ask Shen Chen to kill you first."

Li Fan sneered, "This is how I understand you."

"Stop talking about children."

Wang Luo took a picture of Li Fan, then looked at the people in front of them, smiling very happily.

"This scene is really touching. The last time you crumbled against the Creator, is that true?"

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