1049 the next day

"Master Wang Luo, you can leave at any time."

Lawrence was holding a Bordeaux cane. With the help of the Magic Society, he has forcibly improved his magical power and became the new **** of magic, replacing Bordeaux.

He gave a gift to Wang Luo, "You are a Shangfang sword, we don't want to be right with you. But this boy and this woman must stay."


Wang Luo smiled, "What do you want to do to my apprentice?"

"The demons are dead, don't you let Chen Chen go?"

Li Fan asked.

"As long as she is alive, the devil may come back."

Lawrence said firmly, "So Li Fan, I hope you understand."

"I forgive your grandma legs!"

Li Fan was screaming and screaming. After all, he still had a little youthful spirit in his temper.

"We can do nothing."

Lawrence said to Li Fan, "As long as you join our British nationality and become my warrior of Great Britain. At that time, the Queen will also give you the title, with your strength, and this time for London and the contribution to Britain, sure Will give you a baron. At that time, will you enjoy endless glory and wealth, wouldn't it be better? "

"Although ... it wasn't too bad for me to spend in Huaxia. But I can't do it if I betray my own nation."

Li Fan did not hesitate to directly reject Lawrence's request.

"Then you are going to be our enemy."

"Not much speculation."

Li Fan raised his anger, "Go to war."

"Leave Li Fan."

Lawrence held up his cane, "All magicians, use spiritual magic!"

Under Lawrence's order, all magicians held their canes and cast spells on Li Fan.

More than a hundred senior magicians released the spiritual spells that Li Fan was not good at. Li Fan's fighting ability is unquestionable, but at this moment, he felt as if there was a big mountain, pressing on his heart, making him feel like he had lost his desire to fight, and his body had no strength to move.

It was as if she had fallen asleep and slept into a nightmare, and Li Fan could not escape.

"Sure enough, you found the kid's only weakness."

When Wang Luo reached out, he pulled out his Shangfang sword and held it in his hand.

"That being the case, I don't need to be polite with you."

"Do you really want to be our enemy?"

Lawrence looked at Wang Luo in front of him. "We have three Dharma gods here, and there are more than one hundred fifth-level magicians."

"It's a big deal indeed."

Wang Luo nodded, "Even if the crusade against the creator of the year didn't look so painful to you. However, it's not enough to deal with me, the sword of Shangfang!"

Wang Luo said, holding his sword, and walked towards the magicians.

"Attack Wang Luo!"

Lawrence ordered, and more than a hundred magicians released magic to Wang Luo at the same time.

But Wang Luo stretched out a hand, and seemed to release a barrier, easily blocking the magic.

No matter how many magician's magic attacks, Wang Luo could not hurt a hair. And Wang Luo had approached a magician, waving his sword was a sword, and directly cut off the magician's head.

"I feel like I'm going to kill a lot of people this time."

Wang Luo smiled, "But just right, find more people to accompany me."

"Take me as a storm!"

A tornado wrapped Wang Luo's body.

The tornado tore all the surrounding objects into pieces, and a sword waved, cutting the tornado directly.

Wang Luo came out of it, holding Shang Fang's sword in his hand, "I'm sorry, God or something, Wang Luo hasn't seen me yet."

"Imperial Thunder!"


The other two gods also launched great magic. Thunder and flames fell from the sky at the same time and fell towards Wang Luo.

Wang Luo raised his left hand and pointed it into the air. A car next to him flew directly, blocking the two magic attacks for him.


The car was blasted directly, and Wang Luo stood underneath, safe and sound, leaving the car's parts with flames to fall around him.

"Wind pressure!"

However, Lawrence had a long-term plan. He suddenly launched a surprise attack. A strong wind blows Wang Luo's body and smashed directly onto a bus next to it, banging the bus!

"Hua Xia's sword, but that's it."

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief and resolved Wang Luo, and Li Fan was ready to deal with it.

"Oh my god, let you down."

Wang Luo's voice came out again, and he slowly walked out from the blazing fire, with Shang Fang's sword on his shoulder. He reached out and shot the flames on the corner of his clothes. "If there is anything more exciting, come out and make me happy."

Lawrence's heart twitched, this Wang Luo was even more powerful than that demon!

The mayor is right. If Li Fan becomes the next generation sword, I am afraid that the empire will never die before it!

These national weapons must be cut off!

"I'm the only Shangfang sword who doesn't understand martial arts."

Holding on to his sword, Wang Luo continued to slay the surrounding magicians and said, "However, this shortcoming will be completely made up when my apprentice takes over."

"I won't let you go!"

Lawrence took out his pocket watch. "Even if everyone can't kill you, I still have a trick."

"Will you sacrifice yourself to stop my time?"

Wang Luo has seen the decisiveness in the other's eyes. I am afraid that Lawrence is really playing.

"As long as I kill you, my companions can execute Li Fan and the son of the devil."

Lawrence's finger has been pressed on the pocket watch. "Goodbye, Huaxia sword!"

Lawrence fired the last magic, and he tried to deprive Wang Luo of his time.

Both were aging at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Wang Luo soon had white hair, and Lawrence also turned from a handsome guy to gray-haired and fell to the ground.

The two magicians launched magic at Wang Luo, but Wang Luo again opened up the mental barrier to block their attack. At the same time, a sword was thrown out, and the magic sword was used to control the sword to kill two magicians, and then returned to their own hands.


Lawrence looked at Wang Luo with trembling, a little unbelievable.

"I live a long life."

Wang Luo laughed with vicissitudes, "If it's not for physical reasons, I'm afraid I can live a hundred years."

"Damn ... miscalculated ..."

Lawrence looked at the other two Dharma gods, "You ... who replaced me ..."

Stopping time with life, this is great magic, and only the Dharma can perform it.

But at this moment, the other two Dharma gods both flinched.

Despair appeared in Lawrence's eyes.

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