My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1050: Little Overlord Legion

1050 Puppet Army

Derby, I'm here for you.

Before he died, Lawrence seemed to see something. His desperate expression relaxed and became relieved, then he fell to the ground with his cane aside, completely losing his life.

But the remaining two gods of God shrank under the attack of Wang Luo.

Although Wang Luo was wearing a white hair, he killed seven in and seven out, like no one!

He had a spiritual shield in his left hand and a Shangfang sword in his right hand. Every time he walked through a place, he killed all the local magicians.

The four tanks were ready to start, but Wang Luo only used mental power to turn the barrel of one of the tanks, aimed at his companion, and fired directly.

The tank forces killed each other and soon became scrap iron.

It didn't take long for this sent-in unit to have been massacred.

Wang Luo was holding a sword, like no one.

Because the magician suffered too many injuries and injuries, Li Fan's spiritual repression was finally weak.

He also stood up again, pulled out his extraordinary large gun, dragged behind him, and also killed the surrounding enemies.

The two gods glanced at each other, feeling that they couldn't hold the scene, and decided to retreat first.

A Chinese sword is already a headache, and now there is another fighter Li Fan, how can this be done.


The two gods finally gave the order to retreat, but few people were able to execute the order alive.

Only two or three survivors remained, all of them wounded.

"Did you see your weakness?"

Wang Luo was wearing white hair, which was different from the handsome and handsome man before. At this time, he was already as thin as a bone, like a candle in the wind, and seemed to die here at any time.

"Thank you……"

Li Fan looked at Wang Luo in front of him and was filled with emotion.

The man who hadn't looked so serious, almost saved his life in order to save himself.

"Don't sympathize with me."

Wang Luo stared, "I didn't change it to help you! It is my destiny to die! But before my life is over, I need to find the next generation of Chinese swords!"

"Let me think again ..."

"If that time ..."

Wang Luo took the sword back and said, "Everyone knows each other is also a fate. Before I die, at least help you exercise your mental strength."

"Do you want me to follow you?"

"Almost, this girl, I will find someone to help you return her to Huaxia. You and me, stay abroad for a while."


"Jihad is underway in the country."

Wang Luo reminded Li Fan, "If you don't change your shortcomings, you will be targeted after returning home. What the British can find, they can also be found."


Li Fan agreed first. In order to strengthen his strength, it seemed good to practice with Wang Luo for a while. He followed Wang Luo to the port, and after giving Shen Chen to a friend of Wang Luo, he followed Wang Luo to stay in London.

"Are we going to stay here?"

Li Fan followed Wang Luo back to the hut before him and couldn't help asking.

"They thought we had returned to China."

Wang Luo smiled, "I think they failed this time, and they should choose to force you to commit diplomacy."

"The way of diplomacy?"

"Yes, provide some kind of benefit to the top of the country, and then extradite you abroad."

"I won't agree!"

"I said that you have too many cases."

Wang Luo reminded Li Fan, "I will show you two things at will, and you will become a notorious murderer. Unless you take the Shangfang sword, no one has the right to hand you over, because you will be a symbol of Huaxia! "

Wang Luo looked at Shang Fang's Ma Majian hanging on the wall. Although it was a sword left in the Han Dynasty, it was still intact. The sword sheath was also carved with a five-pronged golden dragon.

"Where do you take me to exercise?"

Li Fan forks off the topic.

"Night off, I'll take you to the Vatican tomorrow."

"Ah? Why go there?"

"The Pope owes me a little favor, it's time he paid off his debt."

"Um, how do we get there?"

Li Fan couldn't help but question.

"You'll know tomorrow, let's go to bed first and build up energy."

Wang Luo pointed at the sofa in the living room, then he went back to the room by himself.

Li Fan didn't know what to say to him, he could only throw himself on the sofa, and then remembered the recent events.

A trip to the UK seems to be a mess.

The mobile phone was also taken away by Wang Luo. They could not contact Lin Yuexian for the time being. I hope they don't worry about themselves.

Shen Chen should be able to go back safely. Since it is Wang Luo's person, there should be no problem.

When Li Fan was desperately working in London, Huaxia was also turbulent.


One hundred and eight Arhats stood outside the dojo, each holding a Arhat stick in their hands, brushing together in front of a teenager standing in the center.


The Shaolin abbot stood on the steps and looked at the young man surrounded by the large array. He couldn't help but read the Buddhist name, and then asked.

"Lord Li, we have no enemies in the past and no injustice today, why did you hurt my Shaolin disciples?"

Standing in the middle, he didn't speak, but just reached out and grabbed directly on the bald head of a Shaolin Luohan beside him, five fingers pierced his skull.

Tiger claw.

"Amitabha ... In that case, let him calm down before talking!"

The abbot knocked the scepter in his hand, "Arhat!"

The remaining 107 Luohan moved together, and everyone walked around in accordance with the formation method, while waving the Luohan stick, attacked the boy!

But the teenager was unmoved. He didn't care if he was hit by Luo Han's sticks. Each time he stood on these sticks, he halved the monk he encountered.

Soon, the juvenile was scarred, and the monks in the Luohan battle also suffered a lot of injuries.


The twelve monks suddenly poked out the Lohan stick, poked on the boy, and put him into the air together!

Without waiting for the boy to react, an arhat has jumped behind him, and a young man has broken his head with a stick!


The abbot could not help but knock on the zen stick, his face full of shame.

However, the crisis in Shaolin was finally resolved.

But he hadn't waited for him to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly there were more than a dozen figures in the opposite yard.

Each of these dozens of figures is wearing a special battle suit and looks exactly the same.

The abbot glanced at them and took a breath. No matter how high the Buddha's heart is, this time it won't work.

"Amitabha ... No, it's unbelievable ..."

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