My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1051: Fat man will play

1051 Fatty Special Will Play

These dozens of people all look like the little bully, like a legion, into the dojo.

"How come there are so many!"

"Amitabha, this, isn't this a dream?"

These monks are compared, what is the situation, isn't it funny?

"Amitabha ... probably, this is my calamity in Shaolin."

The abbot said, holding up the scepter in his hand, aloud.

"Old man meets in person."

He greeted the little overlord army, his eyes full of perseverance.

The Shaolin monks are fighting with each other's Xiaoba Legion.


Li Fan suddenly sat up and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"wake up?"

Wang Luo was standing in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

He put on the vest and trousers when he first met, and looking at the back, it was no different from an ordinary old man at home.

"Wake up very early, there are still two hours before the appointed time, you can sleep for a while."

"Having a nightmare and couldn't sleep."

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. "I won't sleep, I will punch."

Li Fan's daily exercise is indispensable, which is his unshakable stipulation.

"Rare, many warriors are lazy now."

Wang Luo complained while cooking, "You are a rare martial arts enthusiast both inside and outside. You have to eat before you eat and then fight."

"I'm actually curious."

Li Fan put on his sportswear and asked, "Hua Xia is a vast museum, and you are a master, why did you choose me?"

"My candidate list was very crowded at the beginning."

Wang Luohaha smiled, "In addition to you, there are two people. One is Murong Ying, the other is Jiang Feng."

"The two of them?"

"Yes, it is the two of them. Of these two people, Murong Ying is the strongest and most talented, and it was the earliest that caught my eye. But I have never chosen her because she is a member of Murong's family. With the sense of responsibility of Murong's family. She can't let go of Murong's family, she can't be a sword of fashion! "

"I can't let my dart go!"

"A dart is different from a family."

Wang Luo said without looking back, "Murong Ying can't let go of Murong's house for a minute! And you, haven't you left your darts to your men?"

"Ah, this ... I'm doing them enough!"

Li Fangan laughed twice.

"What about the other one? How about Jiang Feng?"

"Jiang Feng ... Actually, I'm more bullish on him."

Wang Luo sighed, "Don't look at you better than him, but he has more potential, perseverance and resilience than you! Unfortunately, I don't have much time to train him."

"Would you like to pass on his sword first?"

Li Fan felt a little upset when he heard Wang Luo praised his enemy. But unhappy and unhappy, Li Fan couldn't say anything else.

"Of course not."

Wang Luo brought up two pieces of egg fried rice. "He has his own purpose in his heart, and he does whatever he can for this purpose. I passed him the Shang Fang Bao Sword. After I die, he will abuse the power of Shang Fang Bao Sword to achieve his goal.

"Well, why is it egg fried rice? Do you make a dish?"

"Nonsense! This is different from yesterday's egg fried rice!"

Wang Luo emphasized.

"What's different?"

"This egg fried rice is topped with green onions."


Li Fan was really a bit powerless. "Where is this different?"

"In the fast of the Buddhists, eggs are considered vegetarian, but spring onions are stinky."

Wang Luo smiled, "So, yesterday, you made vegetarian food, but today you made amaranth. Of course it's different."

Li Fan was said to be a little dumb, and didn't know how to refute.

But to put it plainly, isn't Nima still an egg fried rice?

"Okay, okay, some are good, isn't it better than eating?"

"Well, thank you for breakfast."

"It's pretty much the same, follow me this month to learn. If you can't stand my exercise style, you can quit at any time."

Wang Luo reminded Li Fan, but Li Fan smiled.

"No bitterness I can't take."

"Is it?"

Wang Luo also showed a smile, but Li Fan who laughed was a little bit frightened. This old man ... what a fight.

"It's almost time."

After Li Fan finished playing a set of seven chivalrous fists, Wang Luo looked at the clock on the wall, "We should almost start."

"How do I get to the Vatican?"

"Just go."

Wang Luo said, and opened the door to the bathroom next door.

A magician wearing a cape stumbled in and almost fell over, but fortunately was helped by Wang Luo.

"Pierce, you are still so panicked!"

"Wang Luo, you lunatic!"

After Pierce came in, he looked around nervously, and then scolded.

"Now the entire magic society is looking for you. You dare to come to me for help!"

"Oh, my dear Pierce, you are the president of the Magic Society yourself. Isn't it enough to withdraw the warrant?"

"You're crazy! This alone can't work!"

Pierce vomited blood, "I would never help you if I owed you a favor!"

"Dear Pierce, you helped me once, and there was no loss. We will leave London peacefully, and you will not have any casualties, right?"

"You are a brazen man!"

Pierce yelled angrily at Wang Luo, "Get out of London! I don't want to see you again!"

Then, he reached out and tugged the toilet door again.

The world behind the door was transformed by his magic.

"Li Fan, we're on our way. Thank you, Pierce, we don't owe each other."

Wang Luo picked up Shang Fang's sword and stepped through the toilet door first.


Pierce glanced at Li Fan and urged, "The next time I meet, I will get you back!"

"Okay, then I have a chance to meet next time."

Li Fan squeezed his eyes at the president of the magic society, and then followed the door of the toilet.

After entering, almost a blink of an eye, Li Fan came to another room.

This room is a typical European-style furnishing, with white European-style tables and chairs inside, and a large round bed,

A bald man was lying on the bed with two girls in his arms, with different skin tones, one black and one white, but a rich variety.

"Dead fat man, wake up!"

Wang Luo stomped on the bed and shocked all three people on the bed.


The fat man on the bed fell down, hurt his buttocks, and couldn't help yelling.

"Hey, fat, let's meet again, do you want me?"

Wang Luo squatted on the ground and looked at the fat man who was scolding with a smile.

The fat man was dumbfounded at the sight of Wang Luo.

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