1053 Indebtedness

Li Fan feels like a year has passed.

He passed out several times with pain, but his brain was awakened by the Pope again, and he endured this severe pain again!

But the pope's face reappeared, but told Li Fan that it was just an hour.

Others are living like years, and Li Fan is living like hours. This kind of pain, let alone an hour, even a second, can cause people to collapse.

But Li Fansheng put up with it! And neither the Pope nor Wang Luo had the intention of letting Li Fan rest, just torturing him all the time.

In this environment, Li Fan continued to suffer.

The human brain has a protective mechanism. If a normal person suffers such pain, he will faint. But the Pope forced Li Fan to keep his head awake and to experience the pain of deepening his bones.

Moreover, the punishment mechanism is changed almost every day.

When Li Fan adapts to some kind of pain, the pope will use a new torture method to make him fall back to hell.

It is like eighteen floors of hell, and eighteen kinds of ordeal, let Li Fan experience it one by one.

Li Fan's pain could not stop, he slowly came to understand. If you want to not hurt, you must learn to resist this painful signal from the outside. At the same time, pain can amplify Li Fan's brain fluctuations.

"It's been almost a month, he still can't."

The Pope looked at Li Fan, who was lying on the ground, already stubborn, and shook his head at Wang Luo who was sitting next to him.

"For so many days, he still hasn't mastered mental skills."

"This is the bottleneck of martial arts!"

Wang Luo couldn't help sighing, "He put all his concentration on physical strength and physical fitness, so he achieved great martial arts, but couldn't feel the power of spirit."

"If you keep practicing, he may die."

The pope asked cautiously, "Why not?"

"Just hold on for two more days ... It really won't work, I can only give up on him."

Wang Luo said, "The spirit of Shangfang's sword must be strong, and it cannot be controlled by anyone."

It is very difficult for a martial artist to learn spiritual power.

Even his master has very weak mental strength, just a little understanding. Only in the generation of Wang Luo, because it is a transformed person, especially walking once on the line of life and death, this mental strength is extremely great!

"Then I'll try again. You are prepared mentally, and he will turn mad at any time."

After being tortured for so long, the Pope did not believe that the boy would be normal.

He once again entered Li Fan's spiritual world and looked at this poor man who had been suffering.

day to day.

"How is this pain?"

Two days later, the pope's big face once again appeared in front of Li Fan.

"Wang Luo is about to give up on you, you are too upset! He intends to leave this place today, and you, you will die here, I will use your body to receive rewards! Although I don't care about money, the Magic Society The price this time is a bit high! After all, I'm not a god, and I will move my heart. "

"Is it?"

After a few days, Li Fan spoke again in the face of the pope's provocation.

"Can you even talk to me? It seems I despised you. But this is also a kind of retrospection. Most people have been tortured by me so long, they have gone crazy."

"I'm going crazy ... but ... I've always been told in my ears to stay sane and not lose."

"Who told you?"

"Don't you see him, he's been sitting here all the time."

Mr. Yang was sitting on a pillar next to him, holding a cane in his hand, dressed as a standard gentleman. If he was wearing a tuxedo, it would be almost the same as the magicians of the magic society.

"Who is he?"

Seeing this figure, the Pope was taken aback.

Don't you feel there is another person's mental strength? how can that be?

"I'm in charge of fighting, and he's in charge of helping me."

Li Fan said, and commanded Mr. Yang, "Do me a favor and drag him in."

"Observe, my friend."

Mr. Yang bowed at Li Fan, and then he dragged his hands. The Pope did not control his mental power. His consciousness was directly drawn into his brain by Li Fansheng!

The moment the pope came in, the terrible **** was gone, and a clean lake appeared in front of him.

Li Fan stood quietly in the middle of the lake, stepping on the lake with his feet, and Mr. Yang stood beside him.

"See? This is my world."

Li Fan pointed around, "This is the imaginary world of every martial artist. There used to be two terrible strongmen here. But now they are gone, and they have been completely absorbed by me."

He said, with a wave of his hand, the surrounding scene was quickly adapted, blinking into the secret church that the Pope secretly built.

"Look, this is your favorite place, a beautiful cathedral."

There are several Humen cannons beside Li Fan. "But if there are two rounds of shelling, I don't know if I can maintain this beautiful look."

"You, you can't hurt them! They are all God's will, or the great cultural heritage of mankind!"

"I can't stand it? Your mental defenses are too weak."

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, the chapel broke and the pope gritted his teeth, but he held back.

When a door was broken, Wang Luo walked into Li Fan's heart.

"Li Fan, what are you doing?"

Wang Luo saw that the Pope was imprisoned in Li Fan's world, and hurriedly used his mental strength to run in and take a look together.

"You came?"

Wang Luo did help Li Fan a lot. Li Fan is very grateful.

But now, Li Fan felt a more terrible power.

The sea around him was blue, and there seemed to be ships moving in the distance, as if on an ocean.

Li Fan pointed at a green island in front of him, "That's Alcatraz Island."

"Where is the demon's birth!"

Wang Luo also knew there, but he had never been there. Because Alcatraz Island is a mysterious place, no one knows where he is, and everyone thinks of going there.

"Well, I can feel it, a terrible crisis."

Li Fan pointed at Alcatraz Island, and his face was gloomy. "Mr. Yang told me that there is a terrible existence on the island and it seems to be waking up. But I don't know where he is, he hides well."

"I'm afraid you can only solve it on Alcatraz."

Wang Luo shrugged. "I can help you now, and there is only one thing left."

"what's up?"

"You have gone too far with your sword.

Wang Luo glanced at the tortured Mr. Yang, who was more powerful, "So, now I'll take you back to Huaxia to help you kill someone you've always wanted to kill."

"Are you ... want me to owe you a favor?"

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