1054 The Lord

Li Fan did not know Wang Luo's intentions, but he returned to Huaxia with this person.

In any case, it is true that Wang Luo has been helping himself.

Li Fan followed Wang Luo and started directly from Huangquan Road of Phoenix King, all the way to Yungui area.

This place belongs to the Golden Triangle, the world of drug dealers. Even tofu king tofu, in this place, could not establish their own smuggling routes. There are many forces in this area. There are too many various black gangs. There are many countries and organizations behind it. It is not so easy to calm down the Golden Triangle!

In this chaotic dark area, Wang Luo and Li Fan were sitting in a jeep and walking through the woods.

"Who are we going to meet?"

Li Fan asked for a long time in the car.

"Young people, they are impatient."

At this time, Wang Luo was much older and looked like an old man who was about to die.

He shrank into the back of the jeep, as if sleeping, but kept awake because of his mental strength.

"You follow me ... I can still sell you you can't ..."

"I'm just a bit bored, so ask."

Li Fan muttered.

"Brother, who are you talking to?"

The driver drove a cigarette while smoking. Suddenly I heard that Li Fan was talking to himself there and couldn't help asking.


Li Fan didn't know how to explain it. It seems that Wang Luo didn't even have the strength to speak now, they are directly talking to Li Fan with mental strength.

"Longwang Temple is not far ahead."

The driver felt a little embarrassed. He pointed at the trees in front of him and said, "It has been deserted for many years, but occasionally some people will go to worship! After all, we were all people who believed in the Lord of the Dragon before, and I believe that the Lord of the Dragon will bless you all. .After all, we run around a lot, you know. "

The driver was also upright, Li Fan knew what he was referring to.

"Just stop ahead."

Li Fan heard Wang Luo's order, so he told the driver.

"Brother, there are a group of very vicious guys in this place, so be careful! To be honest, you won't let me stop and I won't dare to go forward, haha, then we will have a period later!"

The driver ordered Li Fan and then threw both of them on the side of the road and left.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking Wang Luo, who was walking trembling and almost holding his cane to move forward.

"I'm not that old yet."

Wang Luo gave Li Fan a glance, "You need to save some energy, so as not to escape."


"Of course, this time I will see a terrible guy."

Wang Luo reminded Li Fan, "This time, it is a big bet. I hope I can win."

Big bets?

Li Fan didn't know who Wang Luo was going to meet, but now that he was here, follow him to the end.

Wang Luo, a person who always plays a deep abacus, does not know what he is thinking about in a day.

This old guy is simply an old fox!

Just as Li Fan was thinking, a light radiated in Wang Luo's eyes, and a huge rock next to him suddenly flew up and hit Li Fan.

Li Fan didn't look up, and Mr. Yang stood beside him, stretched out his hand, and mentally controlled the boulder.

The giant stone stopped one meter away from Li Fan. Li Fan waved his hand and crushed the stone with his vitality.

"No need to test me."

Li Fan said, "I haven't exercised in vain this month."

"That's good."

Wang Luo was secretly surprised, and it was really terrifying to use another spirit body to become a part of his power to protect himself.

Sure enough, Li Fan himself was right, but also very risky.

Can you win this bet?

Wang Luo took Li Fan to the dilapidated Dragon King Temple.

But as they approached, Wang Luo suddenly held his feet and took a step back.

A bullet landed in front of his feet, and a warning sound came out.

"Back off, this is not where you should come!"

A row of people stood up from the grass, each with a live ammunition, as if they were a group of drug dealers.

"Sorry, everyone."

Li Fan said, "I have something to pass, can I make way?"

"Fart! Don't understand me!"

A smoking man heard Li Fan's words and immediately became angry. "It seems you don't want to live anymore, kill them!"

In this place, killing is nothing more than a daily routine.

Two drug dealers raised their pistols and aimed at Li Fan.

With a wave of Li Fan, the two men's pistols aimed at their companions immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"stop it!"

Without waiting for the smoking buddy to react, the two men had shot and killed many companions, and only one of them was left in the end.

The pistols of these two people arrived on his head at the same time, which made the drug dealers used to many big scenes feel a little hairy.

Who are these two people? He couldn't figure it out. Could it be someone from another gang, why haven't he seen it! And these two men who crawled out together in the rain of guns and bullets, when they fell in love with each other, when were they rebelled?

"Forget it, Li Fan, let him die."

Wang Luo finally spoke, "Just let him go a little farther. We are here to find that person."

"So, that person?"

The smoke from the buddy's mouth fell to the ground, and he hurriedly begged for mercy. "Oh, some adults, I have no idea about Taishan, and I've made a mistake! Please, please let us three!"

"go away."

Li Fan was too lazy to kill, and he waved his hand, leaving only three drug dealers to run away.

"Let's go in."

Wang Luo lifted his feet and walked to the door of the Dragon King Temple. The dilapidated temple door squeaked and opened by itself, and a smell of stinky damp immediately emerged from it.

Li Fan followed in and found that the Longwang Temple had been broken.

The head of the dragon king in front of him had already lost his head, and only half of his body remained. He still stood there, and it was not known whether he could shelter the area from the wind and rain.

After Wang Luo walked in, a figure didn't know when he appeared beside the dragon king, bowed to Wang Luo.

"I don't know if an adult is here, but I missed it. Please forgive me."

"No more nonsense, take me to see that adult."

A word from Wang Luo made Li Fan suddenly understand.


He dragged Wang Luo's neckline and asked, "Are you taking me to Master Liao?"

"Oh, you know him."

Wang Luo laughed. "Wang Xun told you, he really has a big mouth."

"What did you take me to see him with?"

Li Fan asked.

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