My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1055: Emperor Liao

1055 Emperor Liao Family

"I didn't take you to see him. I took you to kill him."

Wang Luo used his mental strength to communicate with Li Fan, and he didn't care about being heard by others.

"This man is alive, and one day will come to kill you. So, he must be killed."

Wang Luo was very ruthless. "So, this matter must be resolved."

"Is that person strong? Why don't you even mention his name?"

"Because I don't know what his name is."

Wang Luo shrugged. "Everyone calls him that adult. The reason he knew his last name was Liao because he had a daughter named Liao outside."

"Is he strong?"

"Of course it's strong."

Wang Luo didn't hesitate, "After all, the only person I can't beat throughout China is him."

"Since you can't beat him, what are you doing here?"

Li Fan glanced out the door, "We have time to go now."

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Afraid of hair! But I don't want to fight somehow."

"You don't need to do it, it's my business, I'll handle it myself."

Wang Luo told Li Fan, "I had to leave room before, but today I can fight hard."

Li Fan looked at Wang Luo's aging body and didn't know how much he could fight.

But no matter what, since you have already come to this place of Lord Liao, let's take a look. I am very curious about this so-called Lord Liao.

"Just follow me."

Wang Luo followed the master Liao and opened the secret passage.

The statue of Dragon King slowly moved away, exposing a large hole below. Following Wang Luo, Li Fan picked a torch from the wall next to him and held it in his hand. Among them, this torch is not needed, Li Fan still has night vision. But Wang Luo can't do it now. His body is no different from an old man. He leans on the wall and slowly advances in the dim fire.

In that fire, Li Fan felt that Wang Luo's back was getting older, as if he would die at any time.

Can this old man insist on seeing the so-called Lord Liao?

This tunnel is deep and I don't know where it leads.

Three people walked all the way, walked for more than ten minutes, and finally came before a majestic underground palace!

When Li Fan saw the secret church before, he was already amazed by the heavens, it was a magnificent building. But compared with the underground palace in front of him, it is almost a little witch.

The magnificent construction of this underground palace made Li Fan think he saw a Forbidden City.

This underground palace cannot be built by modern people, after all, it has left traces of history and years on it!

It should be a catacomb, the hall of the underworld of an emperor.

Regardless of who used to sleep here, now it has become a place for another person. However, shouldn't such a place be so heavy that it can't be cracked by others?

"Let's go, this place is safe."

Wang Luo seemed to see Li Fan's speculation, and he comforted him.


Since it is the place where the person lives, it should be a more comfortable place. But does he really consider himself an emperor in such an imperial palace?

"this way."

The man continued to take them across the long walk and headed towards a large hall in the distance.

In this palace, there are also many guards wearing black clothes and red armor, which seem to be the guards in the patrol city.

Li Fan couldn't help feeling that this man seemed to live the life of an emperor. I wonder if there are three thousand beauties in Harem?

If there are three thousand harems, this life is worth looking forward to.

"Dear two guests, we are here before."

The person leading the way reached out and asked, and in front of him was the towering hall. In ancient times, this place should belong to the Xuanzheng Hall, a place dedicated to the monks.

Li Fan and Wang Luo walked in. As soon as they entered, there was a long walk directly opposite. Each floor was paved with jade and enjoyed luxury.

Opposite the steps that Kowloon climbed up, there was a golden dragon chair on top.

A man with a shaved hair and a slender body was sitting on a dragon chair, with his hands resting on the armrest of the dragon next to him like a skull.

This person's hair is also gray, as if it is no different from Wang Luo, and he is about to die and half of his feet are stuck in the loess.

After the guide brought them in, he knelt down at the old man sitting on the dragon chair.

"Sir, they are here."


The other party snorted. The man who was called His Majesty should be Liao Wushuang's father.

How old was Liao Wushuang when he was born, why is Liao Wushuang only 20 years old and he is so old?

It is really incomprehensible.

"Go on."

The other party did not look up and said something.


The other side backed out, leaving Li Fan and Wang Luo.

"Old friend, I haven't seen you for more than 50 years. Why are you so old?"

Wang Luo gave a greeting.

"Where are you going ..."

Master Liao sneered, "Moreover, we are not friends. Hey, we don't need friends."

"Oh, don't be so ruthless."

Wang Luo slowly pulled out Shang Fang's sword, "At least, before death, a friend can mourn for you."

"Who brought you here?"

Because at the request of Wang Luo, Li Fan changed his body and appearance with special-shaped bones, so Lord Liao did not recognize him.

"Is your heir? The next generation of swords?"

For Wang Luo's threat, the other party did not seem to take it seriously.

"Yeah, before I leave, always do something good for Huaxia."

Wang Luo said, "It's a big deal to get rid of you."

"Well ... it won't die ..."

The other person said slowly, his voice was full of strength, "As long as Li Fan is obtained, He will be the strongest person."

Li Fan didn't say a word beside him. He heard his words and raised his attention.

Get yourself? What do you mean?

Is this old man also a psychopath? Want something to happen with yourself?

Li Fan subconsciously raised his qi, staring alertly at the old man sitting on the dragon chair.

"Friend, you think beautiful, but unfortunately I can't make you wish."

Wang Luo held his sword, "If you let you go, the whole Huaxia is afraid of never-ending days! Today, I will kill you here."

"Fifty years ago you lost to You, and fifty years later, you are not your opponent."

Emperor Liao sneered again and again, "You rushed to kill him. Seeing the love of the past, I will send you to death."

"Why be so anxious."

Wang Luo sat on the jade ground with his buttocks. "I'm going to die anyway. How about talking about your story?"

"What do you want to hear about you?"

Emperor Liao laughed. "Either way, you can't escape the palm of your hand anyway."

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