My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 107: Swallow toad

107 Swallowing Toad

Li Fan took another step back, he suddenly pressed his hands to the ground, and the whole person was lying on the ground.

At this moment, Li Fan's mind looked like a toad. He looked almost the same, following the fantasy toad, and vomiting a few breaths in a row!

Li Fan's momentum seems to have changed!

Murong Ying paused for a moment. Li Fan in front of her seemed to become a huge toad, with a mouth that could swallow the world!

Murong Ying quickly rubbed her eyes, and Li Fan was still lying there.

what is this? Swallowing toad?

His fiance became a toad ... this is absolutely impossible ... only one thing can be explained. At this moment, Li Fan and his martial arts were combined into one, and the perfect match was reached!


Li Fan suddenly took a deep breath, and the oxygen in the room seemed to enter his mouth, making his brain more excited!

His blood is accelerating and his physical strength is getting stronger!

Li Fan suddenly moved, and his body bounced towards Murong Ying!


Although Murong Ying was surprised, she also responded quickly, and immediately passed the medium of Baojian, releasing the sword energy in her body!

The Jianqi waves rushed out, shaking like ripples, trying to stop Li Fan's attack.

And Li Fan's eyes flashed through the cold mang, and then his hands gathered together, and the vitality in his body gathered on his hands!

"Jin Chan throws beads!"

Li Fan condensed the qi into a ball and hit it directly!

This sphere impacted Murong Ying's sword energy instantly!

Li Fan's golden toad spit out beads, which is a tenfold compression of his vitality, very strong, just like real shells!

Even if it was Murong Ying, there was no way to completely dissolve this airdrop!


One minute later, Qi Zhu finally collided on Murong Ying's long sword! The long sword broke immediately, and Murong Ying turned to one side, avoiding the air beads, and let the air beads hit the back wall in an instant.


A pit with a radius of one meter was blown up on the wall.

"This is ... Jin Chan throws beads ..."

Murong Ying seemed a little surprised. She turned her head and looked at Li Fan, "How did you realize this trick ..."

"I'm 19 years old after all."

Li Fan clenched his fists, "There are infinite possibilities! Madam, shouldn't we fulfill what we said before?"


Murong Ying took a step to the side, "As you please."

Li Fan made a gesture of victory, put on his school uniform, and went out.


Murong Ying suddenly stopped Li Fan.

"What's wrong? You regret it? Dignified martial leader, can't you count?"

"I always count."

Murong Ying said, clapping her hands, and a bodyguard came over immediately, pushing a hanger.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, my man goes out and does not always wear school uniforms."

Murong Ying put her hand on the hanger. "Choose a suit."

"Look, there's a feeling of being fostered."

Li Fan looked at the clothes on the hangers, and they seemed very valuable.

"You go out to work, what do you always look like in school uniform?"

Murong Ying reminded Li Fan, "No matter what time, pay attention to your dress."


Li Fan nodded, and Murong Ying coincided with Lin Yuexian.

Li Fan didn't have much vision either. He chose a suit that looked the most understated.

Wearing a shirt and a suit inside, Murong Ying couldn't help blinking her eyes when Li Fan changed his clothes.

As the saying goes, when people wear clothes and horses on saddles, Li Fan usually wears a school uniform and can't see a beauty or ugliness. He just feels very spiritual. Today, Li Fan changed his suit, coupled with his increasingly strong body, and unique martial artist temperament, it looks like a little handsome.

"Take a tie."

Murong Ying chose a red tie from the shelf and brought it to Li Fan herself. Smelling the scent of Murong Ying who was close at hand, Li Fan really had a feeling that the two seemed to be married.

"You did a great job just now."

After tying Li Fan's tie, Murong Ying suddenly said softly, "Remember the feeling ... Maybe it will surprise my father."

"Ah, really?"

Murong Ying really seldom boasted. She said that Li Fan was a little happy.

"But that's a little ... the rest, come on."

Master leads into the door and practices in person. What Murong Ying did was to point the way for Li Fan.

What he can achieve next depends on himself.

"If ... next time I encounter Yu Xi ..."

Murong Ying seemed to think of something, and finally reminded Li Fan, "Don't be afraid ... it's impossible, just kiss her."

I pulled it out, and Murong Ying actually put forward such an unruly idea!

"Aunt, where are you, aunt?"

The sound of iron pillars calling seemed to be far away.

"Let's go."

Murong Ying said softly, "Where is Tie Zhu, I'll help you."

"Okay, see you at home."

It wasn't too late, and Li Fan didn't stop much anymore. He immediately ran forward and ran outside the hospital.

In terms of time, today should be the day when Su Chen's gambling boat opens. As long as you walk on the gambling boat, you should be able to find Guan Wenbao.

Li Fan left the hospital and trot all the way, rushing to the edge of Songjiang while it was night.

But after arriving here, he was a bit surprised. Because Songjiang today is different from usual, that gambling boat did not dock, but was located a few hundred meters away from the dock.

"What the **** ..."

Li Fan is a bit strange. Shouldn't it be a day of punching? How far can the guests get on the boat?

Could it be that the above surprise inspection failed?

Li Fan didn't have much time to think about it. He plucked a branch from the tree next to him, and threw it vigorously on the river, so that the branch kept moving against the river. At the same time, Li Fan hurried a few steps himself, then jumped up and landed on the branch lightly. The ancients had a reed crossing the river from the master of Dharma, and today Li Fan walked on the branches!

Li Fan named his internal strength as Seven Chivalrous Records, and he has now reached the fourth level, which is a trivial matter!

With this branch, he easily boarded the gambling boat and rolled over onto the deck.

It seems no different than usual. A huge cruise ship has no one on the deck, as if it were a ghost ship. Li Fan paid attention to his footsteps and sneaked into the cabin silently.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

As soon as he entered the cabin, Li Fan heard a strange sound, as if someone had set off firecrackers.

What's wrong? Was there a shootout?

Li Fan felt strange for a while, and followed his voice.


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