108 Liu Yannan

The usual martial arts arena of the club should be lively and full of roar and swear.

But today, Li Fan was near here, but he didn't hear the harsh noise, only the popping sound.

Who could be firing? Li Fan flashed this evil thought in his mind, but it quickly passed away.

That kind of thing can't have such a big movement, that's not going to knock people out yet! Who can make such a big move?

A guard at the door was smoking a cigarette while looking at his cell phone with a serious face, as if reviewing international news or something. Li Fan stood in the corner and stretched out his hand, holding a golden marble in his hand. This thing is a hidden weapon of Murong Ying, Li Fan was also embarrassed to sell it for money, so he also used these gold marbles as a hidden weapon.

There is also a trick to lose the hidden weapon. Li Fan did not learn these techniques. His method of throwing the hidden weapon is very rough, but the victory is that he has 11 years of true energy and is wayward.

This gold bullet was thrown out by Li Fan, hitting the guard's head. With a slam, the guard couldn't even snort, and fell straight to the ground.

"Look that you are too tired to sleep for a while, no need to thank."

Li Fan took back the gold marbles. This is all real gold and silver. Although I ca n’t spend it, I feel bad if I lose it! No, it ’s not pain, it ’s meat!

He dragged the guard aside, leaning against the door himself, looking through the crack of the door, and looking at the competition field inside.

As Li Fan expected, there was no audience in the contest today. There were only some of Su Chen's men standing on both sides, as if the execution hall was open.

Su Chen, the majestic big brother on weekdays, stood at the side of a woman respectfully at this time. The woman looked very young, probably less than twenty years old, wearing a black denim jacket and a pair of delicate small leather boots on her feet. She looked pretty, but she had a vicious look in her eyes.

Li Fan couldn't help but guess that the identity of this beautiful girl can make Su Chen so respectful, and it is probably a more powerful character.

And he glanced in the middle of the field, and suddenly an anger came out of his liver and burned it overhead!

Because Guan Wenbao was hung in the middle of the field, there were two big men on the side, also with naked upper body, whip in his hand, beating Guan Wenbao all the time.

"Stop me!"

Li Fan blew up at that time. How could Guan Wenbao be his own friend? How could he be treated like that!

He kicked the white deer and knocked on the big iron gate! The iron door was kicked and flew out immediately, and when it slammed on the ground, everyone in the field was shocked.

But these seemed to be professional bastards. When they heard something, they immediately pulled out a seven-hole knife from the scabbard at the waist!

The shape of the seven-hole knife is somewhat like a Nepali army knife, with seven seven holes on it. This knife is very vicious. The air holes above can bring air into the human body and cause more serious damage to the human body!

Li Fan roughly counted it. There were twelve big guys, and each of them had the same seven-hole knife, standard!

Looking at their posture of holding the knife, they are also very skilled, and they are definitely playing with the knife all year round!

"Brother Li?"

When Su Chen saw Li Fan, he apparently froze.

"why you?"

"Li Fan?"

Guan Wenbao was also taken aback. He was beaten with so many lashes, bloody, but still iron-boned, and speaking with confidence.

"Su Chen, it really surprised Miss Ben."

The beautiful girl also saw Li Fan, her eyebrows raised, her mouth slightly raised.

"I didn't expect this place to have such people who don't understand the rules."

"That's what makes you say it. I always don't follow the rules of others."

Li Fan clenched his fists. "Guan Wenbao was released immediately, otherwise I would smash your broken ship!"

"Oh my god, a big breath."

The beautiful girl stepped on the beautiful little leather boots, and her voice was a little offensive. "Ms. Ben lived for nineteen years, and it was the first time I saw you like a bun. Su Chen, can you explain?"

"Miss ... this person is called Li Fan, who was the champion of the black boxing ring a few days ago ..."

Su Chen hurriedly said, "He is young and not very sensible. Don't give him general knowledge. I will send him away."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for your kindness."

This Su Chen's person, Li Fan can also be seen. He was pretty good to himself, and he didn't have to thimble with him all the time.

"However, I will not leave without taking Guan Wenbao away."

"Brother ... the things in this are complicated, you should hurry up."

Su Chen really doesn't want to provoke Li Fan, the evil star. It can be said that Li Fan can't offend him, but this young lady is even more offensive! Her name is Liu Yannan, and she is the young lady of Chilong Group ... This young lady has no other hobbies. She taught her to learn piano, calligraphy and painting at home, but she likes to be a little sister. But the people on the road do n’t call her a big lady ... not only Chilonghui, but even the boss of the Huangyi regiment recognizes her as a daughter, or the fiancee of the vanguard ’s young master Yang Ruining ... so many hard relationships, let her It's also mixed up in a city!

"Listen, listen!"

Liu Yanan sneered sneered, "It's really getting bigger and bigger. This child, you haven't grown your hair yet, you're really brave!"

"My hair is not full, and your **** have not grown yet!"

Li Fan yelled at each other, "Dare the airport be so presumptuous!"

"You, you want to die!"

What Liu Yannan hates most is that others mock her chest! She's just slowing down!

"Trouble me, will Chilong give you good fruits!"

"Red Dragon Club? Are you from Red Dragon Club?"

This name can be regarded as Niubi Boom, which is also the three major forces that Wu Ji has talked about before.

The Red Dragon Club is also called the Red Dragon Gang. Chilong is the name of their group, and it can be said that they are all black and white in city A. Earlier, Su Chen said that the ship was covered by Chilong, which seemed to be true.

"Hurry up ... leave me alone ..."

Guan Wenbao was anxious, "My Excellency and I are just nodding friends, and you don't need your help to help me!"

"That's troublesome."

Li Fan laughed and started to move his muscles. "I like to be idle. The more you don't let me control, the more interested I am!"


Liu Yanan stood up, walked to Guan Wenbao, picked up the leather whip, and gave Guan Wenbao a whip!

This whip was drawn on Guan Wenbao's face, and a bloodstain was drawn on Guan Wenbao's face.

"Miss Ben just likes to teach him, how?"

She looked at Li Fan provocatively and really angered Li Fan!

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