My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1064: Morning attack

what? "

Li Fan also heard the outside movement, and he turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the door.

"Come up, Shen Chen ..."

"Shen Chen would like Chen Chen, what are you afraid of ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged to the ground by Liu Xiaowan and taken upstairs.

"If Chen Chen sees you here with me overnight ... it's over ... she must have misunderstood ..."

Liu Xiaowan was very nervous, as if the two of them were really cheating.

"Hurry up! Otherwise I hate you!"

When Liu Xiaowan saw that Li Fan didn't want to move, she stomped angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'll go upstairs."

Li Fan had no choice but to obediently go upstairs and be stuffed into his room by Liu Xiaowan.

"Xiao Wan, haven't slept yet?"

Liu Xiaowan just put Li Fan into the room, and Shen Chen's voice came downstairs.

"Ah, Shen, Shen Chen, why are you back?"

Liu Xiaowan said downstairs.

"Nothing can be busy these days. You know, I've lost my job recently."

Chen Chen laughed with a mockery, "Those people have no eyes, they don't look at me, and I can't help it."

"Don't be discouraged."

Liu Xiaowan advised, "It's not like you, Shen Chen."

"Well, I'll look for it."

Shen Chen nodded. "But it's a good thing to be able to go to school with peace of mind."

"Well, let's get tired, take a bath and sleep."

Liu Xiaowan had Li Fan in mind, she couldn't handle Shen Chen.

"Well, I'll take a shower."

Shen Chen nodded and turned to the bathroom. Liu Xiaowan was relieved, went into the room, and saw Li Fanzheng sitting in a chair bored with a picture album.

Liu Xiaowan's face immediately turned red, that was a photo of herself before! There are many very exposed photos on it!

"I didn't expect you to be wild."

Li Fan pointed at a photo of a **** little wild cat. Liu Xiaowan above was wearing a catwoman's leather jacket and leather pants, and even ... there was a cat tail on the leather pants, which was very realistic. If you do n’t know, I thought Liu Xiaowan was a cat demon.

"I know how to bring the cat's ears ... but how do you get the cat's tail ..."

Li Fan is a bit strange.

"bring here!"

Liu Xiaowan snatched the photo album in the hands of Li Fan, "Who made you look ... hate ..."

"It's pretty, there's nothing to be shy about."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "But you didn't seem to be very good before, and there are many pictures of wearing motorcycle clothes."

"Who ... hasn't had a mental breakdown ..."

Liu Xiaowan looked at Li Fan angrily, "You're so impolite!"

"Why, our gentle school sister hasn't been able to get through before?"


Liu Xiaowan pouted her mouth gently, looking at Li Fan with dissatisfaction.

"So fond of tracing people's past, you. Would you like to be a policeman?"

"The police job is not for me."

Li Fan thought of Shang Fangbaojian, "Maybe, I will try to do a career more mysterious than the police."


Liu Xiaowan was obviously not very happy when she saw the photos that Li Fan did not want to be known to outsiders.

She was more angry tonight than she had been together before.

"Don't you have some unseen past?"

"Really not."

Li Fan proudly said, "I have always been bright and clear, and nothing is out of sight."

"Oh? Really?"

Liu Xiaowan smiled, "I see that Murong Ai has a bad relationship with you. When you were in love with Murong Sakura, did you two do nothing sorry for your fiance?

"Ahem ..."

Li Fan coughed twice and said that Liu Xiaowan should be a detective!

This can be solved, really good!

"Why are you not talking?"

Liu Xiaowan raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Fan.

"The weather is good tonight."

"Overcast, what's nice."

Liu Xiaowan gave Li Fan a vacant look. "Don't you just say you are frank?"

"I just made some mistakes that men make ..."

"Cut, you guys would say that."

"Let's not talk about it anymore, it would be better to sit down and see how the photos are together to enhance our relationship."

"Go to you, you sleep on the ground."

Liu Xiaowan pointed at the ground, and then added, "I will help you spread a blanket ... I won't let you catch cold."

"Sister Xue is still very gentle."

Li Fan looked at Liu Xiaowan, who was lying on the ground, leaning on his buttocks and covering himself. In order to hold back some desires, he shifted the topic and asked.

"How did you learn bad before?"

"How can it be called bad!"

Liu Xiaowan emphasized, "Just rebellious for a while ... then I will live in the United States, meet a group of speeding parties, and follow them for a while."

"It's hard to imagine! It's incredible!"

Li Fan is a bit surprised. Can Xuejie get mixed up with the speeding party?

"Look at this."

Liu Xiaowan flipped out a photo of her wearing a black gothic locomotive suit, riding on a handsome Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and beside him was a blond man with earrings and earrings.


Li Fanjiu was speechless.

"what happened to you?"

"This is ... your boyfriend?"

"Damn, this is my male girlfriend."

Liu Xiaowan pointed at him and said, "He was gay! And I was **** at the time."


"Haha, it fully proves that my choice was correct."

Liu Xiaowan poked Li Fan's forehead gently with her fingers.

"Go to bed now, dishonest man."

"If I'm not honest, I'll push you down."

Li Fan countered.

"Yes, yes, you can do it."

Liu Xiaowan held out her hand and helped Li Fan remove the hair on the corner of her mouth.

This gentle movement, as well as the focused eyes and the whiteness of the drooping collar, could not help attracting Li Fan.

This woman ... the lethality of a smile is too big ...

"Okay, why are you so careless and get something on it?"

Liu Xiaowan clapped her hands, "Sleep, you must not attack me at night!"

"I try my best."

Li Fan squeezed his eyes at Liu Xiaowan.

"Oh you!"

Liu Xiaowan waved her little fist.

Just when the two were planning to sleep together, the door was knocked suddenly.

Liu Xiaowan was taken aback, but her next move was beyond human.

She clamped her feet and caught Li Fan lying on the ground, throwing him with a blanket on her bed. Then, Liu Xiaowan quickly covered Li Fan with her quilt.

At the same time, she sat next to the bed herself and threw several big dolls on the bed.

"I know you haven't slept yet."

Shen Chen only walked around in a bath towel and walked in. "Exactly, I want to talk to you."

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