My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1072: Where is your adult?

1072 What about your adult?

"Your sacred beast can't do it."

Li Fan folded his palms, "I can't bear a single palm."

"Shen monkey! The seal is open!"

The lad seemed a little angry, and he immediately scolded.

The red-haired monkey growled suddenly.

The feathers on it seemed to be burning, fiery red.

The monkey's body also began to swell, and soon rose to the size of a normal man, at a height of about one meter, six or seven, with fiery red hair and a black fire cloud armor, and a golden iron rod in his hand .

"I'm going, Dasheng."

Seeing this image, Li Fan couldn't help but want to like it.

And on top of the monkey's head, there is also a ray of red hair burning, giving people a deterrent!

"This is the true form of the holy beast."

On the tenth, holding arms, leaning on the wall next to him, looked at Li Fan proudly, "Ready to bear the wrath of the holy beast!"

Li Fan is indeed a bit shocked. Can this monkey transform, no wonder it is called a holy beast! Really 6!

"Shen monkey! Take him down!"

The tenth commanded.

The monkey squeaked twice, then suddenly picked up the stick and jumped towards Li Fan!

It really has the style of the legendary monkey king!

Li Fan looked at the Monkey King. He held the stick and jumped in front of him in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the stick in his hand smashed against Li Fan's head and brought a strong wind!

Li Fan raised his right hand and blocked it.


The stick hit Li Fan's arm and was blocked. But his body sank, his knees pressed against the ground, pushing the ground out of a pit.

"So much power."

Li Fan couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that China is so big, there are still many places I don't understand."

"There is so much nonsense right now, Shen monkey, make him quiet!"

The flaming monkey waved its weapon and attacked Li Fan again and again.

Li Fan probably analyzed its strength. From the strength point of view, at least it has the highest strength, which may be at the peak level.

This master is also rare in martial arts. If it is the Twelve Holy Beasts, it means that there are at least twelve such masters here, which is really a good fighting force!

"Just a monkey, don't be too pretentious!"

Li Fan said, looking for a gap in the monkey, pressing it directly, and then hitting the monkey king cannon, banged on the monkey.


The monkey was bombarded directly, smashed into the back wall and smashed into the corridor outside.

The monkey's body was embedded in the outer wall, and the flame on his head was a little dim.

"How do you say, don't underestimate our martial artists."

Li Fan put down his slap and looked at the monkey outside the door, "Otherwise, he would lose out."

"Shen Monkey! Adjust your attitude and use a whirlwind of flame!"

On the tenth, he ordered and used his voice to control the monkey's attack.

With his command, the monkey apparently had rules. It pulled out its own body, then waved the stick, and the whole body spun up! The stick carried flames and began to burn violently.

It really seemed that a whirlwind of flame was spinning and rolled towards Li Fan.

Li Fan took a few steps back and avoided the flame whirlwind.

"Keep spinning and push him into the corner!"

The 10th continued to order, and the whirlwind of flame continued to roll over, forcing Li Fan to the corner of the room.

"Good tactics."

Li Fan nodded. "But this is not enough."

Then, he spotted the gap, and suddenly stretched out his hands.


He grabbed the stick, the monkey's rotation stopped, and the flame whirlwind stopped abruptly in front of Li Fan.

"Lost, isn't it?"

Number 10 is a little dumbfounded. Will this move be blocked? This Li Fan is really a monster!

The cold sweat on the forehead of No. 10 dripped a little. He remembered that in Li City, if Li Fan really did it with himself ... he might cross Shen Monkey and kill himself!

"Shen Monkey, the flames burst, and then continue to attack!"

Although the tenth is a little scared, but now is not the time to be afraid, you must quickly take down Li Fan!

He gave an order, and a flame broke out from the stick, shaking Li Fan's hand.

Then, the monkey waved its flame stick, and made a series of moves towards Li Fanlian. This fire stick was waving at it, and it was quite well-formed, attacking Li Fan one after another.

The monkey's stick moves faster than one move, and it's a bit heavy. Even Li Fan, it is a bit difficult to completely block it.

He was beaten back several times with a numb palm.

This monkey is really amazing.

"Twelve, what are you looking at, don't hurry up and help me!"

Shouted at No. 10, who was watching the lively little loli beside.

"Oh, isn't your monkey terrific. Does my brother need my two brothers for help?"

"Hurry up, you can't tell him if he runs away!"

The 10th reminded Xiao Loli of Zhang Xinran, "Hurry up!"

"Come here, rush something."

Little Loli sighed, "You guys, you are anxious! Little fat pig, help him."

The little white pig snorted twice, then took a few steps in place, then sprinted, and hit the monkey's foot.

The monkey was bumped and planted a heel, showing how powerful the little white pig was.

"what are you doing?"

Ten is annoyed.

"That's not to blame me, is he a dumb pig?"

Loli spread her hands, and then rebuked her holy beast, "Go and help that monkey, stupid pig!"

"Hum hum!"

The little white pig was reprimanded by the owner and seemed quite happy. It shook its buttocks and ran into Li Fan.

Li Fan resisted the monkey's attack, raised one foot, and flew the little white pig out.


Li Fan had already tried out the depth of the monkey. He suddenly turned around, hitting a tiger and hitting the monkey with too little time to fly.

At the same time, he gave the little white pig a kick and took it to Loli's arms.

The two guardians of the holy beast were defeated in this way, but the tenth seemed unconvinced.

"Unlock the seal! Twelfth!"

"Just don't."

Little Loli poked her lips, "It's so ugly after unsealing the seal, so don't do it."


The tenth was speechless.

"Did you both play enough?"

Li Fan sat back in his chair again and looked at the two of them. "I'm going to get tired of it. I won't call you adults anymore. I really went to eat."

"Everyone is here, why be so anxious, be calm and restless."

A middle-aged man in a military uniform walked in, two guardians of the holy beast saw him, and marched at him immediately.

"General ..."


Li Fan tilted Erlang's legs and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. Only middle-aged, already a general?

"Introduce yourself, I am the leader of the Twelve Days General."

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