"I am the leader of the Twelve Days General."

The middle-aged man made a simple self-introduction, "Tenth, you are responsible for finding someone to fix the room. On the twelfth, take your Hai pig and follow us."

He invited Li Fan, "How about, would you like to visit our base?"

"Don't you catch me? Still so kindly invited?"

Li Fan asked with a little irony.

"If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't come to my place."

The general was very casual. He reached out to Li Fan and asked, "Mr. Li, please?"

"I think you're pretty fearless."

Li Fan returned the words to the general, "I've heard it for the first time in twelve days, and it seems to be very powerful."

"Wait for you to see, naturally, please."

The general's temper seemed good, and Li Fan was invited again.

"The general is ordering you, what are you doing!"

On the tenth, Li Fan yelled at Li Fan, "Hurry up!"

Li Fan originally wanted to follow along, but when he heard the boy talking, he was a little unhappy.

"Tenth, there is nothing for you here, hurry up!"

"You don't have good discipline here."

Li Fan frowned, "Your men should be more tuned-teach me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, you haven't been disciplined enough to make you laugh."

"General, what are you polite to this prisoner!"

On the 10th, he didn't understand very well, "Would you just like to give him a hug?"

"Let you find someone to fix the house!"

Little Loli gave her companion a hard look. "Are you amused?"

"Hey, hey, but I worked hard to catch Li Fan ..."

"Build a house!"


On the 10th, there was no way but to go to a repairman obediently.

"Mr. Li, please come here."

The general led Li Fan through the corridor, then entered the elevator and came to the underground facilities of this military building.

This underground facility is even larger, with laboratories everywhere. I don't know what kind of experiments are being carried out in secret.

"Mr. Li, this is our highest authorized laboratory in China. People without five-star authorization cannot enter."

"Oh, that means, can't I go out after I watch?"

Li Fan raised his eyebrows.

"That's not the case. Whether you can go out depends on whether Mr. Li has cooperated."

After taking a circle with Li Fan, the general finally started talking.

"What can I cooperate with? I'm a martial artist."

Li Fan smiled, "Aren't you already starting a jihad plan now, and will you still leave us martial arts alive?"

From the moment he heard about the jihad plan, Li Fan knew that there would be such a day. But he didn't expect it to come so fast this day.

Fortunately, he had left himself a back road, and after he found out what was going on here, he went straight to Gao Fei and took away Lijia Island.

"You, naturally, are alive."

The General glanced at him meaningfully, "You are a Shangfang sword, the guardian of Huaxia. How can we start with you?"

Li Fan's face was gloomy. This matter has not been determined by himself, and Wang Luo also promised that no one else knew.

"I won't stand on your side."

Li Fan reminded, "As a martial artist, it is impossible for me to ignore the crisis in Martial Arts."

"I know, in addition to Shang Fangjian, you also have the status of a gold medal dart master."

The general nodded, "It's not fake to clear the martial arts, but this is not the task given to us above. Our task is to collect you, Li Fan, the overlord."

"Oh? Didn't you judge me?"

"You do have some crimes, but Shangfang's sword is unique."

The general said without hesitation, "Just rest assured, it's absolutely safe here, and we can speak freely."

Loli squatted at the door and was feeding ham sausage to the little white pig.

They were sitting in a very quiet room at this time, and no one really disturbed.

"Master Wang Luo should have also told you that in Huaxia's regime, there have always been two factions. One is hawks and the other is doves. It is doves who advocate the eradication of rivers and lakes. We hawks have always been Advocating the cultivation of Huaxia's armed forces to guard Huaxia! "

"It's not the first time I've been invited by the Chinese government."

Li Fan immediately said, "Once upon a time, the power bureau also recruited me. But it turned out that I don't need to say it, they still have to rely on me to support me."

"Thank you for your contribution to Huaxia, and apologize for your grievances."

The general took out a pack of gold leaves, and Li Fan glanced at it. Unlike ordinary gold leaves, it seemed to be a special gift.

The general took one out and handed it to Li Fan.

"I don't smoke."

"How can a man not smoke?"

The general grinned, picked up one, and lit himself. "Smoking is tantamount to relieving stress."

"The martial arts fighters are trained to be spirits. Smoking affects our bodies and affects our breathing."

The power of breathing is the foundation of a martial arts home repair.

"Second-hand smoke is more harmful."

The general was so happy, "Instead of waiting for others to harm themselves, let yourself come first."

"What do you think, I can't agree!"

Li Fan shook his head. Regarding smoking, he would never give in.

"okay then."

The general did not force, "It's good to be so young to stick to my point of view. Okay, let's go back and talk about us."

"Is there anything interesting? You sent Shen Monkey just to kill me?"


The general did not quibble, "Just send him to kill you, because if you can't even fight him, then it's not worthy of being a Chinese sword!"

"That makes sense, should I thank you for your appreciation?"

"You have to figure it out. It's not me who appreciates you, but Wang Luo, the Huaxia sword of the previous generation."

The general emphasized, "I just want to test. The person he chose is not qualified enough."

"I haven't said I'm a Shangfang sword."

Li Fan grunted coldly.

"Li Fan, Shangfang Sword is your only way out, and it is also our only way out!"

The general's face was a little heavy, "If you don't become a Shangfang sword, then Huaxia will probably be gone forever!"

"So exaggerated?"

"Well, that's exaggerated."

The general is undoubtedly the representative of the hawks, "There will be no good end for betraying the country for glory!"

"Talk about your thoughts."

Li Fan was not in a hurry to refute. He held his arms. If there was an interest, he would always try to fight for it.

"No matter which dynasty, Huaxia has always had hawks! The same is true of the twelve sacred beasts. From ancient times to the present, it has been defending Huaxia! The Shangfang sword is the best of us!

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