My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1074: Dragon Girl

"Wang Luo is dead."

Li Fan still announced the news, "Shangfang's sword no longer exists."

"We know he is dead."

The general took out his cell phone, lit up the screen, and a gold sign appeared on it.

Li Fan is printed on this brand. Li Fan is a bit strange.

"what is this?"

"Every generation of Shangfang Swords will write the name of the next generation before dying. Similar to a will, you know."

"I think about it."

After all, Wang Luo used his last life to obtain important information for himself. Li Fan is famous for eating soft but not hard. Wang Luo, he really eats.

"Shangfang Sword, this is the last patron saint of Huaxia!"

The general emphasized, "If there is no Shangfang Sword, the gate of Huaxia is unstable. Moreover, the Shangfang Sword is in charge of the Twelve Holy Beasts. If you are not there, they will have no head."

"What matter to me? I'm already disappointed."

"Don't you want to stop the jihad plan?"

The general continued to ask, "Becoming a sword of fashion, you can get our support, and you can save the rivers and lakes justly and brightly."

"Aren't you worried about the rivers and lakes?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking, "This is not a government-controlled force!"

"For so many years, rivers and lakes have always existed. But when you look at them, when did you have a great career?"

The general laughed. "They are only martial arts after all! Not everyone can sit on it!"

The general pointed upwards.

"I'm different from those cowards. For them, Wulin can't control them, so they must be destroyed! But I think Wulin can control!"

"How to control?"

Li Fan asked a question.

"That's all for the future. Let's be honest. What you need to protect is the rivers and lakes. What I need to maintain is our status. In any case, the interests of the two of us are the same.

Li Fan considered it for a while, and this general seemed to have some truth.

His current position is very embarrassing. The reason why he came here is to be lucky and want to talk to the people above about the price.

For now, everything goes very well. But it's a bit too smooth, and it makes Li Fan uncomfortable!

Life is fickle, Li Fan knows this truth.

"I see it, you are still doubting."

The general appeased Li Fan, "You can rest assured that the name of Shang Fangbao is your best amulet. Our goals and interests are the same now! The rivers and lakes cannot fall, it is a special line of defense for us. The stupid guy thought that he had used a good plan and killed two birds with one stone! It is ridiculous to be able to get rid of the rivers and lakes and exchange for friendship with the Emperor! "

"There is nothing wrong with their thoughts. Jiang Hu is indeed a double-edged sword."

"Do you know that our Great West is so poor, why do we have to stay there, can we not cede it?"

"Isn't it because of rich mineral resources?"

"Of course there is this reason, but it's just one of them. Every inch of our Chinese territory is our own. Everyone can fight, but they can't give it to foreigners! In addition, these two places are our natural Line of defense. If you look at the location of the imperial capitals, if they are not buffered, can foreign armed forces directly drive straight into the sky and point their hearts at the sword? "

The general said that it did make sense, and that the Huaxia people really liked infighting. However, once there is an invasion by an external enemy, no matter how fierce the internal fighting is, it will first put down the dispute, unite, put the enemy down, and then talk about their own affairs!

"You have also cooperated with us a few times. You should know that those foreigners have always looked at us with embarrassment. Li Fan, cooperate, and we will naturally offer our sincerity."

"What sincerity?"

Li Fan feels the point is coming soon!


The general commanded.

"heard it."

When Loli pressed a button, a wall next to it suddenly opened, and there was still a room hidden inside.

The room was not large. There was a glass vessel inside, and a woman was naked, floating in it quietly, as if asleep.

This woman doesn't look very big. She looks like 14 or 15 years old and hasn't developed much.

The only difference between her and ordinary people is the top of her head, which has a pair of horns ... This is like a dragon horn?

"Dragon Girl?"

Li Fan was a little shocked, "Is it possible?"

"She is indeed a dragon girl, older than us."

The general confirmed Li Fan's thoughts, "She is the most special twelve holy beast. She has no breeder, and she is one of the twelve generals."

"Obviously an old lady, why do you have a loli face?"

Little Loli looked at this woman, could not help being jealous. "It's really annoying."

"Really ... with a dragon girl?"

"I don't know this either."

The general shrugged his shoulders. "The size of Huaxia is full of wonders. The twelve holy beasts have always been the most mysterious secrets. Their existence has transcended common sense. The existence of this dragon girl is probably the same.

Then, the general walked to the console and controlled it a few times. The liquid in this glassware is being drained little by little.

"The Dragon Girl has been a mentor of the Shangfang Sword for generations. She will guide you how to become a qualified Shangfang Sword. And she will protect your life. If you want, she can even sacrifice her life for you. Every generation When the Shangfang sword is about to end, she will fall asleep, waiting for the birth of the next Shangfang sword. "

"So ... is she waiting for me?"

"It depends on her."

The general said, his eyes fell on the dragon girl. "If she doesn't choose you, you won't be able to become a master sword."

"Co-authoring what you said doesn't count."

"You don't use to mock me."

The general was very calm, "I'm not the chairman, how could I have the last word!"

The general seemed to be aware of it, and hurried to add another sentence, "Furthermore, the chairman has nothing to say, the country belongs to the people, and the people have the most decision!

"Okay, what are you talking about?"

Li Fan didn't want to say anything, he was looking forward to it a little bit now. Will this dragon girl wake up?

However, do n’t wear anything.

Even without a chest, but after all, it is a young girl's body, which is still very eye-catching.

"The rest is up to her."

The general also stood aside, waiting for the final result.

The two seem to have reached a tacit understanding. Whether the cooperation between them can be achieved depends on the meaning of the Dragon Girl.

Li Fan was standing in front of the vessel, and Little Loli was watching beside him. Little white pig hummed and did not know whether it was asking for food or watching the fun together.

Li Fan stood there and waited for a long time, the Dragon Girl did not mean to wake up.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Little Loli laughed and held up the chainsaw. "Let me dissect him!"

"and many more."

Just when Li Fan was also a little disappointed, the general shouted suddenly.

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