My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1075: Bad instructor

"Wait a moment, there is movement."

The general's eyes stared at the vessel, his expression seemed a little excited.

Li Fan also stared at the vessel. The dragon girl inside was slowly raising her head, then opened her eyes a little.

She has a pair of golden pupils.

At the moment when she met her eyes, Li Fan felt that she had passed through the millennium at a glance!

It was a kind of old, sad breath. Is this ... the Dragon Girl's gaze?

Did she really live for thousands of years? What did you experience?

Zhou Guifei has lived for hundreds of years, it is already terrible ... This one who has lived for more than a thousand years is even more terrible ...

And, is there really a Dragon Girl in this world ... Hua Xia is really big ...

The dragon girl opened her eyes completely, a pair of golden pupils, staring at Li Fan as if watching him.

"Master Dragon Girl."

The general also knelt down at the dragon girl and asked, "Can he?"


The dragon girl's voice penetrated the glassware and came out. At the same time, the palm of her hand was lightly attached to the vessel, and the glass seemed to be broken by some force as it was affected by some force.

The broken glass did not fall to the ground, but was floating strangely beside it, as if frozen in the air.

The dragon girl reached out her hand, and the glass next to her automatically avoided her arm and let it go aside.

The Dragon Girl gently tapped Li Fan's forehead. Li Fan felt that her soul had been peeled off and appeared in front of the Dragon Girl.

He didn't like this. Mr. Yang appeared next to Li Fan, but the general and Little Loli were clearly invisible.

A mental wave spread out, hitting the dragon girl, and bounced her mental power out of Li Fan's body.


The Dragon Girl seemed a little surprised, "Strange way ... but, qualified ..."


Li Fan looked at the dragon girl floating in front of him, "Is the test impossible?"

The Dragon Girl didn't speak, the pool next to it suddenly broke, the tap water inside poured out, swirled in the air, and finally rolled onto the Dragon Girl.

By the time the water waves dispersed, the dragon girl was already wearing a blue gown and a black knee-length skirt.

This one ... Li Fan is a little familiar, because I often saw it in TV dramas in the Republic of China, which belonged to the young women's school uniforms!

How could a dragon girl wear such a body?

"What are you looking at?"

He found that Li Fan was staring at himself intently, and the Dragon Girl was a little uncomfortable, she asked.

"You look a little bit retro."

"Is it?"

Dragon Girl was a little surprised, "I'm obviously a trendy new style ... am I sleeping too long ..."

"You slept ... not so long ..."

Li Fan is a little speechless and is a long-lived woman. However, she is too far away from Zhou Guifei. Zhou Guifei is a mature royal sister, and the appearance of the Dragon Girl ... is simply a dull and adorable ...

"Well, I'm hungry."

The Dragon Girl suddenly spoke.

"Hurry up, prepare for Dragon Girl!"

The general immediately commanded, on the twelfth, he could only chuckle, and then ordered people to prepare to eat.

"Hai pig?"

The dragon girl looked at the little white pig dangling on the ground, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face, "It's been a long time."

Li Fanxin said that the dragon girl attached great importance to friendship.

But Dragon Girl turned her head and added, "It looks like it's better."

The little white pig was scared to urinate, shaking his bottom, and ran away in a panic.

The dragon girl licked her tongue, then turned her head and looked at the general very seriously.

"Are you the leader of this generation? How about we roast that pig?"


The general is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and it is silly to hear this.

"This, this, isn't it right ... Lord Dragon Girl ..."

"It's a pity ..."

The Dragon Girl sighed softly, "It's so delicious ..."

"Master Dragon Girl, we have prepared dinner for you, and you will be satisfied!"

The general said in a hurry, and at the same time he was still muttering, Hai pig is a big fighting force, how can it be grilled and eaten!

"Add a roast suckling pig."

The dragon girl licked her tongue and said.

Li Fan couldn't help but want to laugh, wasn't this the same as his own statement.

"Master Dragon Girl, this is your apprentice, a new generation of Shangfang sword!"

The general introduced Li Fan.

"I know, and only he can wake me up."

The Dragon Girl nodded, she looked up and down carefully, and looked at Li Fan. "It looks very weak, and her mental strength is unique."

"Li Fan, you will learn from the Dragon Girl in the future, until the Dragon Girl feels that you can be qualified for the position of Shangfang Sword."

The general introduced to Li Fan, "When you are competent in Shangfang Sword, Lord Dragon Girl will continue to sleep. If you are not competent, she will kill you personally, and then look for new candidates.

"I wipe?"

Li Fan listened to it for a while, and there is such a pit father setting?

"The survival of the fittest."

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan, "If you are not strong enough, I will let you return to the earth!"

"I thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, this is all I should do."

The Dragon Girl seemed to have lost interest in Li Fan again, "when do you have dinner?"

"Immediately, immediately!"

The general hurriedly led the way, and he was now willing to lead the way for Lord Dragon Girl.

"Master Dragon Girl, please, here is our restaurant."

The general took them all the way to the restaurant in the underground facility.

There was no one else in the restaurant at this time, after all, it was not mealtime.

Plates of hearty meals were placed on the table, and the dragon girl glanced slightly, frowning slightly.

"Why are they all ordinary meals? I'm going to eat a full Han table."

Li Fan felt that the general's cold sweat had come down.

"That ... Lord Dragon Girl, the times are different, and now the full-fledged ingredients of Han Dynasty ... most of them cherish and protect animals."

"What can animals protect?"

The dragon girl rolled her eyes, "Isn't the animal just for food?"

"Why don't you eat people?"

Li Fan could not help but ridicule.

"Human flesh is not delicious."

The dragon girl shook her head. "It's sour."


Li Fan didn't know what to say, "Have you ever eaten?"

"Yeah, for a while, not just me, everyone was eating."

The Dragon Girl laughed, "Isn't everything food for you human beings? Do you say, do you have nothing to eat? Even if you don't, I can eat it, I stand on the food chain Top of the list. "


Li Fan laughed, "We don't eat shit."


The Dragon Girl was eating a piece of pork belly, and when she heard that, she almost did not spit it out.

"Asshole! You're too bad!"

"It's you who is bad in character."

Li Fan held his arms and leaned on the chair. "I'm a very good student."

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