My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1076: Second round of testing

1076 Second round test

"Well, you want to be my apprentice, you need to test it."

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan with a scornful look, "You are too far away! Shang Fang's sword is not what you want!"

With that said, the Dragon Girl reached out her hand, and a golden sword appeared in her hand, and she was patted on the table.

Li Fan was taken aback. This is a Shangfang sword?

Wasn't it put in Liu Xiaowan's home in g city, how come here?

"This Shangfang sword was originally made with my dragon scales."

The Dragon Girl saw Li Fan's doubts, "As long as I call, it will come at any time."

"What is this, spell?"

"It's instinct!"

The Dragon Girl answered Li Fan's question, "I'm the last Dragon Girl in the world, so I need to eat and drink!"

"Inconceivable ..."

Li Fan is still a bit puzzled. Does Dragon Girl or anything really exist? Although there was a living one before him, Li Fan still didn't believe it.

"You continue to eat, let me answer for you, Lord Dragon Girl."

The general saw that the Dragon Girl was a little angry, and he explained it to Li Fan.

"In Huaxia, thousands of years ago, there were more holy beasts."

"There are monsters."

The Dragon Girl added.

"Yes, there are monsters. At that time, in the Chinese land, monsters were rampant, and human beings were still very weak. So they worshiped the holy beast and asked the holy beast to protect human safety."

The general regards these legends as many treasures, "The famous sacred beast at that time was the Quartet sacred beast, that is, the blue dragon and white tiger Suzaku basalt, and the twelve sacred beast, which is also known as the zodiac. Later, the sacred beast expelled the monster together with humans. The human beings became determined, and decided to possess the power of the Holy Beast. Their intention was discovered by the Holy Beast, and the war between the human and the Holy Beast began. "

"This story is not new."

Li Fan patted his thigh. "It's not the first time I've encountered a typical cross-river demolition!"

"Listen to me."

The general knew that Li Fan was taunting, and he interrupted Li Fan and continued.

"At that time, the holy beasts were continuously slaughtered, and humans made them into terrible weapons for use. The four holy beasts fled to other places with some rare holy beasts, and the twelve holy beasts could not escape. , Stay. "

The general has been watching the little white pigs eating food next to them. "They are attached to a human tribe in order to survive. In order to protect the holy beast, the tribe fought with other humans, suffered heavy casualties, and ended up in exile. At this time, one person Occupied, he was willing to protect the tribe, so the twelve holy beasts chose a dragon girl to train this human. "

"This is the Shangfang sword?"

Li Fan was a little confused. "No, Shangfang sword, didn't it appear in the Han Dynasty?"

"Indeed, it was because of the Han Dynasty that Shang Fangbaojian officially cooperated with the steward. Before that, it was a unique organization."

The general continued to explain, "The first generation of Shangfang swords led the twelve sacred beasts and repelled other tribes under the training of the Dragon Girl. Since then, the swords of Shangfang sword have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to this day. The sword will be taught by the Dragon Girl. "

"In other words, have you lived for thousands of years?"

Li Fan was surprised to look at the dragon girl who was eating and drinking.


The Dragon Girl poked her mouth and spit out a chicken bone, showing a bad look.

"The Dragon Girl was long gone. I was later."

"Can you ... be more elegant?"

Li Fan could not help but vomit.

"Do you still need to be elegant to eat! Eating is the most uncivilized behavior!"

The Dragon Girl said without hesitation, "All animals eat, don't they?"

"That's true."

Li Fan nodded. "So, you are an animal puppet."

"Little reptile, I am the most sublime existence! I am a dragon girl!"

"Then you turn into a dragon and show me."

Li Fan laughed.


As Li Fan expected, the Dragon Girl was silent.

"Li Fan, you are too presumptuous!"

The general couldn't help reprimanding Li Fan, "Can't do that! Lord Dragon Girl is different from other sacred beasts, she can't be restored to life!"

"Oh? Is that true?"

Li Fan was obviously not convinced, but at this moment, there was a roar behind him.

"Boy, how dare you be rude to Lord Dragon Girl!"

When Li Fan looked back, he saw a two-meter-high bald man standing behind him, with dark skin and a strong figure, looking very angry.

"Dude, who are you?"

"No. 3, don't pretend!"

The general shouted, and Li Fan knew the identity of the other side. Number three, sorted by zodiac sign, should be Yinhu, right?

"General, this guy is too presumptuous! How dare he take such an attitude towards Lord Dragon Girl! He will not understand without teaching him!"

"Three, are you going to disobey!"

"General, I will come to take charge later, but now I will teach this **** first!"

The brave man could not control his anger anymore, and the general glanced at Loli sitting next to him, and seemed to want her to stop No. 3.

The white tiger with a dazzling eye jumped behind No. 3, and it roared, shaking the room.


Li Fan smiled, "Really let out a tiger."

"Idiot, this is a holy beast!"

No. 3's temper was obviously not good. He reached out and touched the king character above the tiger's head.

"Yin Hu, unlock the seal!"

No. 3 ordered, and the white worm roared, and his body suddenly began to swell. The big tiger, which had been two meters long, has grown into a monster that is more than three meters long! It was also covered with silver steel armor, like a steel giant.

"Stop him, twelve!"

"I know, it's troublesome."

Little Loli sighed, and she kicked the little white pig eating next to her.

"Unlock the seal."

The little white pig snorted twice, his body suddenly began to shrink, but his head kept expanding.

After a while, a huge pig's head floated and floated in the air. And its body, hands and feet are reduced to a small version, almost invisible.

"Pork head meat also looks delicious."

The dragon girl's words scared the little white pig into panic.

"Get that tiger away."

Loli gave a command, and then the huge pig head turned around, staring at the steel tiger with blue light in his eyes.

The steel tiger also glowed white, and then flew up, waving his claws in the air.

"Twelfth, which side are you on?"

Strong man scolded.

"You control me."

On the twelfth my own way.

"Forget it, let him come."

The Dragon Girl seemed very eager to see the lively look. "Let me check, too, is this kid qualified to become a Shangfang sword."

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