My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1085: I want to sleep dragon girl

1085 I want to sleep Dragon Girl

a meal! I ate 120,000 in a meal!

Even though Sun Liang was ready psychologically, he couldn't help but feel some pain!

120,000, can be packed for a few days! He must come back ruthlessly ... one night ... no, one month!

Sun Liang thought so well, and the dragon girl in front of her put down the empty plate and asked again.

"Okay, I've been full for seven minutes, is there any dessert after dinner?"

Sun Liang's cheeks twitched, but since everything was eaten to the other side, it wasn't that bad. But you ca n’t give her nothing for nothing!

"Of course I do, dear Miss Dragon Girl."

Sun Liang said, "I have some delicious desserts at home. Would you like to come over and eat them?"


The Dragon Girl had no doubt at all and thought Sun Liang was very kind.

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"

"Okay, Miss Dragon Girl, please here."

Sun Liang is overjoyed, it seems to be happy tonight!

What wealth and happiness can be compared to the Chinese New Year's Eve!

Sun Liang endured the heat in his heart. He is now a good hunter waiting for his prey to hook up, waiting for the dragon girl to jump into his trap.

Two people drove to the villa of Sun Liang's house.

"The steak is delicious, so let Fan Fan come and take me often."

While entering the villa, the Dragon Girl muttered.

"Miss Dragon Girl, I have prepared a candlelight dinner."

Sun Liang brought the Dragon Girl to the table. He had prepared the pastry in advance and placed it on the table. There were three candles beside it.

The Dragon Girl frowned, "Why don't you turn on the lights? It's inconvenient to eat so dark!"


Sun Liang was speechless for a while, this loli seemed too young, as if she didn't feel the feelings at all!

But it doesn't matter, as long as she touches her Ruyi water, no matter what kind of chastity virgin she is, she must obey her!

There was a huge three-layer cake on the table, and the sweet creamy taste had drooled the dragon girl.

Before Sun Liang turned on the light, the Dragon Girl had cut a large piece of cake and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Eat slowly ... we can also drink red wine to help ..."

Sun Liang suggested.

"Okay, you can."

As for what to eat, the Dragon Girl is always coming!

Sun Liang snapped his fingers, and the servant immediately brought a bottle of red wine and poured it on the two.

Sun Liang glanced at the servant, and the servant nodded.

"Come, try the red wine I have here, which I have collected in the cellar myself, the finest Bordeaux."


Sun Liang was dumbfounded. With this pouring of wine, the Dragon Girl had eliminated a layer of cake.

Is this the speed of eating ... too exaggerated!

Sun Liang pressed his forehead, forget it, it doesn't matter if you can eat it, you can do it! But this girl is also peculiar. She can eat so much that she is not fat at all. She is very slender, with a standard loli figure, which makes Sun Liang a little hard to control.

Tonight, be sure to refresh yourself! After all, it's hard to come across this superb product!

Thinking of this, Sun Liang was a little excited, and couldn't wait to push Luoli, who was so happy in front of him.

But the time is still immature. When she drinks, she will leave it to her.

"Don't just eat, drink something to your appetite."

Sun Liang pushed the red wine in front of her again.


The Dragon Girl doubted him, picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine in it.

"It's delicious!"

The dragon girl held the glass, "Give me another glass ... forget it, give it to me!"

The Dragon Girl took the bottle and blew it directly.

In Sun Liang's shocked eyes, she drank all this bottle of red wine!

Although it is only red wine, it has stamina. Drinking so much in one breath, Sun Liang felt that he would not need this Ruyi water anymore!

But the dragon girl drank a whole bottle and nothing happened, and continued to eat her cake calmly.

"Okay, is it delicious?"


The Dragon Girl nodded while licking the cream on her lips. "It's too little, just another one!"

"So, aren't you sleepy?"

"Am I the kind who gets sleepy when I'm full!"

The dragon girl immediately emphasized, "Not to mention, I'm not full!"

Sun Liangjiu was speechless, he glanced at his servant. The servant quickly shook his head and motioned for the medicine.

This is impossible!

Sun Liang pondered for a long time, this Ruyi water can even bring down an elephant, not to mention a little little loli?

"I'm thirsty, are there any drinks?"

The dragon girl ate a little bit dry.

"You drink this."

Sun Liang took out the Ruyi water from which the brand had been ripped off, and put a whole bottle in front of the dragon girl. He has used this Ruyi water many times, and tried Bailing, no problem!

The Dragon Girl did not hesitate to drink this bottle directly.

"It tastes good."

The dragon girl licked her lips. "You have a lot of delicious food! I will come here often."

Sun Liang didn't know what to say, he was very embarrassed now.

After drinking a whole bottle, the dragon girl still sat calmly and continued to eat the cake, without any abnormal appearance.

It may be a bit slow.

Sun Liang could not bear the attack, waiting for the effect of Ruyishui to attack.

After the dragon girl had eaten the whole cake, she licked her fingers, and still sat there well, with nothing at all.

"Thank you for your dedication. It's delicious. I'm full now, so I'll be back home, and come back next time!"

The Dragon Girl touched her little belly and got up and left.


Sun Liang hurriedly stopped her.

"what's wrong?"

The Dragon Girl turned her head and looked at Sun Liang strangely, not knowing what else he would do.

"Any other fruit or something after dinner? Really sensible, take it out together."


Sun Liang is completely speechless, isn't this a joke! How do you do it now? Since wine doesn't work, it seems that it should be hard!

"Eat me so much, it took me so much, and want to leave now?"

Sun Liang showed his true colors. With a wave of his hand, several bodyguards stopped in front of the dragon girl.

"Ah? What else do you want?"

The Dragon Girl has not responded yet, looking at Sun Liang. The kind-hearted person who just invited her to dinner just now, how could it be so fierce in the blink of an eye?

"Well, if you don't sleep, don't want to go anywhere!"

"Well, you want to sleep with me?"

The Dragon Girl was a little surprised. "But there is no relationship between people and Dragon, so I'm sorry."

"Nonsense, hold her down for me!"

Sun Liang yelled at it, and several bodyguards made a fool of the tiger, rushing directly over and holding the dragon girl.

But as soon as the dragon girl reached out, she grabbed a one-meter-nine-tall bodyguard and threw it out.

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